Chapter nineteen

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The sun rose the next day and peered through the curtains of quinn and Frasers room. Quinn's eyes slowly opened. she looked around as her eyes adjusted and slowly sat up. "Fraser?" She whispered, but he didn't reply. he just simply turned over. she sighed.

She didn't know what to do. 'what do they do here? Should I just get up and get some breakfast? Should I wait and ask Fraser? Should I go and see if anyone else is awake. it's not my house. I don't want to be rude or anything.' she thought to herself.

Suddenly her phone starter to ring. she picked it up quickly hoping it wouldn't wake Fraser up and luckily it didn't. "hello?" She whispered. there was no reply, but she could here somebody breathing. "hello?..." She said a bit confused in a hushed voice.
"Quinn! Can I please speak to you. just meet up with me somewhere. I'm sorry I haven't been there for you and everything but-" Quinn stopped the call knowing it was the same person as before. she sighed and threw the phone on the bed.

Quinn slowly got up out of bed and picked up her dressing gown. she put it on and then headed out the door. with her phone in hand. she walked along the corridor and headed towards the stairs. that was when a hand touches a shoulder making her jump and quickly turn around."david?" She said with a sigh of relief. she looked at her brothers tired face. he was wearing a grey t-shirt and plain dark blue pyjama bottoms. he wasn't much for colour Coordination. "what you doing up?" He asked her. she shrugged and looked at the time on her phone. "it's eight o'clock. it's not that early." she said.
"Whatever smarty pants! Do you want to get some breakfast?" He questioned and she nodded. in that moment a sigh of relief washed over her. all her worries had gone.

They walked into the kitchen to find there grandmother cooking and Zach was sat at the dining room table. "ah morning!" She said.
"Morning." quinn and David both responded.
"Wait? Zach what are you doing up? You normally have to be dragged out of bed!" David said with a smirk.
"Couldn't sleep." Zach said whilst his mouth was stuffed with food. he likes his food. david shook his head and Quinn was amused. "now what would you two like to eat? I've got....eggs, bacon, cereal, toasts anything! What would you like?" Grandma questioned.
"I'm not hungry thankyou though." quinn said and walked through to where Zach was. "Are you sure dear?" Grandma questioned and quinn simply nodded.
"I will have just some toast. I can do it though." David said.
"Nonsense. go and sit with Zach and your sister. it will be done in a minute." she said and got to work.

Zach was sat at the head of the table and Quinn was at round on the closet chair to him. david came and sat next to her. quinn was laughing at something Zach said and stopped when david said "Quinn you need to eat something." quinn rolled her eyes.
"God dave, your not her dad." Zach said jokingly, but david wasn't amused.
"Yes, but I'm her brother. now quinn i think you should. dad wouldn't like you not eating." He continued.
"That is a point and its the most important meal of the day." Zach said now very amused.
"Who's side are you on?" Quinn questioned confused.
"Now Quinn seeing as though your new to this and more importantly ME. there's only one side I'm on. that would me MINE. king Zachary the fierce, handsome,great and-" Zach said boldly, but was interrupted by quinn and David saying "we get it!"
"Now if you shall excuse me." quinn paused. "there is something I must do." then she left and walked back through the kitchen before they could say anything. then she went out through the back door.

She was in bare feet, but
Walked across the patio and onto the grass. She walked to towards the woods. she kept walking until she came to a clearing. next she took out her phone and looked at the signal. she had a couple of bars. then she walked over to the big tree and sat down against it. She took her phone out and sighed. she pressed on a number. "hello." she said.
"Quinn. I'm so glad you called." he said.
"Save it. I have one thing to say. I will see you and hear you out."
"Thank you. I won't let you down. I will make it up to you." he said.
"Shut it. to start with, how about the normal stuff.
Like I don't know just calling up to talk about how you are or soemthing. then in two weeks I will meet up with you okay?" Quinn said.
"Yes okay. I've got to go now, but I will talk to you later. I love you." he said.
"I love you too..." Quinn's voice trailed off and she ended the call.

Quinn sighed and leaned her head back against the tree. she slowly got up and headed back to the house. "Quinn?" Someone shouted.
"Over here!" She shouted
Back and the person came towards her. "grandma said you were out here. she wants to take you out in the town." it was noah who said it.
"Oh, but there is no town. isnt this like s tiny village?" Quinn asked.
"Yeah, but there's like a street of shops. she probably just wants to spend time with you. shes missed out on like around ten years of your life." he said.
"Yes. is anyone else going."
"I'm not sure."
"Well I'm ready."
"No sis, you might want to
Get dressed first." he said and she smiled and replied "play I'm going to go and do that. tell grandma I will be down in a minute." she said as they came through the back door and she ran though the kitchen and
Then to the hallway and upstairs.

She entered her room to find Fraser sat on his bed on his phone. "hey." he greeted her.
"Morning." she replied and went over to the wardrobe. she just picked out a plain grey top and jeans then sighed. "can you leave the room please?" She questioned.
"It's my room to." he said.
"Fraser." she whined.
" Fine." quinn smiled, but then he continued "I won't look." she pulled a face at him and turned away from him. when she was done she said "you can look now."
"Beautiful." he mocked jog looking up from his phone. "whatever I'm going" she said. she sat down on the and put her phone down besides her. she put her Uggs on and then left the room. leaving her phone.
"Bye." Fraser muttered.
"Bye idiot." she said and he laughed.

Fraser put his phone down and was about to leave the room when something was vibrating. he turned and saw Quinn's phone. he walked over to it and picked it up, but he was too late to and it ended. he saw on the screen that she had missed a call from an unknown caller. he didn't know her password so he brushed it off and left the room.

When quinn was out with her grandma they walked past a bakery, but something caught her grandmas eye. she stopped. "you know dear, when you were little you used to love those cakes." she said pointing to a small chocolate cupcake with three smarties on. "shall we get one?" Her grandma continued.
"That would be nice."

The two of them went inside and got ten cupcakes to take home and the baker put them in a cake box. then they got two seprate ones that they would have now.

"Mmm! This is delicious!" Quinn stated.
"That must of been why you liked it so much. You couldn't get enough. now come on darling lets go back to the house."

David was sat in the lounge reading a book and Amber just walked in on the phone. "yes. yes. I know right! Oh sorry what was that?" David looked up at her. he couldn't concentrate.
"Amber please be quiet." he said.
"Sorry hang on a minute Anna." she paused and looked up at david. "what?" She asked.
"Shut up." he said and he rolled her eyes and said
"Yes Anna. sorry but of bad signal." she said whilst walking out of the room. david sighed and shook
His head and then continued to read his book.

"Zach leave me alone." clara said to Zach as she came down the stairs with Zach right behind her. "but I'm bored." he whined. clara rolled her eyes.
"God your a big boy now! Your don't need your big sister to hold your hand. you pretty much taller than me! Learn to entertain your self!" She said.
"But I am. winding you up is entertaining!" He said with a grin.
"Ah what's going on here?" Chris asked standing at the bottom of the stairs. he was watching his younger brother and older sister and was very amused . "go away chris. there you go zach you have your brother to entertain you." clara told him and was about to leave, but Chris and Zach pulled her back. "I don't think so sister. I want to spend time with you. its funny to annoy you." Zach said his grin getting bigger.
"And I like watching him annoy you its funny." Chris told her.
"Why couldn't I have been an only child. no brothers. that's my dream." she said dramatically and pushed past them.

The front door opened just as clara walked into the the kitchen. "now quinn, why don't you go and put those cakes in the kitchen. make sure the boys don't take them because then there would be none left for us." Her grandmother said to her. "I'm just going to put these upstairs." she continued. as soon as she passed the boys went straight over to Quinn."what do you two went?" She asked suspicious of them.
"Cake." they both replied simply.
"I don't think so." she responded. they both looked at each other. "well there's only one way then." chris said looking at zach. quinn put the cake boxes down on the hallway cabinet and replied "and what's that?"
"This!" They both said and started to tickle her. she bent down trying avoid there hands, but it was no use. in the end she ended up sitting down. they leaned over her and tickled her. "please.......please stop. cant...." she stuttered.
"Can we have cake." tears were now coming out of Quinn's eyes. "Yes! Yes!...anything if you stop it!" She said.
"Deal." they both replied and quick slowly for up.

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