Chapter twenty

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That evening everyone sat round the dinner table and ate some pasta and salad. they brought chairs through because there wasn't enough, but it could all fit around the table.

"How has your day been today?" Their grandfather asked.
"Good." some of people responded. Quinn sat there eating her dinner quietly. She was quite tired really. Her eyes were heavy and she wasn't paying attention to anything.

So after dinner, Quinn went straight upstairs. She went in her and Frasers room then shut the door. She yawned as she went over to her bed and picked up her pyjamas that were lying on her pillow. She slowly got changed and just when she had finished Fraser came in.

"What you doing?" He asked coming in as she was getting under the covers. "What does it look like? I'm going to bed." She replied turning away from him, but he came and sat besides her on the bed. "Fraser what do you want?" Im exhausted. Please let me sleep." She said.
"Why are you so tired?" He questioned her.
"I don't know now please go." He rubbed her arm up and down a bit like a tap. "Alright I'll tell dad that you've gone to bed. Good night." Fraser said about to get up but that was when david walked in the room.

"You going to bed?" David asked. Quinn nodded.
"She's apparently tired." Fraser told him and david nodded. "Well okay. Are you sure you want to go to sleep now though? Everyone's down stairs playing cards." David said.
"No too tired." She replied.
"Alright well we will leave you to sleep. Goodnight." Fraser said.
"Night" David said and quinn mumbles
"Goodnight." Then the boys left the room and quinn slowly fell asleep.

The next day Around early evening , but it was pretty much already dark. all of their parents were getting ready to leave.
They were going to a friends for dinner and weren't getting back until later. "Are you going to be okay?" George asked all of them when they were standing in the hallway. "Yes uncle George we will be fine." Clara reassured.
"Okay well david is in charge."
"Quinn will you be alright darling?" George asked putting his arm around her.
"Yes dad I will be fine." She said. By now some of the others have began talking and noah Fraser and david were standing with George and quinn. "David look after her." He said and David nodded. He unwrapped his arm from around her and turned to their grandfather. David wrapped his arm around quinn and rubbed her arm. "We had best be going." Their grandfather said and they said there good byes and then the adults left leaving the children all alone.

Quinn looked up at David and said "what should we do now?" She asked. He gave her a look as if to say 'I don't know.' Zach smirked and looked at noah. "Truth or dare." He announced and everyone seemed to agree.

They all walked into the living space in the kitchen and went and sat down on the sofas. Quinn sat on the end next to david and the others sat where was now free.

"My idea so, clara. Truth or dare?" She glared at the devious smile he had on his face. "Truth." She said back proud, to not be sucked into one of his dares. "When you were ten, did you flush my gold fish down the toilet?" Zach asked pretending to be serious. "No... Okay maybe I did." Zach's eyes widened.
"I knew it!" Clara rolled her eyes and said.
"Alright my turn. Fraser, truth or dare."
"Go onto your dads computer and delete all of his emails no matter how important it is." Quinn, david, Fraser and noah all looked at each other worried. "Aw are you to scared to be a naughty boy?" She teased.
"Dad would kill us. Not just Fraser all of us." Noah said.
"So live life on the edge ." Zach said.
"Alright I'll do it." Fraser said.
"But Fraser you can't! What about dad?" Quinn asked.
"Everyone's got to have their turn on the dark side." They all laughed at that and Fraser went out of the room. "Don't worry Quinn, I won't let you get in to trouble with dad." He whispered sweetly as she seemed worried, more than the others. He pulled her close to comfort her. "I'm just going to go and get something." Quinn said pulling away.

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