Un-boxing the past

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I walk down the stairs to find Peeta on the couch. He's daydreaming, staring blankly at the television. I smile a little as I watch him. His blue eyes sparkle as the sunlight entering through the window reflects onto them, causing them to shimmer like the water of the ocean. His face is peaceful as I approach him. He doesn't notice me until I sit beside him. My hand lands lightly on his only for a few moments later to meet his, our fingers curling around one another's to lock tightly. I tell him, looking at him

"I'm going to clean out the spare room today. Will you come help me?"

There's one spare room upstairs and for 5 years now it has just been filled with boxes of things that haven't found any other place to go. I have meant to do as the years went on but never actually got around to it. But now that Annie and Finn are coming to district 12 next week I have no choice considering there's nowhere else for them to go. It's great to finally have an accuse to clean up that place. Peeta smiles softly and plants a kiss on my cheek. He replies

"Sure. Let's go"

I nod. He stand up and pulls me to my feet with his hand that hasn't yet slipped away from mine. We walk up the stairs, Peeta before me. When he pushes the door open there is a squeaking sound, really showing that it's been years since it was even opened. We both walk in. The room isn't much different, still fully furnished. Just really dusty and dark. Boxes are sitting in every corner, it's like a maze. Peeta walks into a box on the floor causing a explosion of dust into the already unfiltered filthy air. I begin to cough. Peeta says hoarsely as the dust clogs the air


I hear his footsteps moving around the room and then suddenly light fills the room as he whips away the light bedsheets we had hung over the window. This doesn't help but only spreads more dust into the air until there is another creaking sound of rust and then he opens the window. It's still dusty but much better. The air is slowly filtering itself, my coughing is dying down. Peeta comes over and past my back until I stop and regain my breath. When I stop he smiles and says

"You done choking on dust?"

I laugh and give him a light playful push. I go sit on an old armchair and tell him

"I'll start on this side, you start over there"

He nods and kneels before a box. The next hour goes by slowly. Most of the stuff ends up to be trash, like old rags that were once clothes and broken items that weren't thrown away. I find old books that used to sit on the shelves downstairs. After a while I have gone through most of the boxes I find a stack of paper on the floor.

 After a while I have gone through most of the boxes I find a stack of paper on the floor

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When I pick them up I realise their letters. Wrapped in a bundle by a short brown string. I don't recognise them as my own.  I undo the string slowly and sit the bundle in my hand. So many letters. I flick through them. There must be at least 30. I am then startled by Peeta's voice behind me


I shove the letters behind me as I turn to him, so they are out of him sight.


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