Chapter thirty four

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Christmas came and I was nervous yet exited. I've had Christmas's before you know the usual, but I've never had a Christmas with this family. Yes they are my family thank god, but I've never had a Christmas at least that I can remember. At least Harry's here with me.

"Quinn! Quinn!" Come on let's go.

"Go where?" I asked Fraser who was bugging me.

"It's Christmas you idiot. Presents!" He said jumping up and down like a little kid.

I smiled. He was so immature but secretly so was I. I wanted to jump up and down and say yay presents, but I kept my cool.

We headed downstairs with the others already down there waiting for us. We said good morning and sat down. As soon as dad came in we were all waiting to tell him which massive pile of presents were ours.

"Santa clause told me that the blue  wrapped presents are Noah's, the red Santa clause ones are Harry's, the reindeer ones are David's , Quinn's are the pink and purple and Frasers are the green ones." As soon as he finished his sentence Fraser reached for the nearest green present. He unwrapped it like his life depended on it and his face lit up to find a massive box of chocolates.

"Right you can all open your presents but one at a time please. Quinn you can go next." He told me winking.

I smiled I think he knew I was secretly itching to open one. I picked one of my presents up and opened it to find a makeup bag. It was the cutest thing I'd ever seen. It was black with white flowers on it.

This continued us taking it in turns to open presents I gave my  brothers each of there's and they gave me mine from them. I was happy and it was a good christmas.

We spent the rest of the day well me helping dad cook, well me cooking means burning so David was keeping an eye on me as he was the master chef in the family. Harry was helping as he could also cook and the other two were doing god knows what downstairs in the basement. I think they were playing one of the video games Fraser got for Christmas.

"Dinners ready." My dad said and everyone sat down.

We pulled Christmas crackers and laughed at how not funny the jokes were. It got to the end of the Christmas Day and we were sat by the log fire just roasting marshmallows and drinking hot chocolate.

"Thanks you." I said. My family turned to me looking confused.

"For what?" Noah asked.

"I don't know. Just for everything. I'm happy I moved here and I know that I belong with you. All of you, including Harry. Your my blood and love me and tease me and I love all of you." I said rather quickly not realising completely what I said.

I just told all of them I love them? I just said I belong with them? Am I finally happy? Maybe them hating me was a good thing. I mean brothers and sisters are on and off with each other all the time, but they always make up.

David wrapped his arm around me. "We love you two." He said kissing my forehead and I wrapped my arms around him.

This is where I belong, with my family.

The people who love and care for me.

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