An old friend

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(This is not my edit btw)
This begins in the forest of district twelve during the winter. It's fifteen years since the rebellion.
Authors POV
She pulls in the cold air into her lungs and takes a fight before pulling the string up toward her cheek once again. She begins to focus on her aim, staring hard at her target, a rabbit. She was determined as always. She gets ready to let it fly when suddenly a voice behind her says
"What are you doing girl?"
She immediately lets the arrow fly but it's too late. The rabbit has moved along. She sighs loudly and says to him
"Damn you! I was almost there"
She lowers her bow and shoots the man a cold look but it was mostly a disappointed one. He looks about 30 with brown hair and a furry jacket. He smiles and remarks
"Of course you were"
She looks down at her feet. She like her mother tends to be stubborn. The man continues
"Anyway, I'm looking for Katniss Everdeen did you see her?"
She glances at him while replying
"Sure, all the time actually, she's my mother"
Now the man takes a minute to answer, he looks down and his eyes move around slightly as if almost calculating something or trying to recall a memory. Then he sighs and looks at the little girl and asks
"Could you bring me to her?"
The girl crosses her arms and says
"And why would do that?"
The man laughs softly at her response before saying
"Please? I'm Gale, I was Katniss's best friend since we were little"
The girl nods and holds out her hand
"I'm Willow Mellark"
Gale Nods with a smile before taking her small soft hand in his and shaking it. Willow then gestures him to follow her
"Come on, I'll show you the way to our house"
First she stops to place her bow in the stump where it has always been stored before walking along side the man. He asks her along the way
"What age are you?"
She replies with pride in her voice
"I'm 5 and my little brother Rye is 7 months"
Gale nods slowly realises that Katniss's life has changed since he last saw her 7 1/2 years ago which didn't go as well as he had hoped. Two children she has, though she claimed that children was something she never wanted. Willow then asks in her cute voice as she knows the topic might now be a good one
"If you are mothers best friend why haven't I met you before?"
Gale hesitates for a moment wondering if she knows about the war. After a while he decides not to risk it and says
"When we were very young we met each other in the woods and did so everyday until I was 18, then I was offered a job far away. I missed your mommy a lot and unfortunately haven't gotten many opportunities to see her"
Willow simply nods innocently as they walk into victors village. She begins to run, ignoring the fact that the path is ice cold and quite slippery too. Immediately she sees her father standing on the doorstep, her little brother on his hip dressed in his woolly winter outfit, his cheeks glowing a bright red from the cold winter air. Her father almost immediately catches sight of her sprinting carelessly across the slippery surface of black ice towards him. As soon as she reaches him she wraps her arms tightly around his waist as he brushes his hand gently on her frizzy hair.  Rye immediately lightens at the sight of his sister and leans down to reach her and clasps to her finger. Peeta glances up to find Gale standing a few metres away. Peeta takes him by surprise, after not seeing him in years. He simply nods towards him
Gale responds calmly
There is a long awkward silence as the past between them since they were 16 hangs in the air. Finally Gale says
"Have you seen Katniss?I need to talk to her"
Peeta shifts uncomfortable with his wife's I guess you could say ex-boyfriend looking to speak with her but says eventually
"Don't worry I know where she is, wait here"
Gale nods in response and Peeta speaks quietly to Willow telling her to come inside. As she walks in alongside her father she turns back and gives Gale a smiley wave. Gale smiles and returns a quick wave before putting his cold exposed hands back in his pockets. Suddenly the front door opens and out steps Katniss. Gale hardly recognises her, light makeup and her hair with a new wave to it. She smiles and he smirks back and she rushes to him to give him a hug. The day is spent overlooking they're friendship and they're lives both married and both parents of beautiful children they both are no longer worried or unsafe or fighting. They are free.
They are happy
Happier than ever

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