The Past and The Future (Part 2)

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I let myself in as usual, shutting the door quickly behind me and shaking the snowflakes that had began to fall off my shoulders. I slip off my shoes and throw my coat to the side along with Haymitch's stack of coats. I walk into the dining room to find him seated in his usual spot staring into space until he notices me

"Ah Sweetheart! How nice of you to join me on this depressing morning!"

He says enthusiastically. I can't help but smile a small smile at the man's sense of humor. I sit on a stool across from him. He says seriously then

"How was it?"

He knows what I do every year. He sees me and I usually call here because I know it's hard for him too and I don't want him to feel alone. I clear my throat and say

"Okay...Hard obviously. It always has been"

He nods and asks

"Are you going to go see her?"

I know what he means. Visit the graveyard. I stutter

"I...I don't know"

He nods once more and questions me no further. He says

"Do you want me to take the little one today? I know how hard it will be for you to hide your feelings around her"

I give him a sad smile. Haymitch has been like a grandfather to our daughter Willow. She loves him as he loves her. He's been like a father to me and I'm so grateful. He understands. I nod and say

"Thank you Haymitch. You're the reason I'm alive to this day and not dead. Thank you"

He smiles back and places his dry hand upon mine. He gave up alcohol a year ago when Peeta and I told him we were trying for a child. I remember the smile on his face. From that day on he stopped drinking the poison daily but instead saved it for occasions. I get up and say

"I better get back. Peeta will be up soon"

He Nods and says

"Good luck sweetheart"

I smile and say

"Don't call me that"

We say a quick goodbye after that. When I get outside I realise the snow has gotten heavier. I quickly make it out of the cold and into the house. I take off my boots and jacket and go into the kitchen. Peeta is still not up considering its only 8:20. I decide its bet to leave him sleep. We were up late last night while Willow cried constantly until about 2 am. I know Peeta will be up by 9 so he has time to prepare for work today. I think the reason he's going today of all days is as a distraction. If he wasn't going the bakery wouldn't even be open. I decide to pop two slices of bread in the toaster for a slice of toast. Just after I place them in I hear the shrieking cries that could only belong to Willow. I always jump in fear of her being in danger when she cries. I go quickly upstairs to get her before she wakes Peeta. I walk into her room and lift her out of her cot. She has tiny tears streaming down her bright red cheeks. I sit her on my hip and grab her clothes off The dresser with my free hand. She whines but eventually quietens though keeps crying as we make our way downstairs. I throw the clothes on the chair and ask Willow

"What's wrong baby?"

She continues to cry while nuzzling her head in my shoulder. I say
"Bad day for you too huh?"
I shush her while moving my body back and forth to try sooth her.  After a while she stops. I smile and tickle her to her her laugh. And I do, her squeaky yet quiet laugh. She smiles with her four small teeth that have grown at the front of her Mouth. She has been very cranky lately because of teething. I change her nappy over at the changing unit and change her into the baby grow I brought downstairs. I then sit her in her high chair and wrap a bib around her before going over to the cupboards to find something for her breakfast. Just as I reach into the press I am given a fright by a banging behind me. I whip around to see Willow banging her hands down hard on the table on her highchair and laughing. I smile and say tickling under her chin

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