Chapter thirty three-

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We had finally arrived, okay maybe when we got a taxi cab here, we had to make them pull over as i was sick and David was beyond furious. He hadn't said a word to me since, but why does it matter? I know he said I should of taken the tablets, but then we would of been clearing sick up at home.

Noah's P.O.V.

"Here you are." The taxi driver said, he speaks very good English. We were in the north of France and it was cold. It was almost Christmas and snow was falling.
"Thanks, here." My father said handing him some cash.

I looked across from Me, where David and Harry were sat. Quinn was asleep, sat between me and Fraser. She was the only one who hasn't been to sleep yet. Her head was resting on Frasers shoulder and she was fast to sleep.

Harry opened one door of the cab and David opened the other. I was about to get out and follow them as they did, but Fraser stopped me.

"Man, what about her?" He asked still sat down with her leaning against his shoulder.
"I'll take her in." I told him. He unbuckled her seat belt. I picked her up in my arms and got out of the car. My dad, David and Harry helped with the bags and dad gave Fraser the keys so we can let ourselves in.

It was a lodge, it was great. It wasn't too big, it was a nice size. It was cosy and sweet.

"Where should I put Quinn?" I asked my dad as he was coming through the door.
"There's three rooms upstairs. The one with the three beds is yours, Frasers and Quinn's so the three younger ones are sharing and David and Harry are sharing." He told me.
"Hey! Me and Harry are the same age." I said.
"Actually mate I'm eleven months older than you." Harry told me walking through the front door.
"Fine whatever." I said sighing.

I walked over to the stairs and walked up the wooden stairs. I came to a hallway and saw four doors. I went in the first, which I could tell was Harry and David's then the second was ours.

I placed Quinn in the bed and was about to leave, but then I realised her clothes. I sighed- it's fine I'm her brother. I changed her clothes, and then put her back in bed. Then I left the room.

"This place is so cool." Fraser said to our dad when I came down the stairs.
"Have you boys seen the basement? Now that's something you will like!" George said smiling.

Fraser smiled and headed down to the basement. We all followed and as we entered the basement we found a pool table. There was also a tv and sofa. There was a piano in the corner and a record player on this table.

"sweet." David said going over to the pool table.
"Care for a game?" I asked him walking over to join him.
"Hey! I want to play!" Fraser whined.
"Quit whining. You sound like a little girl." I snapped.
"He is a little girl." Harry laughed.
"And this is why I like you." I replied to Harry.
"Well come on little one. We can play in teams of two. Me and Noah will be one team you two the other." David said taking control.
"Fair." Harry said and we began to play.

Quinn's P.O.V.

I woke up in a strange room. I was in my pyjamas and it was pitch black outside. I stood up and walked out of the room. We must of arrived then. I came down the stairs and found my dad sat in the living room.

"Dad?" I asked confused. He turned around and saw me giving me a sympathetic smile.
"Is everything alright?" He asked me.
"Yeah. How long was I asleep for?" I asked.
"Not too long. It's about eleven now." He told me. I nodded and he gestured for me to come and sit down next to him. I did so and he wrapped his arm around me. I leaned my head on his chest.
"You still tired?" He asked me.
"No, Im not I think I was asleep for too long." I told him.
"Only a couple of hours sweetie." He told me.
"where are the boys?" I asked him.
"Downstairs in the basement. They've been down there for hours, I wonder what they are doing. Why don't you go and find out?" He said to me. I nodded and he kissed my forehead.

I walked down the stairs to the basement. My brothers were down there raising voices.

"Fraser you idiot! You can't move it!" David shouted.
"But it's not close enough to the whole. If I move it then I can get it in!" He argued back.
"But that's cheating!" Noah said.
"Fraser stop being such a idiot." Harry told him.
"I'm not!"

I decided to stop this pathetic argument. "What are you arguing about?" I asked walking over to them making my presence known.
"Nothing." David staid dismissing it.
"You were asleep for a long time." Noah said.
"I guess what are you playing?" I asked.
"Pool." Harry replied
"Can I play?" I asked.
"No." Fraser snapped.
"Shut up Fraser. Of course she can." David said.
"She doesn't know how to play though. And there's already two teams if she joins one It will be an unfair advantage!" He whined.
"If she can't play how can it be an unfair advantage?" Noah said.
"Come on Quinn you can be on our team. I'll teach you how to play." David told me and I grinned.

He stood over me helping me take the shot. We took the shot with his aim and got it in the whole. "See you can do it." He told me and I smiled.

Later on we had obviously won. I was upstairs in bed and Noah and Fraser were getting ready for bed. "Fraser turn the music down!" I snapped. He rolled his eyes. Noah left the room to brush his teeth leaving me with this idiot who seems to like to give people headaches. "Shut up!" He snapped.
"I'm going to bed. So let me sleep in peace!" I said, but he just turned it up.
"Fraser!" I screamed.
"Shut up." He said.

The door opened and Harry walked in. "What's going on. Why are you screaming?" He asked walking over to us. My bed was unfortunately in the middle of Noah's and Frasers. He stood between mine and Frasers.

"She's being annoying!" Snapped.
"Your being a selfish jerk." I shot back.
"No I'm not! Your being a brat!" He argued.
"Will you two shut up. Quinn stop whining and be quiet. Fraser turn that off!" He ordered.
"Your not the boss of me!" Fraser said.
"Childish." I muttered.
"Your younger therefore I am. Now be quiet. Unless you want George to come up here." He said.
"Snitch." Fraser muttered.
Noah came in confused.
"What have you two done?" He asked looking at me and Fraser.
"Nothing just she's being a bitch." Fraser said.
"Fraser, don't call her that." Noah said.
"Whatever." Fraser replied.

Thank you oceandreams1 for everything.
Please comment and vote and follow. Tell me what you think and if you want me to continue. Thank you!

Love Rose

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