Chapter Eleven

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That evening, the four of them were in the kitchen. the takeaway had just been dropped off and they were putting each portion onto a plate. David was at the side with Fraser preparing it and Quinn was sat by the island with her head in her hands. noah walked in and said "foods here!" His voice all exited. he walked over to Quinn and looked at her. "Quinn? Are you alright?" He asked her, putting one hand on her shoulder. she looked up and replied "I'm just really tired." she responded. noah sat down next to her and said "it will be over soon. you can't stay sick forever." Quinn nodded and two plates were put in front of them. they dug in and David sat next to Quinn and Fraser sat next to noah.

Quinn ate a bit of the food, but then left most of it. she pushed her plate away and rested her head on the surface on the island. David looked at noah and then down at Quinn. "are you finished?" He questioned her. Quinn turned her head to face him. "I'm to full."
"Quinn, you've barely eaten anything." Quinn sighed.
"If I eat anything more, I think I'm gonna be sick." Fraser shook his head.
"Just let her starve!" Fraser snapped.

A couple of hours passed by and it was really late now. the boys left quinn, who had now fallen asleep at the island. they were in the lounge and just heading upstairs for bed because they had school tomorrow. David was about to go upstairs, when he decided to go and get a glass of water. he walked in and grabbed a glass from the cupboard. Quinn caught his eye and said "Quinn! I thought you had gone to bed." he said and went besides her and shook her. "Quinn, you should go upstairs to bed." Quinn slowly sat up and nodded. she walked out of the room and headed upstairs. David went back to what he was doing and soon headed up stairs Aswell.

When Quinn was asleep that night, she had another dream. "mum!" Se yelled. she had just arrived at the hospital with a women and a girl around the same age as quinn. she headed to the front desk and they told her that her mother was in room 108. she ran down the hallway towards it. she ran inside and found a women lay down on the bed. "mum?" She said running in and over to her. all that lay there was her body. no life left in the women. Quinn broke down crying. she didn't even get to say goodbye.

She woke up crying and grieving. This was worse Than the other nights. She was still as upset as she was in the dream. crying panicking and screaming. her door opened and the three of them came in, one after another. "Quinn?!" David said as he was the first in. he shook her and tried to get her to snap out of it. "she's...gone. David, she's gone." She cried. David wrapped her arms around her and gently rocked her.

When Quinn actually saw her mother, she didn't cry. she stood there in shock. this is the first time she's let it out completely and was actually crying. she was finally realising that she lost her mum forever and was trying to get through it.

"She's.....gone..." She faintly told David. "Quinn, its alright." he told her.
"I'm never going to see her again." she mumbled. it was now as if she wasn't talking to david. that she was out of it and just mumbling things. "Quinn?" She barely paid attention to who ever was talking to her. "should we call dad?" Noah asked. David shook his head.
"Hopefully she will me fine in a few minutes or so."

They talked as if she wasn't there. Quinn didn't care though. she was too upset. her mind was on other things. right now her worries about not getting on with her brothers didn't matter. she was just glad that someone was with her. even if it was them.

"I'm sorry..." she said. David looked down at her confused and glanced at his brothers. "why are you sorry?" He questioned. Quinn hesitated.
"For bringing up mum..." she paused. "I know you didn't like that She took me and left you.......she was still the one who I raised me." she continued. Frasers face looked sad. "why don't you two go back to bed. we will be fine." David told them. they nodded and left the room.

When they had left, David turned his attention back to Quinn. "quinn, I didn't understand before. it was nothing to do with you. look your my little sister, whatever happens. it's normal to be upset." Quinn looked at him as of a bit of Weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. she new now that David is always going to be her older brother and he still loves her no matter what. "David..." She hesitated but he reassured her it would be alright. "thank you. i love you." She said and he smiled and pulled her more into an hug.
"I love you too." he said in a whisper to her ear. she was slowly falling asleep in his arms and he just started to notice. he gently moved her off of him and helped her lye on the bed. then he brought the covers up and he left the room.

The next morning the boys woke up for school. this time quinn woke up around the same time. she wasn't going to school today, but she was feeling a lot better and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

When she arrived in there she found david sat at the island. he was drinking coffee and was reading from a book placed on the surface. "feeling any better?" He asked her. she thought for a moment. "well yes, but still a bit sick." she said uncertain. "That's great, now we can have our usual party! When dad goes away." Fraser stated cheerfully walking into the room. "What do you mean?" Quinn asked him.
"Well no parents so empty house. No rules and now there's no sick little sister. Perfect for a party." He explained. Quinn narrowed her eyes not buying any of it.
"Really? I bet that you would of thrown a party anyway." Fraser sighed realising he'd just been caught. "Okay, okay! Maybe I did already invite everyone, but I hadn't completely organised it!" David chuckled at his care free brother. Quinn shook her head and went and sat at the kitchen table.

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