Not giving up (Part 1)

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Katniss's POV

I am staring at the plain white walls of the living room when I hear a knock on the door. As I walk down the hall I wonder who it is. Haymitch has never been a person for knocking and besides I haven't seen him in weeks. I know he's alone though, probably spending his time drowning his sorrows in liquor. I consider it may be Sae but she usually just walks in knowing I don't really mind. Then I stop in my tracks with the door only a few steps away.

Could it be?......

No it couldn't be.........

But is it?

I'm a second away from finding out as I place my hand on the handle and push it down before pulling open the door to find


Part of me is disappointed yet the other is relieved. He looks well and seems sober and somewhat respectful. He wears clean clothes that most likely have sat at the back of his wardrobe since the victory tour and his hair looks clean. He says mannerly which is something very unfamiliar for Haymitch

"Hello Katniss"

And that's when I know something is very very wrong. My feet are frozen in their place on the floor but I force myself to move as I nod and step back, widening the door to allow him room to step inside before gently shutting it again. I lead him into the dining room and he takes a seat while I go make some tea. I come back into the room a few minutes later with a tray of tea and a plate of biscuits. I then sit down across from him. He takes a sip of his tea before He looks at me and says

"I've got something to ask of you"

I nod as I take a sip of my tea. He clears his voice nervously and says

"You know why Peeta has been in the capitol for the last few months right? Treatment and all that"


The mention of his name sends my mind into a blur of memories flashing in front of my eyes. I then hear Haymitch say


It pulls me back to reality before the darkness of the nightmare swallows me into a terrifying world of my mind. I say quietly, my voice gone hoarse trying to choke down emotions


Haymitch looks a bit concerned at me for a moment before eventually letting it pass and taking a sip of his tea once more before continuing

"Well anyway, I have been talking to the doctors and they have said they have put him on medication and all that but haven't been able to properly test it as he only has flashbacks around you because...."

I feel my heart beat racing faster and faster as I begin to feel the uneasy tension build between the both of us as the conversation goes down a rough patch. I say

"Get to the point"

He lets out a shaky sigh before saying
"I'm gonna be straight with you Katniss and I want you to think hard before saying a word when I'm done understand?"

I nod as my hand begin to shake beneath the table. I grab a fistful of cloth from the edge of my shirt and squeeze it tightly as the nerves build up within me. Haymitch then says clearly and slowly allowing his each and every word to sink in

"In order to test his medication accurately they need you to go to the capitol and meet him to test his reaction"

They want me to go to the capitol. To Peeta. Who could kill me. Who will kill me if I go.

I can't....I CAN'T GO BACK. I CAN'T FACE HIM AGAIN. NOT AGAIN. NO. I feel my hands shaking more violently beneath the table and I am suddenly finding it harder to breath. My eyes sting with tears and I feel the tremors in my hands spread throughout my body. Haymitch says


I say almost in a whisper though I struggle to even get it out

"I can' can't go back......."

I pant for breath and clutch the table. My hard is pounding as images flash by my eyes causing me to let out a scream. I find myself getting up from the table and running. Just as I am halfway up the stairs I lose my footing and fall. I feel my forehead bash against the Wooden step yet I do not feel any pain yet am numb to it. I try to stand up before black spots take over my vision.
I wake up still in darkness yet a throbbing pain coming to me as the numbness has faded. I open my eyes slowly as the brightness is blinding yet it's not, it only feels that way. I take in my surroundings slowly as just tilting my head causes a searing pain across my upper head. I realise I'm in my room. My eye catches Haymitch sitting in the corner. He doesn't notice I'm awake. He's sitting on a small armchair talking in a hushed tone on his phone. My head continues to throb in pain so I close my eyes I take a moment to listen what Haymitch is saying

"She won't go, I told you. She's still unconscious anyway. I told you how badly she panicked. We can't force her"

I hear the faint response of someone on the other line but can't seem to make out what they say. Next Haymitch replies

"I know that he might never get better without this medicine but this medicine isn't going to cure him completely either"

Peeta....They're talking about Peeta. Though I don't fully know what Haymitch is talking about but see what he's saying. That there is truly no cure to his hijacking. I've known this since the beginning, I just needed someone else to stop lying to me and know that I see the truth. That Peeta is far from reach, that regaining the old Peeta is not a possibility. He's gone. And hearing Haymitch state it in his words makes my realise that I'm not the only one who knows Peeta is far from grasp. Once again I hear yet another faint response. Haymitch then says his voice becoming slightly louder

"I know I know but come on you really think that the answer to all this is to leave them never see each other again?!"
I listen carefully to each and every word before coming to a horrible conclusion
If I don't do this I may never be able to see Peeta again. He would have to stay in the Capitol for his entire life, the place where he was tortured and made a piece of their games. He would have to live in hell for his entire life because of me.
I immediately know I can't let that happen. I try to sit up but moan as the pain in my head multiplies. I squeeze my eyes shut as the black spots begin to reappear. I hear Haymitch mutter a goodbye on the phone before getting up and coming over to me. I open my eyes just as He sits beside me and pushes my shoulders lightly so I lie back down. He then grabs a bag of ice sitting on the dresser and sits it on my forehead. He says

"You have a ugly old bump but you'll be grand. I'm guessing you have a headache and are dizzy considering you have it fine hit"

I blink my eyes instead of nodding. He says then

"You done doing stupid things now sweetheart? Did falling on the stairs teach you something?"

No, it didn't what I just heard did. I say to him

"What you said before, I'll do it....For Peeta"

For the boy with the bread

(When/If this gets over 5 votes I will post part 2)

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