Chapter Three

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Early the next morning at half six everyone was up. It was Quinn's first day of school and she was already trembling, even though she was half asleep. She was sat on the side of her bed rubbing her eyes. She looked at the clock on the bedsides table. Quinn yawned and then stood up. She walked over to her window and opened the curtains. The sun was blinding compared to how a minute ago the room was dark. She walked over to her wardrobe and opened the doors. She picked up the uniform and then began to put it on. It was a navy blue tartan skirt with a white blouse. She had a navy blue blazer that matched the skirt, but the blazer was plain with the schools crest on it. She had a navy blue crossover styled tie, shiny black shoes and long grey knee high socks. She put it all on except the blazer which she carried out and downstairs with.

In the kitchen her father was sat at the table drinking his regular cup of coffee and reading a newspaper. Fraser was fiddling about in the cupboards and David was sat by the island on one of the stools. He was eating his breakfast. "Morning." Quinn said happily as she entered the kitchen. The boys looked up to see her walk in smiling as if yesterday never happened. "Morning sweetie." Their father greeted. She got no response from the boys. Quinn just ignored it and continued with her day. Fraser and David were in their uniforms which was a navy blue tie, white shirt, black trousers and the same blazer as Quinn. Both boys and girls brought their shoes out of school, but they had to be black and approved.

"Dad!?" Noah said coming down the stairs and into the kitchen. "have you seen my tie?" He continued looking around. George sighed and looked over at noah. "it's in the utility room on the side." George informed him and noah went through the door in the kitchen to get his tie and he then walked back in tying it around his neck.

Quinn walked over to the side and made herself a bowl of cereal. she poured herself a glass of orange juice and went and sat next to David at the island. "now I want at least one of you to walk with you're sister as she doesn't know the way." David stood up and announced "I'm leaving now though." Quinn could feel the tension. David walked out of the kitchen and looked to see their fathers reaction, but he didn't really mind because he had other intentions. Quinn didn't want to course any trouble, but she couldn't say no because if she did she would get lost. "fraser can you?" He asked. "maybe it will help you too to get along...." he added the last bit in a mumble. it was obvious about the tension between all of them especially between fraser and Quinn. Fraser knew he couldn't object or his father would get mad or something and David had just left so he soon responded "okay yes, but we need to get going soon." Quinn nodded in agreement.

She quickly ate the rest of her cereal and drank her juice. Fraser stood up and made his way to the hallway putting his blazer on. he waited tapping his foot. Quinn stood up and grabbed her bag and said "bye." to everyone and then left with fraser.

The two of them walked down the porch steps and down the driveway. the walked out of the small kind of road that was more like a shared drive and then houses with their own driveways. it was very private. Quinn and him kept walking in silence until she finally broke the ice. "so..." she said. "uh... what's the school like?" She questioned. he glanced at her and then looked back at the road ahead. "uh.... really it's like any other school I guess, but I haven't been to another." he informed her."are you nervous?" He continued. she hesitated. was this a act on concern? Was he looking out for her? Or was he just going to make fun or her? Quinn thought. she decided just to tell him. so she nodded. "I know....its stupid... but-" she was interrupted by Fraser. "No it's not. secondary school is like getting sick it's horrible. I wouldn't be doing this if I was you." Quinn raised her eye brows. was that a kind response? Was the tension finally broken? Or just another conversation that didn't end so well? "Really?.. That means a lot."

For the next few minutes it was silent between the two of them. they just continued walking saying nothing until Fraser said "thanks for yesterday. you know not being a snitch and ratting me out. about that how is you're arm?" He looked kind of ashamed by it. Quinn looked at him. she did a half smile and responded "don't worry... I wouldn't. And it's alright, it just hurts a bit."
"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to hurt you." she smiled. he kind of smiled back a bit. he still didn't like her and she could tell that, but at least he didn't mean to hurt her.... at least that's what he said.

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