Chapter fourteen

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Chapter fourteen: dont you worry

Monday came and quinn was running late for school, although she really was dreading it. now she has to come face to face with lucas. yes maybe he may of been drunk, but not drunk enough to forget what he tried to do.

Someone knocked on the front door of the house, but Quinn was too busy rushing around to answer it. Noah walked over to the front door calmly and normal pace compared to Quinn who couldn't find her shoes.

"Lottie what may I do for you?" Noah said dramatically.

Lottie smiled at him and replied "is Quinn ready?" She asked.

Noah smirked and stepped aside "she may be a while so why don't you come in?" He said and Lottie nodded then came into the house.

Quinn came out of the kitchen and into the hallway where Lottie was waiting. her eyes widened when she saw her.

"Gosh Lottie, I know I was meant to meet you five minutes ago at the end of the drive, but I'm running a bit late." Quinn explained holding only one shoe.

Lottie playfully rolled her eyes and said "alright, but what's with the one shoe?"

Quinn sighed and said "I've lost the other one."

"Come on I will help you look." and the two of them did just that.

Noah let out a laugh once they had walked into another room. one hand was behind his back and he went and stood in the doorway of the hallway. "Quinn?" He said trying to get her attention as she was looking under the sofa.

"yes?" She said.

"Well I'm going to be heading off to school now. so please remember to lock up and i don't want to be late until, but you two might be. so I'm just going to give you this, bye." he said dropping the shoe In his hand and walking out of the lounge.

"Noah! Come back here you arse whole!" She snapped chasing him out the room.

"language little one." he said while laughing and ran out of the door before she could catch him.

"oh my god I can't believe him!" Quinn said as Lottie walked into the room.

"I'm so glad I've got a sister instead of brothers."

"Well you were lucky. now let's go."

When they got to school they headed to english. This week was Shakespeare's week when all different classes and years mix together to create a play each.

Quinn was let into lotties group in English for the group work and then Mr Atwood went round the class telling each group which room to go with to find the other people from other classes and years in the rooms that they would be waiting for them in.

Mr Atwood came to Quinn's table and he said "room 49 please." in Quinn's group was lottie, jason, Taylor, a girl called jemima, a boy called john and a boy called Louis.

The seven of them headed out of the class room and down the corridor. the others went ahead and Lottie and Quinn slowly walked behind, with Taylor just in front.

"So are you alright now?" Lottie questioned. Quinn didn't answer. " did you tell your brothers."

Quinn nodded.

"They were pissed." Quinn said.

"Well they bloody well should be."

"They said they were gonna make him regret it or something. I can't get the look of Frasers face out of my face. he was his best friend. Fraser was really upset."

Lottie sighed.

"What ya talking about?" Taylor asked.

"Oh nothing you know just pointless stuff. come on we had best catch up with the others." Lottie lied to taylor, not wanting to upset Quinn.

When they eventually got into the class room, of all the classes and years the people they had to work with was jaw dropping. Quinn's eyes widened and she glanced over to Lottie. Lottie put her arm around Quinn's shoulder and rubbed her arm, trying to make Quinn feel better. the people they had been put with was Amielia, Amanda, Alfie, Fraser and lucas!

Being put with your brother is bad enough and now being with the guy that you have recently come to despise was worse.

Fraser noticed Quinn's presence and gave her a sympathetic look. Quinn looked away from Frasers gaze. Lucas, however, didn't look guilty, happy or sad. his face showed no emotion. it was making Lottie sick.

"Ah now there's not much going on in here. I've got the scripts for midsummers nights dream." mr Attwood said after entering the room. he handed them out to be everyone.

"Amanda, you can be puck. Lottie you can be Helena. Alfie as bottom. lucas as Demetrious. Fraser as Hermia's father. Taylor as Titania. jason as Lysander. John as quince. Louis as another one of the Mechanicals and Quinn as hermia - any other parts will be cut out. just work your way around them." he said and left.

Quinn stood their shocked. she was now in the same room as lucas and now had to do many scenes with him wanting her hand in marriage. Quinn noticed a pair of eyes on her. she looked in the direction seeing a wound up Fraser. lucas had no care in the world - he seemed happy.

Fraser was angry and he still hasn't said anything to Lucas yet. Fraser didn't really know how.

Lucas went over to Alfie and Amelia and they started talking. Fraser walked over to where Quinn was standing. Lottie was talking to taylor besides her, but Quinn wasn't really in the conversation.

Fraser pulled her aside. "You don't have to do this. you don't even have to be in the same room as him. I can go and speak to mr Attwood and he would understand. I can speak to dad and-"

"No." Quinn cut him off, but before he could say anything lucas walked over and put his arm around Frasers shoulder.

"hey mate." Lucas said.

Lucas smirked at Quinn making a shiver go down her spine. Fraser pulled away so his arm wasn't around his shoulders. lucas looked surprised. fraser punched him hard making Lucas stumble backwards.

"I'm not your mate." Fraser snapped and put his arm around Quinn walking over to the other side of the class room.

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