The Wedding

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Katniss POV
Today is the day
I keep telling myself as I rub the shampoo deep into my hair.
Today is the day I get married
I have spend the entire morning being thrown back and forth from people and the whole time in my mind have been trying to convince myself that this is really happening. That after 10 years I am being married to Peeta. My nerves have been taking effect all morning, with Peeta not around me to tame them. I was split from him last night, told I will see him soon. But to be honest splitting us apart may be tradition and all but it's not very great in our case. We protect each other, ward off the nightmares and cage each other in our arms for safety. But last night was different. I lay in our bed alone, with a cold spot beside me where Peeta's body lays every night. I was woken this morning by a grand entrance of Effie Trinket, who woke me up in a flash, recited her schedule and then ushered me into the shower.
Effie insisted on planning our wedding, as soon as she heard about or engagement she vowed that it was her duty and her responsibly to take this into her hands. Peeta and I didn't mind but we had to get a few things across that she had to stick to. Like the location, the guests and simple things like that. The wedding is not going to be big. Just our friends and families gathered in the meadow to watch us be married before them. Many of Effie's ideas we're politely turned down like her idea of a full Capitol meal after and getting to the meadow in a pink carriage. Her imagination had gone a little wild when she was given permission to plan today. But we did appreciate her suggestions, knowing that she couldn't help the crazy Capitol style and ways that have forever stayed in her mind. I climb out of the shower and wrap the towel around my body. I open the window slightly, allowing all the steam to exit out the window. I wipe the mirror so I can see myself. And for the first time in what has been years I don't look ta myself and list out my flaws. But instead I smile. Because the next time I see my reflection I will be connected to Peeta forever, vowed to be by his side. And married or not I would have done that anyway. Always


The next two hours are chaotic but still filled with excitement. From make-up to outfits everyone was occupied the entire morning with the wedding at 1 O'clock. My stylists came prepared and immediately went to work. They styled my hair an applied make-up to my face. When Effie was talking to us about my make-up a couple of months back I told her I wanted something very simple and foundation to cover my scars. That's when Peeta said that he wanted me to have no foundation. That night when I asked him why he said that he simply replies

"The scars made you who you are today, removing them would be hiding a part of you."

So I didn't protest against it. Octavia places the flower crown on my head. To fit our style of wedding Effie brought a small crown of pink daisies and flowers. My dress is simple, a plain white colour with some lace along the bottom. It does not go down to my knees as we didn't want the dress to get dirty. The dress design is based on my mum's dress which was too worn and torn for me to wear. The time flies past and soon enough I am standing outside the car and talking to Effie. She smiles and says

"We'll see you there"

I nod and climb into the car which drives me to the meadow. Where my love awaits.


As soon as I reach the meadow I am lead into a tent where everyone is getting ready. I am greeted by Effie. She hands me my bouquet of flowers, made up of lilacs and pink tulips. My bridesmaid are over in the corner, fixing each others dresses. My bridesmaids are Annie, Johanna and Hazel, All who have done so much for me over the past few years. The best-man is Finnick. Finn is our page boy and Johanna's daughter Teresa is our flower-girl. They are both standing over in the corner laughing whilst sitting on a blanket to protect their clothes getting grass stains. Effie stands in the middle of the small tent and says

"Okay everyone! It's time! Everyone out to the isle! Venia will be waiting there and tell you when to go! Bride stay here! Good luck everybody!!!!!!"

She sings her last line with pure excitement in her voice. As everyone leaves the tent they wish me luck and tell me I'm ready. But to be honest I'm not so sure. Effie leaves last and says

"I'll go get Haymitch ready"

I nod. She then smiles and places her hands on my shoulders

"I'm glad you finally found peace Katniss. Enjoy this day and Good Luck"

I smile and reply

"Thank you Effie"

She give me a quick hug then pulls away. She fixes my dress and sprays my hair with hairspray before leaving the tent. I peak out of a small tear in the tent. I see everyone talking but I can't seem to see Peeta. I can't help but feel nervous. I know I'm ready to dedicate my life to Peeta. But in front of people, I don't know why but the thought scares me.

"Are you doubting?"

I hear from behind me. I turn around to find Haymitch standing there in his suit. I reply

"No. Just nervous that's all"

I sit down on a bench. Haymitch takes a moment before sitting beside me. He says

"What's there to be nervous about?"

I hesitate before replying

"That I'm not good enough for him. That he deserves better"

He says

"I didn't mean what I said before..... That you could never deserve him. Because you do deserve him. You make him happy and that makes you deserve him more than anyone else. Remember that"

I look at him and give him a small smile before looking away again, messing with the ribbon wrapped around the flowers in my hand. He continues

"Last night I went to see the boy, wish him luck. He said he was nervous too. He said he wanted the best for you and he didn't know if he was that"

I look at him as he still speaks

"You both have insecurities about marriage, like everyone. But you love him..."

I say

"More than anything"

He replies

"And he is the same. You both are made for each other"

I smile and say

"Thank you Haymitch"

He asks me since we have another 10  minutes to spare

"Do you know what your going to say for your vows?"

I reply

"No. But I know when I look him in the eyes the words will come flooding to my mind. They always do."

He nods and says

"See. That's why you deserve him"

I laugh a little. I stand up and get ready. Haymitch links his arm with mine as we wait at the closed exit of the tent, waiting for our queue only minutes away. I say

"So this is it. My future is laid out after this moment"

He says

"Do you think your ready?"

For the first time I am able to say


We hear the music starting, knowing it's only seconds till he is walking me down the isle. I ask him slightly nervous

"Any last advice?"

He says

"Stay alive, don't screw up the kiss"

I smirk just as the tent opens and I am revealed to everyone. And almost immediately my eyes meet nobody else's but

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