A long due apology (part 1)

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Katniss's POV

I wake up to a warm ray of sunshine in my eyes. I sit up in the bed and rub my eyes to clear my vision of that common morning blur. I turn behind me to see an empty spot where Peeta once lay before I fell asleep. Suddenly a mouth-watering smell wafers through the bedroom door which was left ajar.     I immediately know that he must have awoken before me and gone downstairs to make breakfast. I pull the bed sheets aside and swing my legs out the side of the bed. I quickly shower and dress into my casuals. I tie my hair up in a messy bun while it dries of the water. I then go downstairs quietly. I peek in the doorway to see Peeta with an icing bag clutched tightly in his hand while he decorates a cake. His face is looks so peaceful as he focuses on the task in hand, he doesn't even notice me. I smile and walk up behind him. I wrap my arms around his neck and whisper

"Good morning"

He puts down the icing bag and turns to me putting my arms on his waist. He says with a smile

"Good morning"

He leans in to kiss me, I close my eyes and wait for his lips to reach mine. But they don't. Instead I feel something on my face. I open my eyes to see that Peeta put icing on my nose. I brush it off while he laughs. I laugh also and immediately kiss him and get the kiss he owes me. While we kiss I grab the icing in my hand and spread tons on my palm. Once we pull away from the kiss Peeta has a genuine smile on his face which is soon interrupted when I spread the icing on my hand across his face. Now it's my turn to laugh at him as he wipes the layers of thick icing from his eyes. He smiles with an evil look before pulling me in for another kiss spreading icing on me too. We spend another 10 minutes fighting each other with icing until we both surrender to each other.

We then sit down and eat our breakfast chatting to each other. Once we are both finished Peeta goes to clean up his baking area while I begin on the dishes. Within minutes they are all spotless and back in the cupboards. I look out the window over the sink and see the meadow beyond the other houses that are across from ours. It bursts with many colours and looks extremely vibrant beneath the sun. Suddenly I feel Peeta wrap around my waist and his hand meet at my stomach. I put my hands over his. My engagement ring gleams in the sun. Peeta puts his head on my shoulder to see what I'm looking at. After a minute I look up at him. He smiles as do I. I tell him

"I know I said it all the way home yesterday but its beautiful Peeta it really is. You outdid yourself"

Peeta proposed yesterday. It was the best moment of my life. Of course I said yes. It was so beautifully organised and I could tell he put a lot of thought into it. Today we plan on telling Haymitch and Effie and then organise something next week to tell everyone else. Haymitch and Effie have been so supportive and like parents to both of us so we felt we should share the news with them first. He plants a kiss on my neck. He says softly

"You deserve it"

I grin at him in thanks before my eyes shift back to the meadow. He says

"How about after Effie and Haymitch come we go for a picnic there? Just you and me"

I nod and say quietly

"That would be great..."

I turn my head back to him and connect my lips to his. I find myself wrapping my arms around his neck and turning to him. Suddenly we are interrupted by a knock on the door. I sigh onto Peetas lips and lean my forehead on his. I whisper

"That's probably them"

He nods lightly. I pull away from him and go to answer the door.

But it's not Haymitch and Effie. It's the one and only

Gale Hawthorne.

I am lost for words but a million feelings are circling around in my mind.

Anger. Confusion. Betrayal. Hurt.

He looks so different. I am so used to seeing him tired out and coated in ashes after a day at the mines or covered in armour while we were in the capitol. He gives me a smile and says

"Hey Catnip"


I say in disbelief. We stand for about 10 seconds staring at each other in silence. Suddenly I hear Peeta say from the kitchen

"Everything alright Katniss?"

I reply

"Um yeah. I just need to talk to someone be back in a minute"

I step out onto the porch and shut the door before I can hear his response. I stand before Gale and ask him quietly aware that Peeta may be listening

"What are you doing here Gale?"

He looks at me with his eyes slightly pained and says

"I wanted to come see you. Maybe talk in the woods?"

I sigh. I know it's only fair to hear him out. I say

"Meet me there in half an hour"

And before he can answer or respond I walk inside shutting the door. I lean against as tears sting in my eyes although I refuse to let them fall. Peeta then walks out into the hallway, takes a moment to scan my expression and then asks with a slightly worried look on his face

"Who was it?"

I say my voice cracking


Peeta goes slightly pale knowing how much Gale moving away affected me and comes over to comfort me. He pulls me into a hug as I bury my face in his shoulder wishing never to emerge again. After about 5 minutes of hugging I tell him about talking in the woods. I tell Peeta I'm going to go hear him out but he just responds with a quick nod. I can feel that he isn't too happy about me and Gale being alone together. I feel slightly sad I haven't fully earned his trust yet but at the same time I see where he is coming from. . I check the time. It's 1 o'clock so I know that at half past I need to go. I go get my boots on and then walk into the hallway where Peeta stands. He gives me a long hug, holding me tightly. I whisper into his ear softly

"I love you. Just remember that when you think I'm about to run off with Gale"

He pulls away when he hears that. He looks at me blankly yet I can tell that he is slightly unconvinced. I put my hand on his cheek and coax it with my thumb before I tell him

"Trust me"

I plant a kiss on his lips. When I pull away Peeta gives me a small smile and says


I tell him that I will be back soon and give him another kiss before leaving for the woods. As I walk to where the fence once stood I remember that Gale never told me where to meet him. Then I realise that it hasn't changed. Our meeting place hasn't changed. The same as it used to be. So that's where I begin to go, not knowing what is about to take place. But I know that this is trying to heal our friendship and nothing more. I keep telling myself to remember my words to Peeta. I told him to trust me. I need to show him he can trust

Hey guys! Sorry this isn't very good and that I haven't been updating! Part 2 will be up if this gets over 5 votes! Have you checked out my Instagram? My user name is


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Em is out

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