The first letter

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Dear Finnick,
Hello my love. I know this is slightly ridiculous, writing to you when I know you will never see this but. I need something of you to hold onto, I need someway to grasp onto you, to feel forever connected to you. Because if I can't feel with you for the rest of my life I'm going to go insane. So this is what I've settled on. To write to you, to tell you how I feel and to pretend that you are really there reading it. Because if I can't feel your love everyday, I'm not going to live to see tomorrow.
One of the things that has driven my to write these letters is the shocking news I received yesterday. Since I returned to district 4 I have had to attend weekly check ups to assess my health. Yesterday I was told that I am pregnant. The news of course was traumatic as is the thought of raising a child by myself. The doctor told me that there is the option to get an abortion. So I have taken a lot of time and thought to come to the conclusion of keeping the child and for many reasons. The first would be I know this is what you would want me to do, I know how you would love to father this child. And the second being this baby is a gift from you. A gift because it's something you have to me. This baby will always be a piece of you. And those are only two of the millions of reasons why I will not give up this baby. I know it will be a struggle like life itself, trying to manage without you but as I said these letters should help keep me sane. Keep me connected to you. I know this might be crazy but I can still feel your presence with me, your spirit. And that reassures me that you will accompany me on this roller coaster of pregnancy and parenthood that I am about to endure on. That you will stay by my side throughout all of this. I love you

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