Chapter fifiteen

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Fraser did not get into trouble with me Attwood because no one told. lucas isn't a snitch and some of the others may wish someone else had punched him sooner for being such an idiot.
Later the two of them had basically walked home together because lucas wouldn't stop following fraser, but lucas only lived round the corner.

"Why the hell did you do that?" lucas questioned when they were alone. Fraser shrugged and didn't respond. "maybe because you tried to rape my sister!" Fraser furiously said. Lucas's eyes widened and guilt washed over him. he was thinking 'how the hell would he know?'. "So. you don't even like the bitch. I've known you since we were three and you turn your back on your bestfriend because after like about twelve years you decide to play the big scary older brother!" Now lucas was sounding hurt. Fraser shook his head in frustration. "no I've know her since the day she was born. I've known her when she was about three until she went away! I still had a sister. that doesn't change. I might not always like her, but she is always My Little SISTER! Then I find out my bestfriend tried to. Then before I even told him not to go there with my sister and what do you do? You do the worst thing you could have done!" Fraser shouts at him. lucas looks down and then says "I thought we were brothers. nothing could Chang it."
"I already have two I dont need another and Brothers wouldn't do this to their little sister. " Fraser snapped. Lucas gritted his teeth and then stormed away and crossed the road.

Fraser headed down the drive and then up his. he went in side and put his head in his hands, but soon he felt eyes on him. he turned to see who it was when they said "Fraser?" In a quiet whisper. his eyes softened from a glare to the the person who was quinn. she slowly took steps closer to him. "you know you didn't have to do that, don't you? I mean I know you don't always exactly like me and wish I never came. if you want to be befriends with lucas you can. im not going to tell dad or anything if that's what this is all about. I couldn't tell dad. it would scare me to. im just saying that I'm old enough to look after my self." Fraser sighed and his eyes softened even more.
"Firstly I did have to that. secondly maybe I didn't always want you here and maybe I don't always like you, but that's just something that happens when your related to someone and you live with them. it's the same with me noah and David. I would hate it if you left. your my sister. I can talk to dad if you want me to and tell him, if you can't. otherwise we don't have to tell him. and lastly you will always need looking after. I'm always going to be your big brother and I won't stop. you couldn't even force me. I don't care even when your fifty I would still be looking after you. just as noah and David would. I love you and I don't want you to go anywhere. your my baby sister...." he voice trailed off as quinn quickly pulled him in a hug, which very much surprised him. she couldn't help, but let a few tears slip.

When they came apart Fraser looked down at the tv and said "do you want to watch a film?" He questioned quinn who he still had one arm around. she nodded and together they both went and sat down on the sofa. Fraser turned the film on and he wrapped his arm around quinn. she leaned her head against his chest and started to feel as if she belonged.

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