Before The Quell

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The day before the quell. If it went differently.

Katniss' POV

Once our goodbyes are said Peeta heads off to his room as do I. I feel the time go b slowly as I stare wide awake at the ceiling, knowing that sleep is far and the dreaded time in the arena is about to sneak upon me in a matter of 6 or 7 hours. My mind is filled to the brim with fears and dreads for what is about to come and wondering if there is a future ahead of me. I finally decide it's time. Time to let it all out. All the tears I've concealed. This is my final night I am guaranteed to live for before tomorrow. I don't want to die knowing I never expressed myself, that I never truly let go and freed myself from the isolation of my problems. So for the first time in what feels like forever I allow myself to cry. To release the tears and to finally break. I bury my face in my pillow to stop my sobs from being heard. After an hour of sobbing until there are no more tears left within and my throat is dry and husky I force myself out of bed to get a drink. I get up slowly and grab the blanket laid across my bed and wrap it tightly around my body. I consider wiping away my tears before leaving but turn against it once I remember that it's like 1 in the morning and nobody will be up. I open the door quietly and creep out of the room. I feel my cheeks burn though a collection of tears sit upon them. Once I walk down the hallway and past the elevator. When I enter the living room I come to a halt when I see a shadow of a person by the window. And I know deep down exactly who the shadow belongs to. I quickly begin to walk past him, trying my best to succeed. And thankfully I do. I then realise that's it's not a drink I want but air, an escape from the stuffiness of the apartment that is literally strangling me at this moment. I slowly go up a small flight of the stairs to the roof. I push open the trapdoor and climb out. Once I get up there I take in a deep breath. There is a small breeze, causing me to tighten my grip on my blanket. I don't have much space to walk around like the roof on last year's tribute centre. The majority of the roof here is glass, with the outline being a small path. I feel the cold nagging at my eyes once again causing tears to escape but for the first time in a long time I don't care. I look out at the city of the Capitol. Seeing the city alive with lights and people filling the streets, celebrating the beginning of the games tomorrow. I see past them Snow's Mansion, the building standing out from the rest. The white roses prominently growing in his front garden. The Capitol nauseates me, knowing that the deepest darkest secrets of Panem lie within this city. Suddenly I jump as I hear the trapdoor shut. I whip around to find myself facing Peeta. I can hardly see him, the most visible part of his being his blue ocean eyes reflecting the  moonlight. He looks tired. He is still wearing his pyjama's but has a sweater put over his t-shirt. He looks concerned with a small glimpse of worry in his eyes. He asks
I can see within his eyes that he is concerned, why I'm crying and why I'm up here. I quickly wipe my eyes with the corner of my blanket and say
"Yeah?.....Why are you looking at me like that....I'm okay...."
I turn away as my eyes still sting with tears. I hear him walk beside me and he says softly
"No. You're not"
I turn and look at him. I find myself getting lost in his iris ocean. He says
"You don't have to lie"
My tears are slowly rolling down my cheeks now. I turn away and look out at the city.I then feel the urge, the urge for his comforting warmth and his reassurance. I turn to him and half pounce on him. He immediately pulls me into his embrace. I feel his fingers run slowly through my wisps of hair. He whispers into my ear
"It's okay"
He spends a while soothing me . He whispers words of reassurance in my ear, how he's here. He also tells me I'm safe. Though they are lies his sweet and soft voice entices me to believe him. And eventually I stop whimpering and just allow my tears to fall in silence. After awhile the breeze begins to pick up into a cold wind. Peeta picks me up and lifts me inside. During this time in his arms I keep my eyes shut tight. I take in his sweet scent and bury my face deep into his neck. He hushes me very quietly, soothing me with just his presence. When I feel his arms slowly releasing me I open my eye gradually. He places me on my bed and slowly pulls the blanket up to my chin. I am numb with exhaustion and don't even move in reaction to any of these actions. He then places a stray hair lightly behind my ear and places a soft kiss on my forehead. When he pulls away I'm left with a warm tingling feeling in the spot where his lips met my skin. I feel my heart leap within me and my soul slightly uplifted by his gesture. I hear him get up and slowly walk toward the door. I gather up all the energy within me and say in a sleepy voice
"Peeta...Will you stay with me?"
And the question is something not just representing now but when we get into the arena. When we are thrown into a bloodbath, a place of death I am asking him for a promise. A promise to stay by my side. But he knows this. And that's why he replies with a simple
He comes over and climbs into the bed. I rest my head on his chest and listen to his steady heartbeat. He combs my hair once again with his fingers. He says to me
And I know that he will stay by me in the arena. That he won't leave me. He pauses then before saying
"I love you"
It's the first time I heard him say such a thing. He must think I'm asleep. I almost am but just before I'm dragged under into the land of darkness within my mind I manage to say
"I love you too"

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