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This is a one shot based on if Haymitch and Effie got together. I have always shipped haffie so I love haffie fanfics. Enjoy! By the way this may be preview for this new book I'm writing (hint hint)

AUTHORS POV:            

Effie being the capitol woman she was raised to be had always felt disgusted by both Haymitch's appearance and way of life, slouched on the couch and not giving a care about his look or anything. It may have been wrong to judge him for all these things but of course in the capitol you are raised to look your best and that always comes first. So that's how she saw him, as the careless drunk on the train. Same goes for Haymitch towards Effie, had always thought of her as the craziest most makeup layered woman alive. But both of them didn't know that the other was hiding beneath those features. Beneath the alcohol Haymitch was just a surviving victor trying to drink his way through life. And of course beneath Effie's make-up and wigs left a woman who all her life was pretending to be someone she's not. But both their thoughts about each other changed one night. They were on the train, on the victory tour with Katniss and Peeta in their rooms at the front and end of the train. Effie was walking through the train still fully dressed and layered in her wild accessories when she passed through the lounge car to see Haymitch slouched across his chair with a bottle of some strong scented alcohol clutched tightly in his hand. She immediately quickens her walk to try avoid him but her high heels make a fair amount of noise against the floor so she is easily heard.


He says his voice slightly slurred. She stops then sighs. She turns on the tip of her heels and says

"What Haymitch?"

He looks at her with an odd look before saying

"Just because I'm here doesn't mean you have to leave"

She nods and walks over knowing that she doesn't have many options. She sits in the armchair across from his, crosses her legs and begins to fiddle with her bangles. After a few minutes of silence she looks up to see Haymitch drinking from his bottle.

She blurts out. Haymitch immediately stops chugging down his drink, removes tip of the bottle from his mouth and places it on the table beside him.


He says confused yet the serious look on his face says that he knows partially what she meant.

"Why do you drink?"

Effie says softly, a voice that Haymitch doesn't recognise. She sounds so different he thought, the capitol perkiness had left her voice for the first time. He analyses the question before giving a faint laugh.

"You really don't understand do you?"

Effie doesn't respond but he can tell by the look in her eyes that beneath the layers of makeup plastered on her face hides a frown of confusion. Understand what? She thought. Haymitch folds his arms across his chest and says

"I'll tell you but first I have a question for you"

She nods and Haymitch continues

"Why are you dressed like that at 1 am or at any time?"

She gives a faint laugh and says

"What do you mean?"

Now Haymitch her a whole hearted laugh and says with a grin

"Effie you do realise that you are layered in make-up and fabrics and walking with diamonds all over you?"

She says quite confused

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