The Flashback (Part 2)

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This is part two of my previous one-shot the flashback part 1. I strongly suggest you read the other one before this one to understand it more. Enjoy!
Katniss POV:
I turn around just as Haymitch removes his arm from my shoulder and does the same. Peeta is standing up now looking right at me. I see Haymitch watching Peeta carefully as if waiting for an attack to begin which is exactly what I am expecting until I begin to examine him fully. His hands are now hanging by his sides with his fingers no longer curled into fists, his eyes returned fully to their natural colour that gives me a sense of safety and trust that he's fully emerged from the flashback.
"Would ye like to have something to eat or drink?"
He asks softly his eyes twinkling. I really don't want to. Just as I open my mouth to answer Haymitch says with a smile
"Well I best be going if you're alright boy but thanks for the offer"
He turns to walk away just as I begin to speak
"Um..... I have to go to the hob and buy some medicine and I promised Sae I'd help her"
I throw out every excuse that comes to mind. He looks disappointed until Haymitch walks back into the room after he just left and says
"Why don't you stay Katniss? I'll go get your medicine!"
I turn back to him and give him a fake smile and thank him with a glare. He then gives me a big grin, says goodbye and walks out. For a few seconds me and Peeta just stand staring at each other three metres apart. He has definitely changed within the last 3 months. His blonde hair has grown, his face regained a lot of colour and his facial scars are very hard to see. Finally he gives me a soft smile and says
"Sit down and I'll be out in a second"
I nod and sit down on the couch while he walks into the kitchen. I feel a tickle at the bottom of my throat and let out a raspy cough. It takes me a while to catch my breath. I wrap my cardigan tightly around me for warmth. A few minutes later Peeta comes back in with a tray, which he places on the coffee table. The tray holds a plate of sandwiches, two mugs of what looks like a chocolate drink with marshmallows inside and a plate of perfectly iced cookies. Peeta sits on an armchair across from me to my right and gestures me to take something with a gentle and suppressed smile. I carefully grab a mug of the warm drink and smile at him gratefully. Once I take a sip when it reaches my mouth I feel a rush of warmth as the liquid spreads the heat of the drink inside me.  Peeta begins a conversation after a few minutes of complete silence
"How have you been?"
I reply with my voice still hoarse. I clear it but it doesn't make much of a difference.
Peeta just nods and asks me taking a bite from a cookie
"What are you looking for medicine for?"
I reply back
"I have a nasty cold"
He nods once more and says
"You should have told me. I could have come taken care of you"
I feel a sense of warmth and happiness at his kindness. I say back softly
"No need. I'll survive I'm sure, it's just a small cold"
Peeta looks at me unconvinced before pointing out
"Your there as pale as a ghost, shivering almost violently and hardly have your voice? I don't call that a cold Katniss. That's being sick"
I shake my head and say I'm fine. Peeta looks down at his feet before saying
"I'm sorry about what happened today...... It hasn't been that bad in a while"
Before he continue I tell him softly
"Peeta it's not your fault........Don't apologise for you can't control...... It happens. "
"Yes but you could have gotten hurt..."
He argues back but I cut him off again
"Yes but you would do the same if that was me. We protect each other"
I place my hand on his knee. I keep looking straight into his blue eyes until I feel warmth on my hand. I notice on my Peeta's knee he has placed his hand on top of mine.
"We protect each other"
He repeats with a smile. For a few seconds the world stops around us. All I can see are his eyes, until I can't. Instead I feel his lips on mine. The warmth is so comforting, the taste of sweetness that sits on them only makes me want more. I place my hands at the back of his neck as his palms touch my cheeks. Once we pull away I touch my forehead to his and whisper with a small smile
" we shouldn't be kissing when I have a cold, you might catch it"
He begins to shake his head slowly with a smile and whispers back
"I don't care"
Before kissing me again. Now once we pull away we really pull away. We stand up and hug now. The embrace feels just like before the quell. I wrap my arms tightly around his and bury my head in his shoulder.  After a minute he says
"Now it's my turn to protect you"
After a while he makes me lie on the couch with a blanket over me for the rest of the day. He feeds me soup and sends Haymitch for my medicine. Then as it gets dark he insists I stay with him so he can watch over me. He lights the fire and together we curl up beneath the blanket on the couch. Just as I begin to drift off he whispers
"You love me real or not real?"
I smile in the dark as my eyes come to a close and whisper back
I can almost feel the presence of his smile as his grip around me tightens.

I love him
I love Peeta Mellark.

I fall asleep with the same smile written on my face

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