Chapter twenty four

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The journey home was extremely quiet. Quick sat there terrified. She had never really been in trouble with her father apart from when she got home really late, but that was just a misunderstanding. He looked quite cross and stern. He didn't say much the way home and the boys made small conversations with each other, but that was it.

"Well over all I think we had a nice day today? Don't you agree?" George finally said something.
"Yeah." Some of them said, but quinn just nodded.

They didn't say anything else. Quinn eventually fell asleep and the others either were listening to music or otherwise occupied.

When the car pulled in the drive noah hardly nudged quinn and she woke up. Slowly she shifted across and got out. David came round and walked with her. "Quinn meet me in the lounge for our talk." George said walking off. Quinn nodded and once he was gone Quinn turned to david. "How strict is dad?" Quinn asked him. David smiled at her, amused. "Depends on what you've done." He said.
"But that's just it! I'm scared because I don't know what I've done!" She said.
"Your gonna get your ass kicked!" Fraser teased, but not so playfully.
"He seems extremely pissed!" Noah tormented with a disturbing look on his face, it was no where near a smile. "Have you three kissed and Made up yet? Stop scaring her!" David said.
"Yes of course we have!" Noah said putting his arm around quinn and glaring at her telling her to say 'yes'.
"Good then I will see you guys inside." David said and walked off.

Quinn looked up at noah who she was now left with. He glared at her. "We said this was between us." Fraser said with anger.
"I didn't tell him! But why should I do what you two say!? Look at you!" Quinn argued stepping away from the two of them. Fraser rolled his eyes. "you will be in trouble? Dad will kill you. Literally." Noah threatened her.
"I'm already in trouble." Quinn said.
"So leave me alone." She shouted and walked towards the door. "We don't care what dad does. Remember that!" Fraser shouted.

She walked through the front door and went inside. Quickly she walked through to the lounge and saw her father  sat down in the arm chair on his phone. "Dad?" She said shyly.
"Ah quinn. Take a seat and let's get this over and done with." Her father said and he stood up as she sat down.
"Firstly I would like to talk to you about this boy. Who is he and if you do know him how do you? And if you don't you should not be talking to strangers on the street, especially at that hours. Don't lie to me." George said.
"He was my mums friends son. His name is Harry." Quinn replied.
"You weren't together we're you?" George asked sternly and Quinn quickly shook her head. "I'm glad to hear it because if you were I would strongly disagree with it because he's older than you. " he paused. " now is there anything else you wish to tell me?" He questioned coming closer to her, making her extremely nervous.
"No.... Why?" Quinn asked.
"You just weren't your self today. Is everything okay? Is this all a bit to much? You know you can tell me anything sweetie? Don't you?" He said coming and sitting next to her. She shook her head, but then thought for a moment.
'If I tell him about Noah and Fraser they will hate me and if I tell him e truth about harry i can't trust his reaction will be good.' She thought. " nope absolutely nothing. Now please may I be excused I need to go and get a bath." Quinn said and he nodded.
"Of course sweetheart. I love you." He said when they both stood up and he hugged her and she hugged him back. "I love you too." She said and then they both left the lounge and Quinn headed up the stairs.

She walked down the hallway and headed into her bedroom where she found Fraser. He was busy doing something big his head snapped up when quinn walked in. "What are you doing in here?" Fraser asked her. She looked at him shocked and confused.
"Well let me think? This is my room as well!" Fraser rolled his eyes and huffed.
"Can't you go and share with david? Me and noah sleep in here and you and david sleep in there?" He whined.
"Are you really that pathetic?" Quinn asked but then continued "alright but you have to give me my phone back and then I will agree." Quinn said. Fraser thought about it but then replied.
"Yes, but I haven't got it! I gave it to noah!" Fraser stated and in that moment the door burst open.
"Fraser are you..." Noah said, but he saw quinn and was quiet.
"Quinn has agreed to switch Rooms for tonight." Fraser said and noah smiled.
"But you have to give me back my phone!" Quinn said.
"Don't be such a bitch!" Noah said.

Quinn looked extremely hurt by that. He had called her a brat and many other things, but so far he hadn't called her that. Fraser had. Noah hadn't. Her eyes watered. She let out a deep breath and tried to stay cool.

"HAND it over!" Quinn said. Quinn put her hand out waiting for the phone. Noah shook his head. Quinn walked away from the two of them and walked over to the window. She stood there for a few minutes. "Why should we hand it over though? What even happened earlier? David said that he seemed like a right creep?!" Fraser said angrily. Quinn slightly turned but didn't face them. "Like I said to dad and david. He is one of my mums old- i meant our mums." She stopped as her voice faded away. Fraser looked away. He was sad but furious. Noah could have had steam coming out of his ears. "She's OUR mother." Fraser said through his teeth. At this point a few tears escaped and rolled down her cheeks. "I know Fraser. I'm really sorry I didn't mean-" she tried to speak, but was interrupted by him.
"Don't you dare try and say sorry when you don't fucking mean it! Stop being such a bitch and a horrible sister!" He shouted coming towards her. Quinn was silently crying, but was just wiping them away. "This is getting all too much for me.... I don't know what to say to you." She slowly said and sat down on the window seat.
"Stop acting so childish. Stop crying like a baby! That's all you ever do. Now tell us who harry is!" Noah shouted as he came so much more closer to her. "Harry.... No. I can't. Noah please don't make me! I cant! I just cant! It's just. No. I just want my phone back." She said full on crying.
"Why can't you? What's so bad? Quinn please tell us. I've lost my patience!" Noah said shouting the last part.
"No-nnn-no! I really don't want to." She stuttered.

Just then the door burst opened and David and Zach came in. "What's going on?" Zach asked and he came and stood by quinn. "Zach stay out of this it's none your business." Fraser said. Zach rolled his eyes.
"She's my cousin so it is my business!" He said.
"Well she's our little sister! So stay out of it!" Noah snapped. Quinn rolled her eyes.
"Shut up noah! You're being such a great brother now?
I don't think so!" Quinn stated.
"Stop arguing all of you! Zach can you give us a minute please?"David took control calmly. Zach nodded and left after exchanging looks with Quinn to see if it was alright.

When he had gone david turned to his siblings. "I thought you said that you guys were fine now?" He questioned.
"They lied." Quinn stated.
"No Quinn you lied." David said. "You all lied." He continued scolding them.
"I don't want to talk about it. I just want my phone back." Quinn said.
"No you can't have it back until you tell us everything!" Fraser replied.
"Guys give her back her phone." David said.
"Since when did you turn into dad?" Noah asked.
"Same goes for you noah!" Quinn stated.
"Stop it quinn. Give her,her phone!" David told them.
Noah took the phone out of his pocket and handed it to Quinn. "I will find out." Noah whispered to her.
"Quinn get your pyjamas, you can sleep in my room tonight." David said and Quinn nodded, then she walked out of the room.

Quinn went to his room and got changed. She was going to get a shower, but decided to do it tomorrow. She quickly got dressed before david came in and luckily she was ready when he walked in. "Are you alright?" He asked her and came over to her. She got into Noah's bed . David sat on the edge of it. "Yeah I'm fine. It's just been a long day." Quinn said.
"Is there anything you want to tell me, know that you don't have to."
She shook her head. "No it's too much to go through tonight. I'm tired so goodnight." She said and turned over.
"Night." David said. "I'm going to go and watch some TV is that alright?" He asked.
"Yeah course. Goodnight." He said and walked out of the room after saying goodnight.

When he got into the hallway he found his brothers coming out of the other room. "Where's quinn?" Fraser asked.
"Well you've calmed down. She's tired so she's gone to sleep." David said and they both nodded.
"I'm still mad at her just not as mad as I was." Fraser said. David nodded.
"Why are you two so bothered anyway. Dad took care of it and she's fine." They looked at each other and shrugged.
"She's our sister isn't she?" Noah said.
"Well apart from that. Your being to harsh." David continued.
"He's just some guy." David added.
"Then why is she so terrified to tell us? If it was just some guy she would easily be able to tell us even though if she did we may beat the hell out of him especially because he's older than her." Fraser said.
"Fraser he's older than you! He could pin you down easily!" David stated with a smirk.
"Any way let's go and watch something." David continued.

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