Christmas Eve

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Katniss POV
I look at my reflection in a newly hung bauble on the tree. I can't help but think of how different my life is since last Christmas. How much my life has changed, some ways good others bad. But it almost feels like an achievement to have survived a whole year of madness and happiness all combined into one. Suddenly I feel arms slither around my wait and a pair of hands join at my stomach. Usually I would panic at something like this but I know who it is. Peeta. Its as if I feel his presence and his warmth lingering in the room. Its his presence that gives me a sense of security. I place my hands over his. I feel the coldness of his wedding band on one of palms and I can't help but glance down at the ring that lays on my finger. The ring that bounds us together. We married 6 months ago. After 10 years of being together Peeta finally proposed. For Real this time. Its a day I always look back on with a smile because I know it was the day that me and Peeta truly started our lives together. I feel his breath on my neck so I lean back so that my head falls on his shoulder. I nuzzle into his neck and close my eyes. I love these moments. The moments in which I can just close my eyes and allow Peeta to hold me. The moments where I can close my eyes and know that when I open them again he will still be with me. They don't happen often but that's why when they do I can fully appreciate them. I open my eyes again and just gaze at his neck which is right before my eyes. I hear him say softly into my hair as we sway in sync side to side slowly

"What's on your mind?"

I reply with the same calm manner


He gives a light laugh before saying

"Like What?"

I tell him

"Everything.....The past six months just feel like a dream......"

He gives a slight nod. I then look him in the eye as he looks at me. He then reveals a small smile and says

"I wouldn't be surprised if it was a dream.....But if it is please don't wake up now"

I smile and ask him


He smiles even bigger, his eyes sparkling like the ocean as he whispers

"Because I won't get a chance to do this"

He presses his lips to mine gently. After a few seconds he pulls away leaving a tingling sensation on my lips. He stares at me waiting for a reaction and I can't hep but break a smile and say

"Trust me you'll get plenty more chances to do that"

He smiles. I turn to his now moving my hands to drape across the back of his neck as his move to the end of my back. I ask him

"Where's Willow?"

The house is never this quiet when Willow is here. She is well behaved yet highly strung a lot of the time. I usually blame it on Peeta considering he gives in to giving her sugar. It annoys me yet he and I both know I can't hold a grudge against him for long. He says

"Still at Haymitch and Effie's"

I nod. She spend all of today at Effie and Haymitch's because I needed to finish off Christmas shopping and she hates shopping. So I decided since she finished school four days ago and she will not be happy with joining me at the shops all day that it would be best to ask Haymitch and Effie to take care of her. And of course they were delighted. They love to have her and I trust them knowing that they are both great with her and that Haymitch will no longer be drunk all day. Effie changed that as soon as she moved in with him. Within that week every drop of alcohol in his house vanished. How she did it I'll never know. Effie and Haymitch are great together. They have really done each other good. The only complaint I have is that they leave the window of their room open every night causing the entire village to hear a lot more than they want to sometimes. One of the reasons Willow sleeps in one of the smaller bedrooms at the back of the house. Peeta then pulls e out of my thoughts when saying

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