Chapter One

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Quinn walked out of the airport wheeling her suitcase along. she had long brown hair and hazel eyes. she had her bag in hand and sunglasses on. she looked out for a taxi and got in one.

The taxi driver put her suitcase in the boot and it drove off to the destination she had requested. Quinn was tapping her hand on her knees. she was so nervous. terrified even. her hair was down and she was wearing a simple white t-shirt and dark denim jeans.

Finally the taxi came to a stop, but the journey was a bit too quick for Quinn. she was more likely tell the driver to take her back to the airport. although the man got out to get her suitcase out and she knew that she had nowhere else to go. so Quinn stepped out of the black car and took her suitcase from the taxi driver. then she paid him and he drove off. now she was left all alone. she could go down the road and come back later or..... too late the front door opened and a man with three older boys stepped out. she sighed and went to the front of the house.

"Quinn?" The man asked uncertain. she nodded slightly. she couldn't find the words to speak. The man had light brown hair, but it was more grey than his original colour. he had the same colour eyes a Quinn. Quinn knew this man was her father and that the boys standing besides him were her older brothers. "it's so good to see you!" He said wrapping his arms around her. she smiled as they came apart. "these are you're brothers david, noah and fraser." She hugged each one of them, but it was like they were giving her the cold shoulder. "David. why don't you help Quinn bring her things in." he nodded and picked up quinns suitcase and they all went inside.

Quinn was really nervous. she was breathing fast and was kind of shy. She could definitely tell that her new so called brothers weren't that happy with her being here, but it's not her fault. it's not like she ever asked for her mother to die of cancer. What kind of person would ask that? To be honest Quinn still hadn't gotten over the shock of loosing her mother.

They entered the large ancient house and Quinn stood in the hallway. David put her suitcase down in the hallway and made a loud thump putting it down. "shall we go and sit down in the living room?" Quinn did as her told and went through to the lounge and sat on one of the sofas.

Noah sat besides her, but he gave her a dirty look. David and Fraser sat on the other one, but none of them gave her warm cozy smiles that welcomed her to their so called lovely home. their father though sat on a leather arm chair and gave her a warm smile. she smiled sweetly back, but it was like she was expecting one of her brothers to snap.

"How was you're journey?" George, her father asked her.

"uh....I guess it was alright. the plane didn't crash or anything." he did a silent, but an awkward laugh.

The boys just watched. They just gave her blank looks.

. "uh what school do you guys go to?" Quinn asked addressing her brothers. they looked at each other, but didn't exactly answer.

"Milton school." George finally said. "That's where you will be attending on Monday. I already registered you. all you need to do is turn up and answer you're name in the register."

Quinn gave a small smile.

It was already Saturday and the sun was even starting to go down. Quinn was thinking about school now. She knew that she would have to start all over again at school at the bottom of the food chain. She will either be eaten alive by bitches or become one. Or she could also practically not exist. That way then there would be no trouble you would just be forgotten about.

The family continued to talk. However, the conversation was mainly just between her and George because the boys just sat there.

However, all Quinn really wanted to do was run out the front door. She was eyeing it. Quick was looking from the lounge through to the hallway and at the front door.

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