Chapter twenty eight

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When quinn and harry got out of the taxi they headed up to a big old house. Everything was so still, there was no life to it. The taxi drove out of the drive and they headed up to the front door.

"Gosh it's so weird being back here." Quinn said to him.
"It feels like everything is back to how it was." He said.
"Not everything I wish most of it was. I wish mum was still alive and drew didn't exist. Then life would be perfect." Quinn told him.
"Yes that would be a dream come true, but you don't have to worry about him anymore." He reassured.
"Yes I don't, but you do." Quinn said.
"Not so much." Harry told her. "I'll tell you tomorrow, let's get some sleep it's been a long day. There's still some stuff you left here. You can sleep in the room you used to." Harry told her and she nodded and went up the stairs.

She looked around at the place. It hadn't changed much since she last saw it. She came to the top of the stairs and went down the corridor. She went into the third door and closed it behind her.

Inside was a bed, wardrobe, chest of draws, bedside table, book shelf and a dressing table. She sighed at the sight of it and thought 'who would have thought I'd come back here?' She thought to herself. She went over to the chest of draws and saw a pair of pyjamas folded in one of the draws. She smiled and quickly got changed into them. She hung her clothes In the wardrobe and found a few tops and skirts and jeans and dresses in there, but not much.

Making her jump there was a knock on her door. "Yes." She said and harry came in with two cups of hot chocolate. She smiled. "Well you always did love your chocolate." He said proudly remembering.
"You know it's good to have someone who knows you so well. Sometimes I feel like no one really knows me." She said to him.
"Well maybe you should tell them. Tell them about your past. Our past. How me and you know each other so well. They have a right to know. Especially your brothers." Harry said.
"I know, but right now all they want to do is punch you in the face. Well I do think you deserve it, but not for the reasons they think. They think your my ex boyfriend that can't leave me alone." Quinn told him, making him burst out laughing.
"Yeah right! That's disgusting! Your too young for me. Urgh gross." He said.
"Glad we agree on something." Quinn said to him, making him smile a bit.
"Anyway we will talk about this in the morning. Goodnight and get some sleep." He said and hugged her and left. She sighed and got into bed and drunk her hot chocolate in bed. Then when she was finished she put it on her bedside table and fell asleep.

Early the next morning she woke up in her bed. She looked around and sighed. She couldn't believe she was back in the same old place. She sighed and got out of bed and walked out of the room.

Downstairs harry was in the kitchen eating."morning." He said to her as she came and sat down next to him. "You can get your self breakfast its not like your exactly a guest." He said with a smirk.
"Your just being lazy. No I'm not hungry. I'm ready to talk to you." She told him. He sighed and said
"Alright go and wait for me In the lounge I will be in there in a minute." He told her and she got up and left the room.

When he was finished he walked through to the public lounge with two coffees and placed on down infront of quinn. She smiled and took a sip.

"I'm going to start." Harry said.
"Why did you run away? I know they wouldn't let you just come and stay here." He asked. She sighed and thought for a moment.
"There all being such idiots. I've kind of had an argument with Fraser and me and noah are on thin ice and david and me are all right. My dads mad at me and I'm basically grounded." She told him.
"Well brothers will be brothers you should already know that." He told her and she nodded.
"Alright my turn. When I left we both agreed that we never wanted to see each other again. You were cruel and so I agreed. Why suddenly have you desperately wanted to see me? I don't forgive you and I don't believe you've changed so quickly. You said you hated me. Why such a change of heart?" She questioned. He took a deep breath and said
"Once you left and social services told us that you had to live with your father as it was his wish. They checked with Drew to make sure he was able to look after me. Then they found out. He's in prison. That's who I was visiting when I bumped into you." He told her. Her heart started to race. She was scared.
"You mean he's really gone?" She asked. He nodded. A tear ran down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away. "Well what are you going to do? Aunt Melissa isn't exactly going to want to come and live here with you." She said.
"That's what social services think is happening." Harry said. Quinn sighed and said
"How do you get food and stuff?" She questioned.
"She comes over a couple times a week and checks everything." He told her. She nodded.
"Look quinn, I'm sorry. Your my little sister. I don't care if you've got three other brothers that you share both parents with. I may just be your half brother, but we grew up together." He told her.
"We may not like each other, but at least the disgusting man is locked away. I know he's your dad and all but he was like a father to me in some way, but why did you visit him?" She asked.
"Well that's like saying why did you visit me? Because we're family." He told her. She laughed.
"Look at you. Your the one who's always been against that sort of thing. Your the one who's never cared about anything. Anyway you can't stay here. When I eventually go back, you can stay with me for a bit. I'll persuade my dad, once they know your my brother not my boyfriend." She said.
"Urgh don't remind me. How could they think I'm your boyfriend!" He stated.
"I don't know, but you know there your brothers too. We all share the same mother." She said.
"One sisters enough. I don't need any more siblings, but I'll take you up on your offer. I'll stay for a few days." Quinn smiled and hugged him. He laughed surprised.

Quinn and harry are in fact half brother and sister. Quinn mother had another child at some point and later quinn and her moved in with the child and the child's father.

"I'll try with us, but it will take me time, but I've always had my reasons." Harry said to her making her confused.
"You've got reasons for saying I hate you to my face? And that you never wanted
To see me again?" She questioned.
"Maybe..." He replied

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