Not giving up (Part 3)

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WARNING! THIS IS A CONTINUATION OF "Not giving up (Part 2)"!!!!! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU READ THAT FIRST OR SKIP THIS!!!!!......If you have read it sorry you had to listen to that....ENJOY!
I enter the room with caution and shut the door behind me before examining my surroundings. The room is a perfect white shade on the walls and as Haymitch told me there is only one way glass so the doctors are out of sight. I can feel their eyes on me, their pens at the ready to scribble down every movement he makes. I almost feel sorry for him but my fear of him overrides it.  My eye soon settle on him after looking around the room. He sits in the once empty chair with his hands cuffed and sitting on the table in front of him. I make my way slowly across the room to my seat, each step sounds louder than the other. I finally sit down at the small table. Peeta's eyes haven't come off me since I entered the room. The blue shimmering pupils I have longed for are gazing at me as take my seat in front of him. The next minute moves by slowly with Peeta just staring at me as if waiting for me to say something. But I don't, I'm too lost in my head, in his eyes.His deep blue eyes that I could only gaze at for a thousand years. Suddenly the voice of Dr. Prior comes into my ear
"Ms Everdeen we're waiting"
She sounds impatient. I take a deep breath ready to begin speaking but then hear him say my name
I look up as he says
"You came?"
I reply uncertain
I'm confused at why he sounded so surprised when I came. He continues breaking eye contact with me
"They said you were coming, I just couldn't bring myself to believe it"
I nod. Dr. Prior speaks in my earpiece again
"Start off simple Katniss. Simple things"
I give a slight nod in obedience and clear my voice before asking him
"How have you been?"
He says
"Good I guess. I'm on a lot of medication and had a lot of blood removed..."
Before he continues I cut him off softly
"I meant you mentally. The real you"
He gives me a quick discreet smile before returning to his emotionless expression. This is when I realise he knows. He knows we're being watched, he knows what this is for. And for the first time I understand why he also made no effort to talk. He knows what they are doing. Though he answers me now saying softly
"I'm okay. Shaken up as we all are and I know there's nothing to do about it so.."
I nod. I know the comversation is going well yet my heart is still racing. Dr. Prior speaks again
"Okay Katniss I think we're ready to begin properly now. I want you to talk to him about his family"
His family. I know hardly anything about his family. I say the first thing that comes to my head whilst looking at the table
"You must really miss your family"
I feel a pang of guilt the second the words leave my mouth. I finally see how horrible it is, trying to trigger his hell. I bring myself to look at him and see more than one thing in his eyes and his expression. Hurt. Betrayal. Realisation. And I can't help but feel regret as I go over in my head what I have just done (reaction in pic). Soon enough my actions begin to take affect the way predicted and His expression then begins to take an Evil turn. He begins to stare hard at the table before muttering through gritted teeth
"They're dead.....they're dead because of you"
I feel my heart race even more than before. I say to him
"Peeta that's not true, I would never....."
But he interrupts me
"Yes you would. You would cause your a mutt. A stinking mutt who kills everything and everyone in their path....."
I shake my head while I hear in my earpiece
"Katniss you need to get out of there"
I ignore her and tell him
"Peeta listen to me I know you're in there somewhere..."
I'm trying to reach him but failing. I'm losing him by the second. His eyes have now hardened into a full black colour and he's pulling at his hands that remain strongly cuffed. I hear in my earpiece again with Dr. Prior using a much more angered tone now
"Katniss Get Out Of There NOW "
I know I should listen to her but I can't bring myself to leave him like this. I can't let myself give up on him. Suddenly I can't take it anymore and rip the earpiece from my ear just as she yells my name again and throw it at the wall where it shatters into pieces. Get out she said. That's what I should do. But I don't. Instead I grab his hands tightly and say to him almost strictly

"I know you're in there Peeta. I want you to fight it okay. Fight It"

He's trembling violently before me and his eyes are squeezed tightly shut while he says in a pained voice

"I can't....I'm sorry Katniss........"

His hands that I am clutching are now in tight fists. I'm Not Giving Up. I can feel him slipping completely into the darkness of his mind. And I know I have to pull him out of it before its too late. I do something I haven't done in months, I press my lips to his. And for this moment I feel it again. The hunger for him, the want for more, the need for more. Its as if I have suddenly returned to the beach in the quell, the moment after he was revived, the cave......Its as if I am reliving all these moments at once. All the moments where our lips have touched are combined into one minute. One minute is all it wasneeded  to reunite us. No it didn't fully mend us but it brought us together. And with that we were able to mend each other. And I guess that's what got us to where we are today. After that moment we convinced the doctors to take him off all medication and to send him home. He doesn't need medication nor drugs to keep himself contained. He needs me as I need him. From there things got better for all of us. Haymitch quit drinking and him and Effie found something between them, District 12 was rebuilt and made a huge factory dedicated to finding cures to many diseases and All of our fellow victors found happiness in their lives. As for me and Peeta we found happiness too, in our lives with each other. Our relationship quickly rebuilt and I realised how much I love Peeta and how much I need him. It made me see that sometimes falling in love doesn't have to be at first sight or a big romantic roller-coaster or anything like that. I fell for Peeta in a different way, slowly than all at once and in my opinion that's a rollercoaster. Life is great these days. Its spend with Peeta. Of course all is not perfect and Peeta still has the occasional flashback but I help him through it like he helps me throughout the nightmares that have never come to an end. But we have learned that these are things that shall never change and have finally come to accept them and appreciate what we have that is good in our lives. But when Peeta tells me to keep away from him through his time of a flashback I always refuse and tell him

"No we protect each other"

And he replies

"We protect each other"

And we do................It helps us to Not Give up

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