Chapter twenty five

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After a few days past if was time to go home. It was early in the morning and quinn had finally switched back to her old room. Her, Fraser and Noah had not completely made up. They weren't as extreme as before, but they were still not being quite as nice as they once were. Although quinn and Zach have become good friends. Once they started spending more time together they realised they had more know common than they thought.

Quinn was in her bedroom getting dressed when Fraser walked in. She already had her leggings on, but didn't quite have her top on. Fraser saw her and as soon as she noticed she covered herself with the t-shirt she was putting on. "What's that?" Fraser asked. Quinn quickly put her top on and looked over at him. "What do you mean, you pervert!" Quinn snapped angrily. Fraser came over to her and moved the collar from her t-shirt down to the left a big and revealed a scar. "Fraser, get off me! It's nothing!" Quinn stated, but Fraser didn't move. His eyes were fixed on a scar. "How did you get that?" He asked get frustrated. Quinn shook her head.
"There is no way I'm telling you!" She snapped. Fraser gritted his teeth.
"Tell me or I'll make you!" He practically shouted. Quinn was now scared. She looked at him in fear. "Quinn tell me!" He said.
She shivered.
"No! I'm not going to tell you anything!" She shouted.
"Is it to do with harry? Did HE do that to you?!" Fraser asked getting furious. Quinn shook her head.
"No, but I think your about to give me another one!" She said and as soon as she did he backed off a bit realising what he was doing. "I'm sorry, but how did you get it?"  He asked again.
"I don't even remember how I got it! Leave it or I'm..." She stopped.
"Your what?" He questioned. She shook her head and went over to her bed and closed her suitcase.
"It really doesn't matter. I'm ready! I'm going down stairs. Dad will be expecting us and believe me I can't wait to have my own room back instead of sharing with you!" She said and walked out of the room. Fraser sighed and continued packing.

Downstairs Zach stood there with his sister waiting for chris and his parents. "Zach stop tapping your foot!" Clara snapped. He smirked and continued to do it. "Clara! Oh clara! Clara!" He said irritating her. Clara stood there with her arms folded rolling her eyes. Quinn was coming down the stairs and she caught Clara's attention. "Honestly quinn! I don't know how you've spent so much time with him! He is the most annoying person I've ever met!" Clara exclaimed.
"Your lucky to have a brother that no matter how much he annoys you!" Quinn said, making Clara give her a weird look and Zach for that matter. "Quinn do you want to talk to me about something? You only have boys to talk to now. Is there anything?" Clara asked quinn taking her hand. Quinn thought for a moment and was about to say yes, but then stopped her self and said no. "No Clara. There's nothing. You know I'm just a bit homesick . I've been away for so long." Quinn said. Clara nodded and said
"Quinn come here." Clara said and hugged her.
"You know Clara, your a bit like my big sister." Quinn said. Zach rolled his eyes.
"Oh believe me you don't want that!" Zach mumbled but they ignored him.
"And your like the little sister I never had. Instead I got those two!" Clara said as they came apart and she saw Chris coming down the stairs. "What have I done?" Chris asked making everyone else laugh. "Don't worry about it brother." Zach said and chris shrugged it off.

The parents came into the hallway along their grandparents. "Quinn where's you brothers?" George asked.
"How the hell should I know!" She muttered, but then realised he was still waiting for an answer.
"I don't know dad." Quinn said and just then they came down the stairs with Amber with them. "Are there you are! Now say your goodbyes and hurry up because we've got a longer journey compared to the others." George said.

Quinn turned to clara and hugged her again. Then she turned to chris and hugged him. "It was great to meet you again and I'm so glad we have you back." Chris said to her.
"Yeah bye." She said in a small voice and managed a small smile.
"Come here sweetie." Amber said to quinn as she wrapped her arms around her. "It's great to have another girl! There's too many guys! It was great to meet you gorgeous!" Amber said to her. Quinn then said goodbye to all the adults and then lastly turned to Zach. "Thankyou." Quinn whispered into his ear.
"Look after your self little one!" He replied messing up her hair.
"You two trouble!" Zach said.
"I love you." Quinn whispered.
"I love you too madam!" He said and they came apart.
"Come on quinn!" George said and she looked up seeing her brothers stood waiting with her father. "Bye." She said and went after them with her suitcase.

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