Chapter thirty one

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"Dad why do you have to leave again?!" Quinn asked as her father stood at the doorway ready to leave. "The best of the Quinn its work. I have to see my client. I will be back before you know it." George reassured her.
"But dad have you seen the weather. A storms coming. It can't be safe for you to go." Quinn replied. George looked over to david and looked back at quinn, signalling him to look after and comfort her. He came over and put his arm around her. "Quinn everything will be fine. David will look after you and I'm sure your other brothers will be polite and you will get along. Is that understood?" George said looking at the other boys. They all nodded, even though noah was practically glaring at harry. Quinn rested her head on David's chest and relaxed in his arms. "Darling everything will be fine. I will be back before you know it. Love you." George said kissing quinn on her forehead and then patted David's arm. Quinn kept her eyes on the floor and her head on david. George walked towards the front door after saying goodbye one last time and then left.

"Quinn everything will be fine." David reassured.
"No it won't." Quinn whispered. David pulled her closer and rubbed her back. He then sighed. "Go and get ready for bed. It's getting late." David told her and she nodded and went up the stairs.

She walked into her bedroom and sighed. She walked over to the chest of draws and picked out a grey pyjama top and navy and white spotted pyjama bottoms. She slipped on her cream dressing gown and slippers and went over to her bed. She picked up a book that was on her bed side table and she collapsed onto her bed.

A few minutes later, there was a knock from behind her bedroom door. She looked up and over at it. "Come in." She answered to the person who seemed to be beating her door down. The door opened and harry came in and sat besides her on the bed. She turned to him and said "yes?" He looked at her.
"You alright?" He asked her. She shrugged.
"What about you. How's sharing with noah? You could of continued share with me, but he wouldn't allow of liked the fact that we are different genders, but we've shared before it's not that big of a deal." She replied. He shrugged.
"Are you two getting along?" She continued. Harry sighed.
"He's a bit of a jerk if you ask me." Harry responded. Quinn glared at him whilst raising her eye brows.
"Harry?!" She warned.
"Hey, I'm the older one. I get to scold you." He replied.
"Just promise me you will try and get along?" Quinn said.
"sorry, but he's so pathetic." Harry continued.
"Harry!" She said.
"Sorry...." He mumbled.
"Anyway I'm going downstairs to get a snack. You coming?" She asked him. The two of them nodded and they left the room.

Noah was sat In the kitchen with david and Fraser and he looked miserable. "He is such an ass whole." Noah stated. He was sat at the island and the others were sat at the kitchen table. "I can't believe dads letting him stay with us." Noah continued.
"Mate there's nothing we can do about it. Quinn wants him here and Quinn's daddy's little girl. So she gets anything she wants." David said.
"Why did we have to have him. He's not dads son." Fraser said.
"But Quinn hated him before so why suddenly has she changed her mind?" Noah said.
"Who knows. She's a strange kid. One minute shes something the next she's another." David said.
"I know I don't get girls." Fraser said.
"You know he's our brother too. Not just Quinn's." David stated.
"No he's our half brother. There's a difference." Noah said.
"Yeah, but he's the one who started the whole thing with mum. If he was never born then she never would have left. She only left to go and be with her new boyfriend who harry lived with and then she took quinn." Fraser said with his teeth gritted.
"Guys stop it. It's mums fault you just have to except it." David said. Fraser rolled his eyes.
"Urgh! Just forget it!" And Fraser stormed out of the room.

Quinn walked into the kitchen with harry following her. "Hey quinn." David said. She smiled at him. Neither of her other brothers smiled at harry. Noah kept glancing at harry, with a disgusted look. Harry walked over to the fridge and picked up the jug of orange juice inside of it. "Would you like some orange juice?" He asked anyone, but mainly Quinn.
"Yes please." She said.
"Yeah." Noah said with a glare. Harry raised his eye brows and grabbed some glasses out of the cupboard.
Harry poured the juice into three cups and took his and Quinn's. He handed Quinn's hers but left Noah's on the side. Quinn sighed and picked up Noah's glass and handed if to him. "Thanks." Noah said with a smile.
"You two really need to learn how to sort out your problems." Quinn said and went through to the lounge.

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