Chapter thirty

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The car pulled up into the drive and quinn leaned back in her seat. Now she had to face Fraser and that was what she was dreading. "Quinn get out now." George warned her.
"Yes dad." Quinn said and got out of the car and harry did so too.
"Quinn I have want you to go straight through to the lounge and your brother. We need to explain to your other brothers what's going on and what we are going to do about it." Quinn nodded and headed to the front door. George insisted to get Harry's suitcase and told him to go and join quinn.

The door opened and david stood there. "Quinn! I'm so glad that your okay! We were so worried!" David said and hugged her. They came apart and noah came over to them. "You know how to make us worried don't you?! I'm so glad your safe though, trouble!" Noah said and picked her up and spun her around. "So are we good?" Quinn said as he put her down.
"Yes just promise you will never scare me like that again!" Noah said and she nodded. Noah hugged her and then they came apart. "Quinn?" Fraser said from behind the two of her brothers. He scratched the back of his head before he said "I'm really sorry. Dad knows everything about Lucas, I'm sorry but he had to know. I shouldn't of brought him back to the house I Was being selfish. I'm sorry do you forgive me?" Fraser apologised.
"Of course i forgive you. You're my brother." Quinn said and Fraser hugged her.

They all walker through to the lounge and sat down. Harry was getting quite a few looks from Fraser and david and noah, but Noah's were the worst. Noah was sat besides quinn, with his arm around her. Harry was sat in the arm chair and noah was glaring at him. He had hatred in his eyes.

"Dad what's going on?" Fraser asked requiring answers about why harry was with them. "Well as you all need to know, Quinn has another brother. And Harry is her brother. Harry is also your brother. There's been a situation with him and he needs somewhere to stay because he has no family and as it happens all of you are his family. I will explain to you boys later and in the mean time I expect you all to be welcoming. Noah you will be sharing a room with him seeing as though your the same age."
"What?! No that's not fare! Why can't he share with Fraser he's the youngest." Noah argued.
"No. He's sharing with you."
"Dad he can stay in my room tonight. Then by tomorrow his bed will be ready in Noah's room." Quinn said.
"You can't sleep in the same bed as him! Your a girl." Fraser protested.
"He's my brother." Quinn shrugged. She felt noah stiffen next to her.
"That's fine quinn. Now how about you go and let harry put his bags in your room and you get ready for bed. It's getting late" George said and quinn nodded. Harry followed her and once they left the room all that could be heard was arguing.

What do you think? Sorry I haven't updated anything in a while. Do you like it though. Please tell me what you think.


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