Not giving up (Part 2)

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WARNING! THIS IS A CONTINUATION OF "Not giving up (Part 1)"!!! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU READ THAT FIRST BEFORE READING THIS OR SKIP THIS!.....Anyone who did read the last one apologies for interrupting and I'm so sorry that this has been posted late but I'm sick and feel really horrible so I couldn't get the Time to post any earlier. Please forgive me and now....ENJOY!


I hold my bag tightly as the driver opens the door for me. I place my foot on the pavement and gently push myself out of the car. It takes me a moment to balance myself on my heels. I am also dressed in a grey slimming dress down to my knees along with a black coat and a scarf. I also have a slight bit of makeup on. I'm wearing all of this under protest of course but apparently I am still well known in the Capitol according to Effie so she arranged for two stylists to meet me on the train. Unfortunately they were strangers and not my actual stylists from the games. In a way I didn't mind, it gave me the opportunity to let everything settle in on the way. And now I'm here. In the Capitol.
It's hardly recognisable. I've seen it in so many different ways. Crazy busy and a burst of colour before I went into the quell, a destroyed ghost town during the rebellion and now this, this normal city that is no longer bustling with people. The place is unrecognisable from what it once was. The streets aren't full, Haymitch says he's heard it's always like this after the population was halved towards the end of the rebellion. I am exhausted right now as I couldn't sleep last night dreading today. Haymitch has now gotten out of the car and is standing next to me. He says

"A lot has changed here..."

But it hasn't. Its just lost its....personality, no longer crazy colourful but glum as death hangs above the city and forever will as long as the rebellion is in memory. I follow behind Haymitch as we walk into the hotel.
I throw my bag on the leather couch in my room. Haymitch booked a room next door to me as he doesn't exactly trust that I can take care of myself at 18 years old. My room is very similar to the room I stayed in before the quell. I go into the bathroom and scrub my face clean of the layers of makeup. I then find myself looking at my true self in the mirror. My scarred face is now revealed and once again I look like myself. If that's a good thing I don't know anymore.....
The next hour passes by slowly as I attempt eating a bowl of cereal but after one spoon I am immediately turned off from it. I haven't eaten all morning considering I got up at 7 to get the train at 8. It's now 10 o'clock. Haymitch is calling back at 11 to drive me to the private hospital. Where Peeta is. I spend about 20 minutes staring at the clock awaiting the knock, awaiting the moment where I see Peeta and awaiting the moment that determines the future in our "friendship". I then force myself to distract myself for the next half an hour. I curl up on the couch and turn on a random channel on the projector. My eyes soon begin to droop and eventually shut. I wake up a hour later to a knock on the door. As I approach the door all I can think of Is what's about to happen and what is at stake between me and Peeta....

Our friendship..........


We are about to enter the ward in which we will meet Peeta's doctors before meeting Peeta himself. Just as I go to pull open the door Haymitch blocks my path with his hand. I turn to him before he says

"Good luck sweetheart"

I am so overwhelmed by what is ahead I can only respond with a silent nod before pushing open the door. I feel my palms become sweaty as I enter the ward. I allow Haymitch lead the way as I am suddenly weak. The floors are highly polished and bright lights hang above my head as Haymitch speaks to the woman at reception. I sit on the couch across the room and push my hands in my pocket. I then feel something in my left pocket. I pull it out to find a piece a string, about 6 centimetres long. I hold it in my hands and take a moment to close my eyes. I instantly find myself thinking back to the moment where Finnick offered me his rope which had helped him to stay sane when he missed Annie. That was the second time I fully respected Finnick Odair along with when he revived Peeta. I begin to tie the knots that Finnick taught me and slowly begin to calm myself, my hands steady and my body no longer weak. A few minutes pass before Haymitch comes over to me again. I tuck the string back in my pocket quickly before Haymitch notices. I stand up and follow him down a corridor until he stops in front of a room with a small glass plaque above the doorway with "MR1" engraved into it. Haymitch knocks before pushing open the door. We then walk in to find a huge long desk with several chairs at the top and bottom and along the sides. There is a projector at the other end of the room and white shutters blocking the view of the corridor I was just in. A group of doctors come over from the corner they were talking to each other in to greet us. They all shake our ands one by one and greet us briefly. We soon sit down before who must be the head doctor stands up in front of everyone. I begin to tie knots beneath the table as he nods toward the other doctors before they all leave the room. I guess they just wanted to welcome us, why I don't know. The head doctor then clears his voice before saying

"Hello, I'm Dr. Aurelius"

Dr. Aurelius? I look up and he gives me a small smile before saying

"Hello Katniss"

I Instantly feel a pang of guilt. All these months Dr. Aurelius has supposed to be treating me yet I have always ignored his advice and never picked up the phone. I know he has only been trying to help me yet I have never accepted it. I feel relieved that It's him who has been treating Peeta because I know that I can trust him not to lie to me. He clears his voice before continuing
"First of all I welcome you both here and thank you Katniss for agreeing to help us"
I want to thank him but am muted so just respond with a nod.
"As you know I have been studying Mr. Mellark's condition ever since he arrived in 13. I have spent the last few months attempting to find a cure by firstly removing the venom from his blood and then investigating some kind of medication that could possibly help him"
He folds his arms before continuing
"After we removed the tracker jacker venom from his blood we tested his reaction when we mentioned you. The results were surprising as we found out that once we removed the venom he was able to control himself much better yet not fully"
He pulls out a chair across from us and sits down before resuming
"We call them flashbacks. It's where the remainder of venom overrides his mind at a certain moment which causes him to be unable to contain himself."
Haymitch then says
"I thought you said you removed it?"
Dr. Aurelius nods before replying
"Most of it yes. Some is too deep in the blood and nearby the veins. Attempting to remove it would be putting his life at high risk, something I would not do to any of my patients"
He looks at me as if to ask me if I agree so once again I nod as I have lost the ability to speak. He then begins to speak directly to me
"Now Katniss what we need you to do is very simple. We need you to go into a room with Peeta, he will be strapped down for caution and we need you to have a conversation with him. This will help us determine if our medication is working"
He then places a small device on the table in front of me.
"This is your earpiece. We will tell you when to steer the conversation a different way so we can be sure to fully check if our medicine is successful."
He then leads me and Haymitch down another series of corridors. We are eventually in a huge white room with a number of chairs surrounding the view of one huge room with a table and two chairs. Dr. Aurelius introduces us to another doctor
"Katniss, Haymitch this is Dr.Prior she has been caring for Mr. Mellark and has been doing therapy sessions with him "
(For all you divergent fans!)
I shake her hand while she says
"It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Everdeen"
I give her a dame smile before she walks away and takes a seat next to some other doctors. I can't help but ask
"Who are they?"
"Just some doctors and nurses. They will be recording his reactions, blood pressure and heart rate during the whole thing"
I nod though honestly don't feel great at the thought of all these people watching me and Peeta yet that's why I'm here right? I am drawn away from my thoughts by Dr. Aurelius saying
"I'm gonna check if everything is set up and then we can begin"
I nod once again and he walks away. Another nurse then comes over and inserts the earpiece in my ear. Haymitch then stands in front of me before placing his hands in my shoulders though I look away. He says
I ignore him.
He repeats in serious tone that forces me to look at him
"You won't be able to see the doctors in there because it's one way glass. Forget they're here okay. It's just you and Peeta"
I smile at him gratefully knowing that he is not telling me everything is going to turn out perfect because it's not. He pats my back before walking over to take a seat. Dr. Aurelius then approaches me once more and asks
"Are you ready to go?"
I nod though I'm not nor will I ever be. Nothing could possibly prepare me for this moment. Prepare me to face Peeta Mellark once more. But it's not Peeta Mellark. It's hijacked Peeta. But maybe this medicine may work. Maybe Peeta can come back to me. Dr. Aurelius leads me down a small staircase and within a matter of seconds I am standing in front of a steel door.
"When your ready just go on in and he'll be in there"
Dr. Aurelius says before giving me a sympathetic smile and walking upstairs. I suddenly hear a noise in my earpiece before someone says
"Katniss it's Dr. Prior. He's in there, we're ready when you are"
I take a deep breath and place my fingertips in the handle before pushing it down and walking inside.
(When/if this reaches 10+ votes part 3 will be posted not long after it but not straight away because I'm sick and don't have much time to write. Thanks for reading!)

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