First Day

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Her first day. It came so quickly, the years flew by faster than I could even process. I have always been told this would happen. That time is short, that she would grow in an instant and that it wouldn't belong until this day arrived. And now it's here. I don't think she is fully processing it, not fully thinking about the importance of this day, like me and Peeta are. This is her first step, the first step in her education, the first step in her life and her first step in the world without her parents right behind her. I don't doubt that she will not be okay, not for a second. I fear the future, the future about 6 or 7 years down the line. When she is introduced to the finer detailed history of Panem. The history in which Peeta and I are involved greatly. I know it's crazy to be thinking and fearing something so far off from. But how could I not fear it? How could any parent in my position not be scared, frightened and worried? It's not something that you can easily explain, without scaring her and making her fear things that are no longer a threat to our family nor Panem. Peeta says it will be okay, that we will deal with it when the moment arrives but I know Peeta. I've known him for the last 15 years and I know that the fear nudges him at the back of his mind also. I won't mention any of this today, of course. I don't want to make it any harder than it is, for Peeta or for me. Because the hardest thing for me today will be letting go. Letting my daughter enter the world, which of course is now a place of peace and equality for all the districts but it's opening her up to a place of danger also. The world is not all in happiness, there is still people who despise the new system. I know she will be safe, but this is something I can't stop fearing. I know soon I will be proven wrong, shown that she has been born into a better place than where I lived for the start of my life. It's a better world now.
I moan as I hear what starts as a soft beep but soon turns into a blaring noise in my ear that forces Peeta out of bed before I do. I hear him approach my side of the bed and only moments after that do I hear in my ear

"I'm going to go wake Willow"

I sit up to look at him. My sleepy eyes take a moment to focus on him but when they do I say in a whisper

"I'll go wake Rye"

He nods. He plants a quick kiss on my forehead before walking out of the room. I swing my legs out the side of the bed and stand. I grab my dressing gown from the hook on the bathroom door and put on over my nightgown. I make my way down the hall and into my son's room. A small glow of sunlight is coming through the curtains, making the furniture visible in the room. I go over and slowly pull open the curtains and allow the morning light to flood in and fill the room. I walk over to his crib and look upon Rye, my beautiful 2 year old boy. He lays peacefully asleep beneath his blankets, I feel bad having to wake him up. I stroke his cheek with my finger and whisper


Exactly what I did the second he was placed in my arms after he was born. Peeta and I were crying tears of joy. Just an hour before had we been debating names and then there he was. Peeta said as soon as he saw him Rye. I knew immediately that would be his name and repeated it as I stroked his cheek as I am doing now. His eyes flutter open to look at me, those beautiful deep blue eyes looking up at me. The ones he inherited from his father. He stretches his fingers before holding out his hands, reaching for me. I lift him into my arms and sit him on my hip. He is still very sleepy, his head resting on my shoulder, his hands holding a fistful of the collar of my gown. I say softly

"Good Morning Rye"

I change him before bringing him with me downstairs. He seems more alert by then, starting to use his baby language to talk to me. I smile and nod along, like I understand. When we get downstairs I place him in his high chair and Peeta offers to feed him while I go assist Willow. Peeta tells me all is well so far, she got up very excited and was finished eating in a flash. I'm relieved, I know if she was nervous it would only make me fear more than before. I make my way upstairs and outside Willow's room. I give a light knock before entering. And then I see her, My Willow sitting before her vanity mirror in her school uniform. She looks at me once I enter, a huge grin stuck on her face. She stands up and says holding her skirt at the corners and curtsying

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