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Authors POV
It's a cold frosty morning in district 12. For all of twelve this kind of weather leads to a day by the fire and sipping on warm drinks and soup. But some families tend to stick to their routine. Like the Mellarks. The famous family of four stick to their daily routine almost always. And both Katniss and Peeta Mellark take liking to the weathers aftermath. Katniss enjoys the way it tends to recreate a winter wonderland in the woods and Peeta loves to recreate the live masterpiece on canvas. Though the Mellarks have a history of horror and fame neither of which they wanted they now live the simple life they hoped for with their two beloved children Willow and Rye.
The two children described as the image of their parents both take on after them too. Willow at the age of 6 found a talent for hunting within, on a morning where her mother brought her to the woods to teach her the tricks of hunting. Willow is mostly a copy of her mother with brunette hair and beautiful grey eyes. Rye on the other hand took on after his father by learning the art of baking. His hair is as blonde as his fathers and his eyes are a deep ocean blue which could be seen a mile away. Both the children also share a passion for painting like their father. They tend to take the mess a little out of hand though. This was their life now. As for Katniss and Peeta, they left all the past behind. The children of course have yet to learn about arenas and wars but that's not for another few years. For now they choose to live in the moment until the time comes. But one day Katniss questions
"But what will we do when it does come?"
Peeta simply answers
"We'll get through it. Together?"
He locks his fingers in hers. She looks at him and gives him a small smile then whispers

Sorry this is so short i just thought it was cute and I wrote it pretty quick so I was just like okay I'm gonna post it!!! Next one will include Gale (maybe)!!!DUN!DUN!DUN! Hang in there till next time! Comment and vote please!!
Em is out

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