Chapter Five

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After school finished Quinn headed with her new friends to the small river in the town. there was about ten of them who went including Serena, Lottie, Hollie and Taylor. the river was a small area with a river and a forest next to it. By the river was some large rocks and some of them we sat on them. others were either in the water or sat on the grass.

Quinn was on the rocks sat between Lottie and Serena. Serena looked over at Quinn.

"Let's go and join them. Quinn? You up for it?" Serena asked her.

taylor and Hollie were already in and so were one or two of the boys. they were all in there school uniform soaked.

"of course I am." Quinn replied.

Serena smiled and started to take her shoes off and long socks. Quinn did the same as did Lottie who was taking her tights off. they unbuttoned the top two buttons of their blouses so they could breath and took their Blazers off that is if they had them on. then the three of them ran in to the water.

One of the boys Quinn recognised. Yeah she recognised the others, but she recognised him that much more. it was his hazel eyes. He looked at her with a sexy look and Quinn smiled back at him. she had tied the bottom of her shirt into a knot that was just above the waist of her skirt. You couldn't see much skin and couldn't see her belly button either.

"hey." he said to her. " Quinn right?"

Quinn nodded.

"Ugh." he smiled.

"Ethan." she recognised his perfect smile and his shimmering eyes. she smiled. "yes you were the one that helped me." he nodded.

All of a sudden she got splashed from behind. it was Serena. She had been so focused on the boy with hazel eyes she hadn't even acknowledged that they were splashing each other behind them.

Ethan burst out laughing at the soaked girl stood in front of him. Quinn did a devilish smile. that was when she splashed and soaked him completely. Ethan smirked at this intriguing girl infront of him. In that second he splashed her so much that she fell back into the water.

As she stood up she was laughing and told him "oh you're gonna get it now!" Quinn went towards him.

he slowly ran through the water and she chased after him. He splashed him and as did he did her. At the end both of them where almost crying with laughter and drenched.

The sun was starting to go down and it was getting late, although they didn't care. they had already lit a bonfire with some sat down by it and others swimming. Quinn was one of those people still swimming. her hair dripping went and the depth was up to her shoulders. serena and Lottie and come over and joined her and Ethan. As did one of Ethan's friends Jason.

"My sister says she knows you're brother." Serena told Quinn.

"which one?" Quinn asked.

Serena thought for a second.


"So Quinn how come you just moved here? Why didn't you live with you're dad before? And Go to the same school as you're brothers?" Jason asked her.

"I lived with my mum, but she died recently so my dad took me in." jason raised his eye brows and glanced at Ethan.

Serena and Lottie looked at each other. Ethan on the other hand looked at Quinn with sorrow.

"anyway! This was great! We should do this Friday? What do you guys say!" Serena broke the ice and became the planner she always is.

they nodded and responded "hell yeah!"

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