This is the end

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You read the title right, you've reached the end of my book. This is the end, right here right now. The end of this book you've been reading. I want to take a moment now to thank you, you meaning the ones who cared about this story, supported me when writing this story and were actually active when I put work into a piece. You guys have been the ones that kept this book going for as long as it has. I want to thank the ones who even when it was only getting around 50 reads kept pushing me to keep going, to keep publishing. And I will be forever grateful for that. The mockingjay franchise has come to an end like all things do and now it's my books turn. Maybe someday I will write another book of one shots, who knows. For now this is the end, the solid wall and the final chapter of this book. But one thing I suggest is don't spend time being sad but instead be hopeful. Because maybe some day I will publish again and delete this chapter and get writing this again. But for now my ideas are burnt out and my book feels complete. But the fire and love of this book will burn forever. I'm not quitting our fandom, of course not I have like three other books... I'm just leaving this completed. The fate of this book is to be left completed on my profile. The fate of what you do now is your decision. Thank you so much to all of you for accompanying me on this ride, my first popular wattpad story will certainly not be forgotten. I love you guys so ,much and thank you for all your support throughout this book!

May the odds be ever in your favour.

-Em is out

20/03/16 | 5:05pm |

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