Christmas (Part 2)

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WARNING!!! THIS IS A CONTINUATION OF MY PREVIOUS ONE SHOT 'CHRISTMAS (PART 1)'. I WOULD HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU READ THAT FIRST OR SKIP THIS!!! Anyone who did read that one shot...sorry for the rant . And sorry this wasn't up straight away. You may continue! ENJOY!
Katniss POV
I stand in front of the mirror staring at my unrecognisable reflection. I can't help but wonder how a person can change so much. I guess I can't say I fully changed. Yet my image did. Everything that once made me faded into something else. I know it happens to everyone yet it's still a shocking experience. Watching yourself fade into something else. I guess change is one of the hardest things to accept yet there's no avoiding it. Everything about me is continuing to change as it always will and from what I'm seeing in the mirror before me is proving that. The first feature of my body that catches my attention is of course my swollen stomach. It's a flaw yet a blessing. Suddenly I am drawn from my thoughts by the voice of Effie Trinket
She calls as I hear her heels coming up the hollow wooden stairs. She repeats my name once again just as she enters the room. She then stops and gasps before coming behind me and placing her hands on my shoulders. She then says to me
"Oh look beautiful"
I can't help but scoff. I walk over to the dresser and begin to look for my earrings as I say
"I wish. Come on Effie I've gained over 20 pounds in the last few weeks"
Effie is almost like my mother. I feel I can talk to her about anything and I won't be judged. I finally find my earrings and quickly put them in. Effie sits at the end of the bed and says
"That's normal Katniss. Your pregnant and besides everyone gains a lot of weight at some point in their life. In the last few months I've gained over 8 pounds and I don't take any notice. It's natural"
I reply in slight defeat
"I know, I know"
I guess she's right. But I can't help but analyse how she said how she's gaining weight. Its almost suspicious......I decide to let it slip from my mind
I am just finished setting the table when Willow enters the room
"Mummy!! Look at my dress!"
She giggles as she runs around in circles. Finally she stops and I can't help but laugh as she staggers dizzily into my arms. She wears a beautiful silky red dress and her brown curly locks flow perfectly as she buries her face in my shoulder. Suddenly I feel the baby kick. Willow feels it also I think as she pulls away from the hug with a look of shock on her face. I then stand up and lift her. I then sit down on a chair and sit her on my knee. She points to my bump and says in her quiet innocent voice
"Was that the baby Mummy?"
I smile and reply
"Yes, that's your baby brother or sister in there"
She places her small palm on my bump as my child within me continues to kick as if they can feel the presence of their sister. I smile as I watch Willows face light up in fascination and wonder. Suddenly I hear a knock on the door.
"Lets go see who's there"
I tell Willow and take her hand as we go to answer the door. I open it to find Haymitch. I smile in greeting and say to him
"Your early"
He replys
"My wife is here and where my wife is I am"
I laugh and give him a quick hug. I then step back to allow him inside. Willow doesn't hesitate before jumping into his arms. He instantly hugs her and with a free hand hands me a $20 bill before saying
"Forgot to buy a bottle of wine"
I can't help but laugh and reply
"Thanks! I'm going to go check on the chef in the kitchen"
I walk into the kitchen and place the $20 bill in our money jar. I then see that Peeta hasn't noticed me yet. I take the opportunity immediately and grab a cocktail sausage before quickly popping it in my mouth which instantly causes him to notice.
He whines yet is smiling and soon laughing when he sees my innocent face. I tell him
"I'm pregnant with your child yet I'm not allowed just a sausage! Come on you have to make an exception"
He pulls me closer to him, which could have been closer if it wasn't for my bump. He smiles and says
"I guess you're right"
He pecks me on the lips before I reply
"I'm always right"
He laughs and says
"I'm not so sure about that.."
I raise an eyebrow before I lean in and kiss him for longer. Once I pull away he keeps his eyes closed before whispering with a grin
"Okay maybe you are always right...."
Now he opens his eyes and we both laugh. I lean my forehead lightly against his before saying softly
"Today is going to be crazy..... With everyone coming and the kids...... I know it will be fun but it's still a lot to handle....."
I feel his forehead move against mine as if he nodded. He then waits a moment before saying
"Yeah it is. But we'll be fine. We just have to remember that as long as everyone is happy including ourselves that everything is okay...."
I nod. He then presses his lips to mine and as always I feel that rush of adrenaline and life pumping through me. That long lasting energy he supplies. That love I long for every second. We are then interrupted by Effie's squeal of excitement soon followed by Haymitch yelling
"All of the gang just pulled up outside sweetheart!!"
I can't help but return a yell
"I'm NOT sweetheart!!!"
I turn to Peeta who smiles and holds out my hand which I gratefully take before we both walk out into the hallway. By the time we reach the door Haymitch, Effie and Willow are already there waiting for us. I twist the knob and open the door to find Finnick, Annie, Finn, Matthew, Gale and Johanna standing at the door. We allow them all to step inside from the cold before greeting them with warm hugs. The children don't hesitate to run off and play with the toys whilst everyone else gathers around Johanna and Gale to see their precious newborns. Johanna gave birth only a week after thanksgiving and gave birth to two healthy baby boys. She went to the maternity hospital in district 6 and didn't bring the babies back to home until laser night so nobody and seen them yet. Gale and Johanna place two carriers on the counter for everyone to get a proper glimpse at the newborns.
"What are their names?"
Asks Annie. Johanna smiles and replies
"Jonathan and Jacob. Jonathan after Gale's grandfather and Jacob after my brother"
(Credit to fictionalhaven for the two lovely names!!!)
The two boys aren't identical, both having their own different features yet you could still tell they were brothers. Jonathan had brown hazel eyes and a small bit of black hair on his head. I could have told he was Gale's child even if I hadn't been told. He's almost perfectly identical to his father and will obviously grow to be the build of a hunter. Jacob on the other hand was slightly smaller than his brother. His eyes were a full blue like ocean water and his hair was also not much but a few strands of brown locks to match Jonathan's eyes. As Peeta leads everyone into the dining room I show Johanna to I and Peeta's room where we assembled a crib for the babies last night. Johanna settles them down and they are almost instantly asleep. We then walk quietly back downstairs and meet everyone at the table. We take our seats and I begin to chat to Annie as Peeta and Finnick go to the kitchen to get the food.
(WHEN/IF THIS REACHS 10+ votes I will write and then publish part 3)

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