Forever and Always

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What if Peeta wasn't hijacked?Here is how I think the reunion would have gone


I sit with Finnick for the painful hours of torture with no news at all. I try my best to keep Peeta off my mind.

Tying knots

Tying knots.

They may be dead right now

Tying knots

Tying knots

Maybe it's best if they are dead

Tying knots

Tying knots.

It goes on for hours, Tying knots, Silent tears, bleeding fingers. Eventually my whole body becomes numb as my tears fall rapidly. Finally I find myself thinking of Finnick's words in the bunker

"You love him"

I finally decide it's time to make up my mind. Do I love Peeta? I find myself whisper as the tears duplicate



Finnick says hoarsely looking at me. I look straight ahead and find myself saying to him

"You were right Finnick............."

Finnick doesn't answer. I put my face in my hands and silently cry. I lost him. It'll be lucky if he's alive. What feels like hours later I hear the door fly open. Haymitch runs in

"They're back"

He says panting. I rise from my seat along with Finnick and we all immediately begin to sprint down the corridor. We then burst through the doors of the hospital and are greeted by chaos. Doctors are running around yelling orders and soldiers are being wheeled in and treated. I begin to look around frantically with Haymitch. Finnick immediately goes sprinting into a room where a red haired girl was just wheeled into. Annie Cresta. I'm positive that was her. I soon see Gale Being treated. I try to make my way over to him but He's crowded by doctors who immediately gesture me away. I soon see Boggs. I run over and thank him after all he did to carry out the mission. He then points me down a hall to the room Peeta is in. I thank him once again and look back at Haymitch. I'm nervous, I don't know why. Maybe it's the fact that I haven't seen what the capitol have truly done to him. Haymitch puts 3 fingers on my back and leads me down the hall. I stand in front of Peeta's room my hand on the handle but then pull away.

I can't.


Haymitch says. I look at him and give a light shake of my head.

"I can't do it"

I say my voice shaking. Haymitch looks me in the eye

"Sweetheart, he wants you, he needs you and you need him. Its okay, he loves you and he's not going to be mad at you. There's no reason for him to be mad"

I smile and say

"Thank you Haymitch"

"Go get him"

Haymitch says and with that he opens the door. We both step inside and shut the door behind us. Three doctors surround Peeta, pulling wires from him, placing bandages on his arms. His back is facing us so he doesn't notice us but as soon as the doctors do they back away from him and talk in the corner taking notes on their clipboards. I manage to say his name as tears well in my eyes.


He perks up a bit, stands up and turns around. I'm shocked at the sight of him. His eyes have lost their ocean shimmer and his skin is purple and red with wounds and bruises. His body is layered with new scars from beatings. My hands begin to shake violently by my sides and the tears prepare to spill over. His eyes soon begin to fill with tears too.


He says with a smile as tears roll down his face. I nod and run into his arms. He wraps his thin arms around my waist. I wrap mine tightly around his neck and cry into his shoulder. After a minute I pull away and rub my hand across his cheek, still crying I tell him

"Peeta I'm so so sorry....I never meant for any of this to..."
"It's okay......I'm here now"
Peeta says softly running his fingers through my hair. I smile and hug him again even tighter. I muffle into his shoulder
"I love you"
After a second Peeta pulls away
I smile at him and say
"I love you"
The words no longer are filled with guilt and lie but I finally speak them with truth. I love him. Peeta smiles a huge grin and gives a faint laugh before pulling me in for a kiss. His lips taste of blood and are crusty dry but I don't care. His cheeks rub against mine with out wet tears rubbing against each other. Eventually we pull away for air from the kiss. Once again I wrap my arms around his neck and his slide around my waist as we press our foreheads against each other. I look straight ahead into his bright blue eyes that seem to have flashed back to their original colour. I say to him softly
"Stay with me,Forever?"
He smiles and says
"Forever and always"

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