Chapter sixteen

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So guys I was just wondering what you think of this so far because to be honest I'm not sure. please vote. please follow me and please comment and tell me what you think. Thankyou so much for reading.


Chapter sixteen

After shakes spears week was over, it was half term and George decided to have a little family holiday with the grandparents. they were going to stay with them and Quinn was more nervous than she could explain.

"But what are they like? Are they nice. I've never had grandparents before." quinn said sat on Noah's bed as he was packing his suitcase. he gave her a funny look. "course you have. they are your grandparents aswell. they aren't your step or half their your full blood relatives. what about mums parents? I have a memory of her parents I think." he said. quinn sighed.
"When I was about six my mum wanted nothing to do with them. she said they were horrible people. you know they may have fallen out with mum, but they still could of seen me. they wouldn't. they refused. did dads parents refuse to see me aswell?" She asked him.
"No. no. of course not. dad told me that he tried to see you, but mum wouldn't let you. she was ill at the time, but he wanted to trust her decision. she was convinced he was horrible that all men and boys were. something had gotten into her head after she heard something that had happened to a women in town. she was already Ill and this just made things worse. dad knew that you and her were safe with her sister and he didn't want to mAke her any worse. nana and grandad always wanted to see you. of course they did. your the baby of the family after all and they missed someone to spoil and believe me they do." he said with a smirk as he sat down besides her.
She didn't meet his eyes that were looking at her. "will they even like me?" She questioned. he looked at her confused. "what do you mean of course they will like you. your there granddaughter and they love you!" He said nudging her playfully.
"Mums parents didn't love me just because I was there granddaughter."
"Yes well mum was right. they are horrible people if they can't love someone as cute as you." he said pinching her cheeks. "but guess what! They didn't love or want to see me either. Nor Fraser and david. we can all be the abandoned grandchildren together." she giggled. "come on you packed?" He continued to say even more and stood up.
"Yeah." she said. he put out his hand for her to take and she took it. "come one lets go." he said picking up his full suitcase and following Quinn after she walked out of the room.

The boys put their suitcases in the car and Quinn waited at the bottom of the stairs for her dad because he said he would bring her suitcase down on his way. Fraser David and Noah just came back into the house as George came down the stairs. "Is everyone ready?" He questioned them and they nodded. "Right then let's be on our way ." He said. "Dad you know I can take my suitcase now." She told him. He gave her an unsure look. "No. No. Sweetie, it's very heavy and to be honest what on earth have you got in here. I'll just put it in car for you." He said. He went past his children and out the open front door. "I can do things myself you know." Quinn mumbled, but was loud enough for them all to hear except George because he had gone out of the house. Noah pinched her cheeks. "Aw." He teased. She tried to push his hands away, but they stayed pinched.
"No, no stop. Please Noah stop." He smirked and finally let go. Fraser and David were very amused.

Quinn walked out of the house and got in the car. George had headed back into the house to get something. She got in the front passenger seat, but the door soon opened. "Move Quinn." David said. She looked at him like she didn't want to. He raised his eye brows and she gave him a devious smile. "Come on, get out of the front seat." He asked sweetly. "But I want to sit in the front. Why can't i?" She whined. He sighed.
"Maybe you shouldn't of been born last, but because you were, you belong in the back."
"Fine, but I hate being the youngest." She complained and got out of the car leaving a satisfied David. "Oh believe me we know." He said with a chuckle. Quinn then got in the middle next to Noah and Fraser came and sat next to her.

She spent a few minutes waiting and fiddling nervously with her fingers. "It will be fine Quinn. They are lovely. So is aunt Lauren and uncle Henry and the cousin are fun." Noah reassured. "Nervous?" Fraser said. She avoided his gaze which basically told him that she was. "Don't worry. Like Noah said. They are great." He said Putting his hand on her knee. She gave him a small smile. George then got int the car. "Right lets go." They drove of and Quinn spent about half an hour listening to music until she fell asleep.

She woke up around an hour later and it was around sunset. She looked at her dad who was focused on the road and then at David. David was reading a book and he was well into it. Fraser had his ear phones in and looking out the window. Her attention was then drawn to Noah. She rubbed her eyes, which brought his attention to her. "Oh your awake. We finally had some peace and quiet. I guess that's over." Quinn narrowed her eyes. "I'm just joking." She sighed and leaned on his shoulder. "How long have we got left?" Quinn asked.
"Two hours and a half. Your not going to keep asking that are you?" He asked her. Quinn gave a cheeky smile as he looked down at her. He put his arm around her and she rested her head on his lap.

Fraser took his ear phones out and looked over at Quinn and Noah. "Aren't we cosy." He then turned to George and continued "dad now that Quinn's awake, can we stop at a service station?" He asked. Their father looked in the rear view mirror and replied
"Yes there is one just coming up now. We will stop there." He turned on to the road to the service station and found a car parking space. They all got out and the five of them headed towards the entrance. once they got in the boys and George headed to the male bathrooms and Quinn headed to the female. "quinn don't go anywhere. meet us out here." George said as he went through the doors. the ladies were just a bit along, but before she went in her phone started to ring. it was an unknown number. she answered it.

"Hello?" She said into the phone.
"Quinn, thank god I've gotten hold of you. I need to speak to you. I need to se you." the male voice said. she looked hurt at the words spoken. "I can't speak to you. we've never had much to do with each other. goodbye." she said as she hung up the phone and put it in her bag. she then headed into the girls toilets with a tear coming down her

When she came out the others were waiting for her. Her eyes were watery. "right lets go." George said not noticing. Fraser and noah walked by his side whilst david walked with Quinn. "What's wrong?" He questioned quietly so she could just hear. "nothing. " she said in a small voice.

The five of them went to Costa and sat down and had a sandwich. that's when Quinn's phone rang again. "please excuse me I will just be a minute."
"Well seeing as though you've finished, but don't be too long we need to leave."

She walked away from their table and soon answered the call. "I can't take you calling me. please." she begged.
"But I need to see you." she sighed.
"Your the one that's always hated me."
"Quinn, I haven't-"
"Save it. just give me time to think." she ended the call and headed back to the table. "who was it darling are you alright?" George asked.
"It was Lottie. she just told me she got there safely, but won't be able to call be because the signal is bad. she just managed to and I just miss her." george gave her a sympathetic look.
"You will see her soon. it's just two weeks. come on we had best be going." he said getting up and everyone else followed.

They got back to the car and got in the same seats they had once been before. George then drove off and of and Quinn took her phone out. she looked at the many missed calls she had from the same person she had finally answered to. in total there must of been hundreds. "who keeps calling you?" Fraser asked.
"I don't know i think they've got the wrong number. I answered it earlier before I went to the bathroom and I told them they got the wrong number and they haven't called me since." she lied knowing exactly who it was. Fraser shrugged and went back to listening to music. Quinn put her phone away and fell asleep once again. she could fall asleep anywhere!

...............................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Who do you think the mysterious person on the end of the phone is? A lover? A relative? An old Friend? Or an old enemy? Please let me know what you think. please vote. comment what you think. tell me if you like it and please follow me.

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