Christmas (Part 1)

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Katniss POV

"Mummy! Daddy! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!"

I moan and rub my eyes. I then feel Willow grab my arm and soon find myself being pulled to the edge of the bed. I am surprised by Willows strength as I am quite heavy considering I'm 7 months pregnant. Since thanksgiving I have gained a lot of weight which is said to be normal. I push my hair out of my face with my free hand and ask

"Peeta, what time is it?"

He replies in a slurred voice from tiredness


I moan again as I rub circles on my baby bump. Willow says

"Come on!!Come on!! Please mummy I wanna see the presents!!!"

I tell her

"Go put on your cardigan and slippers first"

She nods and within a second has ran out of the room. I shake my head and say

"Where she gets that energy from I'll never know"

Peeta nods in agreement and then sits beside me. He says

"Merry Christmas Katniss"

I look at him and smile

"Merry Christmas Peeta"

We both lean in to kiss but just as our lips are about to touch Willow rushes back into the room again. She stands in front of us and pouts before whining

"Mummy, Daddy come on............"

We both laugh and get up. We both put on our slippers. I then put on my woolly cardigan as Peeta puts a jumper over his head. Willow takes each of our hands and drags us both down the stairs. The next hour is full of excitement as Willow opens all her gifts. Peeta and I sit back on the couch and watch as her face lights up when she rips the wrapping off each off her presents. I turn to look at Peeta as Willow screams with joy and find him already looking directly at me as if expecting something from me. I can't help but return him a questioning look. He then says to me
"It's your gift"
I follow his gaze now on what looks like a small present in his hand. I begin
"Peeta you really didn't..........."
Yet before I can continue any further he cuts me off by telling me
"No I didn't. But I did because you deserve it"
I smile at his words yet question if they are a lie. How could I possibly deserve such a kind gesture? I don't know. Yet I don't question it aloud. I just appreciate it in the first place. I then reply to him
"As do you"
Before picking up his gift from me beneath the tree. I see he wants to say that it was unnecessary but decides to keep it to himself and covers the thoughts that were once visible on his face with a smile. We then exchange the gifts. I can't help but stare at the gift sitting on my lap wondering what it possibly could be. After a few minutes of going back and forth in my head guessing but finally come to the conclusion that I'm not going to guess it. The small packaging makes it even harder. I hear Peeta say to me
"Open it"
I Look at him giving him a small nod and a huge smile of excitement as I begin to tear off the wrapping paper. It doesn't take long for me to peal the paper away to reveal a small black box. I glance at Peeta to find him watching me with eagerness written all over his face. I slowly open the box and take a moment to examine the contents. Inside is a cream felt cushion and laid on top of it is a chain with a pearl.....
My pearl.......
The pearl Peeta gave me in the quell..........
The pearl that supplied me with comfort in the catacombs of district 13.........
The pearl that kept me sane when I was all alone........
I feel the tears begin to form in my eyes and I hear Peeta say
He sounds almost worried so I reply despite my wavering voice
"It's beautiful...Its the best thing I have ever been given....twice"
We both laugh at the end of it even me even though I have a tear rolling down my face. Peeta takes my face in his hands and whispers with a warm smile
"Please don't cry"
I tell him in a quiet whisper
"It has always meant so much to me, the pearl. And to have it made into something I can wear now every second of everyday....Its something so small yet means the world to me"
Peeta then pulls me into his arms. We stay like this for about five minutes just enjoying each other's company. Enjoying the moment of silence while we have it before the day of wildness begins. Peeta then insists I try on the necklace. He ties the clasp behind my neck. I smile at the pearl that now sits where my heart lies, where my love for Peeta lies.
"Is it okay?"
He asks. I let out a faint laugh as the tears flow down my cheeks and tell him
"It's more than okay....its perfect"
And with that said I press my lips to his. I feel his lips curl into a smile after a moment before he begins to kiss me back and our lips become sync with each other. I hear Willow say from across the room
"EWWW!!!Mummy and Daddy are kissing!!!!!!"
I fail at suppressing my smile and Peeta lets out a laugh that tickles against my lips. Eventually we pull away for air. Peeta then decides to open his gift. He takes a moment before like me to stare at the gift on his lap as if trying to guess what lies beneath the packaging. It's a few seconds like these that show me small ways in which me and Peeta are alike. He finally looks at me as if asking for permission to open it so I return a smile of encouragement and nod. He then draws his attention back to the gift and begins to tear off the wrapping to reveal the gift. At first as I expected he looks curiously at the polished mahogany box with a gold clasp on each corner. He glances at me with a smile smile of excitement as if he's a child. He unclasps each corner, slowly lifts off the cover before putting it aside.and looks inside the box. Inside laid out neatly is five containers of acrylic paint, five containers of watercolour paint, a set of paintbrushes and a drawing pad. He runs his fingers over each item before turning to me with his face lit up with pure happiness. He opens his mouth to say something yet I can already predict what he's about to say before the words leave his mouth. I tell him firmly
"Don't say it. Don't you DARE PEETA MELLARK!!!!"
He laughs when say his full name knowing I use it only when I'm somewhat "angry" with him. I continue
"Don't say you don't deserve it Peeta. Because you do. You deserve more in fact. You deserve the world yet I can't give it to you. So don't say you don't deserve this because you do deserve it and so so much more
He smiles even bigger and tells me
"I love you"
And I reply
"I love you more"
Then he says to me
And after that was when the real chaos of the day began.....
Authors note
Hey guys! Hope ye had a good Christmas and sorry this wasn't posted on Christmas Day! Anyway hope you enjoyed this and when/if it gets over 10 votes I will begin writing part 2! Thanks for reading!
Em is out

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