Christmas (Part 3)

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WARNING!!!!This one shot is a continuation of the previous one shot "Christmas (Part 2)"!!!I HIGHLY RECOMMEND READING THAT BEFORE READING THIS!! If you have read the last one...sorry you have. ENJOY!
Finnick and Peeta re enter the room a few minutes later carrying plates full of mouth watering meals. As soon as they have placed the plates on the table Finnick sits down beside Annie and Peeta takes his seat beside me. Just as we have begun to eat I see out of the corner of my eye Finn complaining to Finnick probably about sitting at the children's table once again. A few seconds later I see Finnick slip him $10 as he did at thanksgiving and Finn returns to his seat. Finnick must feel his eyes on him because he then glances at me. He grins, gives a slight shrug of his shoulders and says
I laugh and shake my head in disgust yet can't seem to wipe a smile off my face. I then continue to eat my food. Beneath the table about halfway through the meal I feel Peeta place his hand on my knee. I place mine over his and squeeze it lightly. I feel the pearl hung on my neck touching it's cold surface gently on my neck. It spreads a sense of comfort and happiness through my body to have it with me all the time now. The dinner was spend laughing, talking and eating. It's moments like this that I truly love, the moments in which I get to spend time with the people I love. During the dinner Annie says to me
"Katniss! I love your necklace! It's beautiful"
I smile and reply
"Thank you. Peeta gave it to me"
I glance at him and he smiles. After dinner Peeta brings out dessert which seems to be even more than the dinner. Treats are his strong point when it comes to baking and cooking so he likes to go all out on his desserts. All the kids have an ice cream cone as dessert except Finn who settles for the adults dessert menu. As soon as everyone is done we all move into the living room to prepare for opening presents. The children insist on opening theirs first. There is no taking turns in opening presents for them though it's just a case of ten minutes of madness as children scream in delight and rip off wrapping off of the boxes. We have a rule every year that only the godparents buy their godchildren presents and nobody else. It's the easiest way to sort out presents. Peeta and I are godparents of Finn and this year we got him a video game that he had been looking for. The look on his face as he opens the present tells us that our present picking was successful. He hugs us both and thanks us politely. He has always been such a pleasant and polite child. Willow then comes over to us yelling with joy.
"MUMMY! DADDY!!! Look what I got from Haymitch and Effie!!!"
She holds up a huge white polar bear teddy almost bigger than her. We both smile at her and gasp as if we are also excited. She loves animals and teddies so she is definitely loving this gift.
"That's great!"
Peeta says to her. She then smiles even more before running into Haymitch and Effie's open arms continuously thanking them. Matthew opens his present silently in the corner yet not realising that he is the last to open their gift and everyone is watching him. He takes the wrapping off the box with care as if the wrapping itself is valuable. Once his present is revealed he stops and then a small cute smile curls across his lips. He stands up with a bright red race car in his hands. He then runs over to Finnick and Annie and says in a soft quiet voice
"I got a race car! A red one!"
His eyes are filled with excitement as he hugs Johanna and Gale, his godparents. Johanna and Gale then open the gifts for the twins. Peeta and I are godparents to Jacob and Finnick and Annie to Jonathan. Finnick and Annie got Jonathan a few new bibs and some toys. Peeta and I got Jacob a new baby grow and a fluffy blanket along with a small blue teddy bear. The kids then run off to play with their things and Finn goes into the spare room with the TV to plug in his console to play his video game. We then finally get a chance to open our gifts. We have a tradition that every Christmas we do what we call our "Christmas Exchange". We pull names out of a hat for who is buying who a gift instead of everyone buying everyone a gift. It ends up being good fun with pranks pulled here and there.
"Okay let's start this thing before the twins wake up!"
Gale states with a laugh as we all sit on the couches in a circle. Annie asks
"Who's first up then?"
Finnick stands up and says with a mischievous grin on his face
"I'll go first. I was buying for Peeta"
He goes to get a present from under the tree. This will be good I think. That whole thing about pranks sometimes yeah, that's only and always Finnick Odair. He has never changed his ways in those kind of cases. He hands Peeta a gift bag. He reaches his hand in and looks inside before he starts roaring laughing. Everyone looks at him with a questioning looks except for Finnick who's also laughing. Peeta then pulls an apron from the bag and shows it to everyone. On the front in big bold writing is written
"This bakers got buns"
Everyone in the room is then in stitches for ten minutes. He then pulls out a huge set of paints from the bag. Peeta thanks Finnick before sitting back down. Finnick then says
"Me me next!!!"
Annie laughs and says
"You're like a two year old"
She gives him a playful slap and he sits down. I then stand up and grab his present from beneath the tree and hand it to Annie. She opens it to find a beautiful navy dress and silver heels. She hugs me and thanks me repeatedly so I assume she likes them. Annie gives Gale a suit which is very practical for his work and he seems very pleased. Johanna gets Effie a fur coat and she definitely loves it as she squeals when she sees it. Peeta gives Haymitch a new book and a new jacket just like Haymitch requested. He is satisfied I think as I see him smile which is very rare for Haymitch. Gale then hands me what must be my present which is two packages both quite big. I open the first one to find a jumper. It's black with
Written in the middle and down so that it will sit just on my bump is the words
"Mini me"
I laugh and glance at Gale with a smile while everyone else laughs. I then tear open then next present. It's a wooden box filled with new arrows for hunting. He still knows me as he did before, it's just we no longer see each other as often. I hug him and thank him gratefully before taking my seat once again. Finnick then gives Johanna her present. She rips off the wrapping to find a beautiful silver dress with a necklace. Johanna thanks him and laughs
"I could just imagine you going shopping for this"
Annie says humorously
"Just imagine!"
We all laugh. Johanna then gives Finnick his gift. He first pulls out a book. He reads out the title
"How to be funny for dummies"
Now everyone laughs even harder. It's the perfect gift for Finnick. He says
"Now that's harsh"
But a smile sits on his face. He then opens another small parcel to find a new watch which seems to satisfy him after the book. We then clean up all the wrapping and begin to settle down as the evening comes. The children go into one of the rooms to watch a movie whilst the girls and the boys spilt up. The boys sit in the dining room sipping on beers whilst the girls sit in the living room having champagne...well I stick with water. We talk about pregnancy and life and how much things have changed in our lives. It's fun either way with a laugh here and there and unfortunately before we knew it they had returned home for the night. Willow falls asleep as soon as everyone is gone so Peeta brings her to bed. We then curl up by the fire in silence yet both happy. I love Christmas and all occasions like this. Because It's these occasions that bring us together. They may be chaotic and ALOT to handle but I wouldn't trade what I have for the world. For it is not things I collect throughout life
But moments......

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