Thanksgiving (Part 3)

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"Thanksgiving (Part 2)"

I STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU READ THAT FIRST OR SKIP THIS OR ELSE YOU WILL BE VERY LOST!.....For anyone who has read part 1 and part 2 I apologize you had to listen to that. ENJOY!



We all make our way into the dining room. The table is beautifully set, just as me and Peeta made it last night. A beautiful wine cloth with gold thread pattern that I had sewn onto it, plates piled up with delicious meals, fine wine glasses, golden napkins beside every plate, silver cutlery laid neatly in line, candles spread down the table and a huge turkey sits in the centre of the table. We call down the kids and sit them in at the smaller table before giving them their dinner. All of them don't protest other than Finn. He argues quietly with Annie until Finnick steps in and hands him $10 bill. After that Finn is quiet and nods before he walks out of the room without another word. Finnick winks at me and says

"Always works"

I laugh. Annie just shakes her head in disapproval but is failing to supress a smile. As we all go to take a seat Annie says to me quietly

"He's lost about $50 using that 'method' of his"

I laugh once again before sitting down next to Peeta. Everyone else take their seats at the table before filling their plates as do we. Gale leaves the table for a moment and comes back minute later with a bottle of red wine in his hand. He smiles and says

"Anyone for red wine?"

Peeta goes into the kitchen and comes back with a few different kinds of wine both white and red. I settle for water of course along with Johanna while everyone else has a glass of wine. Johanna says once everyone is tucking into their meals

"I'll have vodka if there's any"

Everyone grins while Gale says seriously

"Absolutely NOT"

That causes everyone to let out a laugh. I then begin to eat my food. I have mashed potato, turkey and stuffing, gravy and vegetables. Everyone begins to talk to each other. I ask Haymitch and Effie

"So what was district 7 like?"

They have been in district 7 for the last 2 weeks. I haven't been there in 7 years but the scenery there is breathtaking. Effie says

"Oh it was amazing Katniss! We stayed in a huge cabin in the middle of the forest which was not the plan but you know he's always surprising at these trips!"

She places on his that sits on the table and he holds it in his. He plants a kiss on her cheek and she giggles. I find it extremely gross but choose to ignore it. Haymitch says

"It was great though... You both should go sometime"

I tell him when I notice Peeta isn't listening and is instead speaking to Johanna

"I would within the next few months but I have been told I'm not allowed go to the woods within the next 5 months without 'parental supervision'"

I gesture to Peeta. Effie laughs and says

"I think he's just trying to protect you and the baby Katniss not trying to give you cabin fever"

I shrug my shoulders and laugh. Everyone compliments the food and I say

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