Chapter Seven

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2:30 am was when Fraser walked back into the house. he was drunk and stumbling all over. he smelled of alcohol. with his spinning vision he managed to make it down the hallway. he stumbled and hit the wall. "hello?" Quinn said In a slight whisper scared of the what lurked in the dark. she walked closer to where the sound was coming from. she saw Fraser who was barely standing. she was shocked of the sight of him and quickly went towards him standing him straight. Quinn's not fat, but she's not too skinny either, but she is small compared to Fraser who is a bit taller. he is not fat either, but his weight and the strength of Quinn wasn't a match.

She helped him through to the kitchen, but was stumbling just like Fraser was trying to stay up with both their weights. she sat him down at the kitchen table. "Fraser are you drunk?!" She questioned in a loud whisper whilst she sat on the edge of the table. he started laughing. "no! I'm not." He snapped. Quinn rolled her eyes.
"Clearly you are." she responded. Fraser shook his head like he had to exaggerate it. "I was jealous of you." he said. She raised her eye brows. "when I first saw you I wanted to shut the door in your face! But when I hurt you.... I just wanted to hug you." He was slurring his words. Quinn looked him in the eye. shocked at what just came out of her brothers mouth. "let me get you some water." she said walking over to the kitchen sink.

Quinn was trying to ignore what he just said. when he gets sober this won't mean a thing. She just tried to do the best she could. Quinn had, had a rough sleep and woke up from a dream. after her night you'd think she'd be dreaming of rainbows, but that wasn't what happened. her dream was confusing. about her mother, her brothers and father. she could barely remember it, but she's was trying to forget it.

"I'm very very sorry Quinn." he said like a child. "I just bottle all my emotions up." he said as she walked back over to him. she put the glass on the table. he stood up. he placed his hands on both her shoulders. "I know I don't show it all the time, but I do care. I do love you." she shook her head disapprovingly. "drink your water!" She replied plainly.
"But I do... I really do." he insisted taking a sip from the water and spilling half of it on the floor. she sighed and took the glass out of his hands. "did the water do any good?" She questioned letting out a deep breath.

Three footsteps interrupted their conversation. Quinn looked up at the person they belonged to, but Fraser stayed oblivious. "Quinn?!" David snapped. "your supposed to be asleep." he continued. his vision turned to Fraser and he walked over to them. "uh is he drunk?" He said smelling the stench. Quinn nodded. "Fraser are you alright?" Fraser nodded.
"Yes!.... I'm just telling our baby sister how stupid I am." he said wrapping one arm around her. She gave them both a funny look. "quinn how exactly were you planning on getting him up the stairs by yourself?" David asked. she shrugged. "Okay whatever. look Quinn it's really late. get to bed, I can take care of him." David told her looking at Quinn and back at fraser. "but I don't want you to go to bed. I want us all to stay down here. I know! We can a party" Fraser said bringing Quinn who was still stiff in his arms closer to him. " no because our little sister needs to go to bed." David said. Fraser let out a loud sigh. "Okay! Goodnight Quinn!" He kissed her loudly on her forehead. she was disgusted and confused. "don't worry Quinn. it's just the alcohol. go to bed." David continued. Quinn nodded and left the room whilst David helped their brother up.

Quinn did as her told surprisingly and continued up the stairs back to her room. noah had already warned her of the likes of fraser. if theres ever a party fraser will be there. when alcohol is out and available fraser wont take no for an answer. it was obvious to Quinn what her family were like. their father was a busy working man, david was the quite perfect one. noah was the cool one, athletic ad easy going. fraser was the distant one who wouldn't hesitate to get wasted. to him if his father noticed he wouldn't care that much, he would just repeat it again. drown his sorrows and want to forget every moment of his life that he doesn't want to face. even with what he just said to her it wouldn't of mattered. the drink would of been half of it.....or not even that. she cant trust those words that had just slipped off of his lips. he was too Influenced. she shook her head and continued up the top of the stairs towards her bedroom.

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