Chapter twenty three

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"I can't keep doing this harry." Quinn said to the boy she was sat across from. A tall, handsome brown haired boy with green eyes. His eyes were filled with sorrow. "Quinn, even if you walk away from everything again, me and you will still be connected." He said. Quinn looked around the cafe she was sat in. "Harry I love you, but I don't forgive you. Or want to be how we used to be." She said.
"You could of stayed after she dyed. You had a place to go, but you chose the father that never bothered to look for you." He said.
"Harry stop it."
"Why should I? I looked for you but your own father couldn't. It's pathetic." He said and Quinn got up and left.

Quinn woke up in her bed, with the image of Harry in her mind. So many thoughts had taken over. She slowly sat up and looked over at Fraser that was fast asleep. She sighed and got out of bed. She was about to walk over to Fraser, but she shook her head and went over to the window seat. She sat down by the window and leaned her head against the  glass.

So many thoughts were going through her head. She couldn't stop thinking about harry. She sighed and shivered, as she was now cold. She sat there for a bit. She was tired. Slowly she stood up and got back into bed.

Early the next morning she woke up with a heavy weight on her. "Mmmm?..." She said barely moving.
"Get off her, your hurting her." Said clara. The weight got heavier on quinn and she opened her eyes. "Zach? What are you doing get off of me." Quinn said finding her cousin squishing her.
"No." He said with a smirk.
"Zach your so heavy! Get the hell off of me! This instant." She demanded.
"I don't want to and you can't make me." He said. Quinn looked at the others who were in the room. All of her cousins and brothers were in there. "Come on Zach let the girl go." Chris told him.
"But that will be what she want." He said putting more pressure on him.
"Zach I can't breath!" Quinn said.
"Right Zach that's enough you've had your fun now get off of her, before you hurt her." Noah said and Zach reluctantly did so. Quinn let out a sigh of relief and sat up in her bed.

David watched from a far, looking over at quinn. Fraser was sat on his bed with Chris sat on the edge of it. Noah came and sat besides quinn and the two of them were sat besides each other leaning against the head board. The girls were stood along with david and Zach was on the end of Quinn's bed.

"Now what do you guys want exactly?" Quinn asked.
"Dad told us to get you and Fraser up." David said with a shrug.
"That did not mean I needed to be jumped on did it?" Quinn questioned looking directly at Zach.
"Well I wasn't told not to, so what did I know?" Zach replied with a smirk.
"Shut up you!" Quinn said.
"So what are we doing exactly?" Quinn asked.
"We're not sure, we just got told to be ready." Amber told her.
"Well come on you two get ready!" Clara said and the others apart from noah left the room.

When they had gone quinn looked over at noah who was still besides her. "Aren't you going to leave?" She questioned.
"Na, I like your room." Noah responded.
"Whatever. Fraser can you give me back my phone now?" She said turning towards him. Fraser and noah looked at each other.
"Can you tell me what's wrong?" He questioned. She sighed.
"I thought you were over this." She said.
"No I'm not. If I was over this it would mean that I wouldn't give a shit when I do." He said.
"Quinn please talk to us." Noah said.
"I told you Guys that I'm not ready. So please just gives time." Quinn said. "Now phone." She continued. Fraser sighed and went in te beside table draw and took it out and threw it over to her, but noah caught it. "Noah give it to me." She demanded.
"I'm not sure I want to." Then she quickly grabbed it,
But he still had hold of it. They were playing tug of war. "Noah it's mine." She said.
"No it's mine I want it!" He said.
"Just give it for God sake!" She said.
"Fine you have it. I don't even care." She said letting go and walking out of the room. Noah and Fraser looked at each other. "Why couldn't you have just left it? She might eventually tell us, which would be better than nothing." Fraser snapped at him.
"No I shouldn't. I think what you did before was wrong but I don't think she should be talking to strangers. It's dangerous and how did this guy even get her number? It's too weird. Let's give it a couple of days then we will be hope and give it back to her then. As long as she doesn't tell dad, but I doubt she will because if she doesn't want us to know she definitely won't want dad to." Noah said.

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