Chapter thirty two

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A couple months later, Finally Christmas had come and quinn sat in the back of the taxi overly exited. She hadn't been on holiday that much. She's been when she was little, but doesn't remember it too well. Apart from that she only had memory of one other holiday.

"Kids you exited?" George asked them. And yes harry is coming with them for Christmas! "Yes!" They all said.
"Where abouts have you been before harry and quinn?" George asked them. Quinn looked at harry, who she was sat next to unsure.
"Uh we went to Hawaii when I was about six and Spain after that. I think that's it." He said.
"Well I hope you will like France. This time of year, there should be snow!" George said excitedly.
"I've never seen snow before." Said Quinn.
"Never?" Fraser asked shocked, Quinn shook her head.
"Well I can guarantee you will see snow where we are going." Said George.

George started the car and they drove off.

Quinn's P.0.v

The car journey was long and boring. Dad had rented a seven seater car to get us to the air port, but if you ask me it was more like a van. I was sat In Between Harry and Fraser and so bored. Noah was sat across from me and like everyone else except Fraser and dad he was asleep. Harry was asleep against the window and David was asleep, but leaning on Noah and Noah was leaning on him. Aww how cute.

We had left really early in the morning at about 5:00 am. I went to bed early so i wouldn't be like everyone else.

"Quinn, Fraser? You two still awake?" My dad asked us.
"Yeah." Fraser replied, but I just nodded.
"Why don't the two of you get some sleep, you must be exhausted. We've still got half an hour until we get there." He told us.
"I'm not tired dad." I replied.
"Neither am I." Fraser added.
"Alright just don't complain to me if your tired later." He told us.

Finally we arrived at the airport and went through check in and security. When we were through to the other side I quickly went to the bathroom and the others went to the men's bathroom, times like this it really sucks being the only girl.

When I came out of the cubical, I washed my hands, but something or should I say someone was stood by a sink crying. I saw a toddler crying her eyes out.

"Hey there sweetie, what's wrong?" I asked the most gorgeous little girl I had ever seen.
"I want my mama." She said. Awe.
"Are you lost?" I asked her and she nodded.
"Come with me and I'll help you find you mum." I said taking her hand and walking out of the women's bathroom. The rest of my family were stood outside waiting for me and were ready to grab some lunch, but they looked a bit confused when they saw the baby girl with me.

"Hey look! Quinn's found her self a friend the same age as her! Look at the two little ones!" Fraser said smirking. I glared at him.
"Dad, this girl was lost and I couldn't just leave her and-" I said, but was interrupted by a women coming over to us and wrapping her arms around the kid.
"Lexi?! Where have you been? I've been worried sick!" She said picking the baby girl up.
"I found her alone. She was lost." I told the women.
"Thank you! Thank you, darling! Please I must give you something!" She said.
"No, no, I can't possibly except that." I told her.
"Nonsense!" She said getting her purse out and handing me 50 in cash.
"I can't." I said, but she placed the money in my hand and walked off.
"Well that's one way of picking up some easy cash, kidnap some kid and return them." Said Fraser and I glared at him.
"I didn't kid nap her! Who do you think I am?!"
"Satan." He said shrugging. I rolled my eyes and playfully hit him on his arm.
"wow sis, that hurt sooo much." He said sarcastically.
"Come on let's get something to eat." Dad said and we agreed.

We headed to Nando's and got dad went to order.

"Does anyone actually know where we're staying?" I asked. I was sat between Fraser and Noah on a booth.
"France." Fraser said like I was an idiot.
"No, I don't mean that. I mean like what hotel or holiday place, you know." I said. Fraser shrugged.
"I asked but dad wouldn't tell." Noah told me.
"Mysterious... I like it." I said.

Our flight was called and we all headed to the boarding area. We got on fast as we got there quick and I was seated next to David and Fraser. Noah, harry and my dad were sat In front of us.

"Do you want anything from up here?" David asked getting out of his seat and opening the over head locker. Fraser and Beaton me to the window seat so I was stuck in the middle: "yeah there's a bag of sweets in my bag up there." Fraser said.
"Can I have some?" I asked Fraser as David passed him the sweets.
"No." He snapped. David sat back down and Fraser passed him a sweet. That's so unfair.
"How come he gets one and I don't?!" I said.
"Because he's not a whining baby." Fraser told me. I hate my brothers.

Fraser started playing a game on his phone and David starter reading. I was so bored. Why couldn't I have the window seat? Then I wouldn't be bored because I could watch as we fly.

"Quinn, you alright?" My dad asked me. I nodded.
"Your not feeling sick or anything because of your travel sick are you?" He continued.
"No, I'm fine at the moment." I replied.
"Yes but you might not be. You should have taken the tablets I had gotten for you." David snapped.
"But when I take a tablet it makes me feel sick." I explained.
"Don't be dumb Quinn, your just making your self think that." He told me and I rolled my eyes and chose to ignore him. He's not me.

I kept moving as I was becoming restless. I was bored and needed to do something. I grabbed a magazine that I had already looked at and another look made me put it back.

"Quinn stop moving. God your like a five year old!" Fraser moaned.
"I'm bored." I whined.
"So your problem." He said shrugging.
"Where's you iPod? Phone?" David asked.
"In my bag, but my phones dead and I've got to save charge on my iPod." I said. David sighed and went in his pocket. He handed me his iPhone and earphones. "Listen to music or something, just stop moving so god damn much!" He said and I grinned. Freedom of boredom!

Two hours later we arrived! Thank god! We remained seated, but of course everyone was fidgeting. I had unbuckled my seat belt just like the others and stood up and start to wait. However I was just pushed back down by Fraser. "Quinn there's no point in getting up, you'll just be waiting but standing up." He said.
"It's better than sitting down waiting!" I said standing up again, but this time I was pushed back down by David.
"Sit." He told me.
"But I don't want to."
"Just do as your told."
"I'm not a dog!" I snapped.
"How come you look like one then?" Harry said peering round to look at us from in font. He was still sat down, but looking behind his seat.
"Do not!" I snapped.
"Do too!" Fraser argued, agreeing with Harry. I sighed. This is not a battle I'm going to win.

I walked down the aisle. Yes finally up and walking! David was in front of me and Harry behind and David is being so slow!

"Move." I demanded.
"Shut it." He told me. I sighed. This is going to be a long holiday if they keep being like this.

Okay so I haven't updated in ages. Please tell me if you want me to continue. Tell me what you think of this chapter and please vote follow and comment . It means a lot and it motivates me .

Love Rose xxx

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