A familiar face

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WARNING may contain slight language!Read at your own risk!
This is if Peeta and Katniss hadn't seen each other for over a year and both have tried to ignore the past and each other. It begins with Peeta in the hospital after he slipped and cut his forehead.
(Peeta's POV)
I sit down in the waiting room with a cloth held to the deep gash on my forehead. The cloth is turning an unpleasant shade of red from the blood seeping from the open wound. It happened only an hour ago when I slipped on the ice just outside my house and banged my head hard on one of the steps up to my house. Now I sit here in the waiting room of district 12's newest clinic. Everyday in the past year has been the same. Wake up, eat, bake,eat,paint,sleep filled with nightmares. I haven't been doing too bad other than interrupted sleep, flashbacks. I haven't seen Katniss either other than the quick glimpse of her leaving her house. She must have moved on, found a life with Gale and learned to forget about the past. Well I know that's not entirely true as I have many times woken to her faint scream coming in through the window at night. The games is not something we can move on from, it's scared into our memory. Suddenly I'm interrupted by the sound of my name
"Mr Mellark?"
I perk up a bit and look at the nurse behind the desk who continues now that she has my attention
"The nurse In room 3 will see you now"
I nod and get up from my chair and walk down the hallway until I reach the door with a three marked on it. I knock lightly and open the door. Inside lies a examination table, a trolley of "tools" and then in the corner lies a desk with a computer and a stack of documents. The nurse is sitting at the desk facing her back to me and is typing quickly. Without turning to me she says sweetly
"Please sit down on the table"
I do as she says. For some reason I feel as if I recognise her voice. My hand that is not pressing the cloth to my forehead begins to shake. Doctors make me uneasy after the Capitol. But Haymitch insisted that I come get the wound looked at. Suddenly the sound of typing stops and the nurse says turning to face me while saying
"Hi. Sorry I took a minute, I'm Dr. Everdeen"
It takes me a minute to realise I'm looking right into the eye of Katniss. Katniss Everdeen. My love. She's changed so much. Her hair is shorter, hardly past her shoulders and her face has become brighter as if it regained the light it lost during the rebellion. We spend a minute just staring at each other until she instantly breaks a smile
I can't help but smile myself at the way her eyes sparkle with almost excitement
"Hi Katniss"
I say back. She laughs a bit before saying
"How are you? Other than why you're here of course"
She's changed so much from the Katniss I once knew. She glows with happiness and joy of living. I feel warm inside that she is happy but the smallest part of me is cold that I'm not the one who made her feel that way.
"I'm fine"
I say simply. She nods still smiling but then asks
"So what can I do for you?"
I remove the cloth from my forehead to show her the wound. She pulls her chair over to me and puts it up higher so she's face to face with me. I feel my breathing get faster and faster as she places a hand on my head and gently uses her thumb to stretch the wound. She pulls a small light from her pocket and looks at the cut carefully before pushing back a bit so there is just less than a metre between us. She says resting her elbows on her knees
"It's quite deep so it may need stitches, the good thing is that there doesn't seem to be any sign of infection which is usually the case with open wounds like that. Do you feel any dizziness or any symptoms that may be indicating blood loss?"
I look at my feet as my hands tremble even more.
"You sure because you are shaking a lot"
She remarks. I shake my head and avoid eye contact with her before saying
"That's because of the atmosphere in the hospital and because I haven't seen you in over a year"
She becomes serious then and tries to ignore my remark on being nervous around her and leans back in her chair
"You still haven't overcome your fear of hospitals"

I still haven't overcome my love for you either

I look at Katniss to find a stunned look on her face. Oh shit did I just say that out loud?
"Katniss I'm sorry I......"
She just says quietly
"I'm just gonna begin stitching"
And with that she walks out of the room. Oh my god Peeta!!!!What the hell are you doing!!!!I think to myself. I feel embarrassed for letting that slip from my mouth. She comes back a moment later with a small kit in hand. She stands in front of me and opens the box. First she takes out a needle filled with an orange liquid. I flinch. Katniss must notice because she places her warm hand over mine and says
"It's okay, this is just a numbing serum, as soon as I push the plunger you won't feel anything at all okay?"
I nod. She takes my hand in hers and uses her other hand to guide the needle just over the cut. I close my eyes shut and feel a reassuring squeeze from my hand in Katniss'. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain above the cut and bite down on my lip. A second later the pain is overridden by numbness. I open my eyes and Katniss smiles
"See that wasn't so bad"
I nod as she places the needle back and pulls out the little needle that looks almost like a sewing needle to sew the stitches. The whole time it's painless. I stare into Katniss' eyes as she concentrates carefully on the task in hand. At the end she pulls the needle away and rubs her fingers gently over the now closed wound.
She pulls away slightly. Then she quickly hands me a piece of paper with a date next week to come get the stitches removed. Just as I am about to open the door I turn to her and say
"Katniss I'm truly sorry about what I said earlier and how I've ignored for the past......"
Before I can finished I'm interrupted by her lips crashing against mine. For a second I just stand there shocked but I soon ease into the kiss and wrap my arms around her waist as she slides hers securely around my neck. When we pull our lips apart she presses her forehead to mine and whispers
"I'm sorry too. But all I have ever wanted you to do is stay with me because I need you in my life. It's been over the last year that I've learned while trying to distract my self that I can't run from my feelings. I got this job as a distraction. But I can't go on for the rest of my life regretting blocking you out, we both blocked each other out. But I can't go on like this.....alone . So Peeta Mellark please promise me that this time be honest. Will you stay with me?"
He whispers back with a smile

"Always Katniss and I mean it this time.......Always"

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