Chapter Two

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When Quinn woke up she felt her cheeks were wet. that was when she remembered. She picked up the frame even though it had glass on it and walked out of the room with it. she went downstairs to the lounge where she found all three of THEM sat down watching TV. Quinn walked over to David and snatched the tv remote from besides him and turned the TV off.

"What the hell!" Noah said. that was when he saw the broken picture frame. that was when each one of them went silent. "why would one of you do this!" She practically shouted. "god there's no reason to shout!" David snapped angry. "what makes you think that one of us did it!" He continued. She shook her head irritated. "well you three hated me since the second I got here and it doesn't get smashed and ripped all by its self!" Fraser stood up. he smirked. "what if we did do it! What would you do about it!" He said coming closer and closer until they could feel each other breathing. Quinn didn't know what to say. their all bigger and at least a year older than her. "you had no right." she said.
"So." he continued. she was about to walk away when he grabbed her arm. "you want to know what gives us the right little miss perfect?! Huh?" He said. his grip tightened and she put the frame down but more like dropped. Her eyes were watering she could feel tears wanting to break free. "ahh." she silently let out a noise of pain. the other two just watched and Frasers grip just got tighter. "I haven't done anything to you. you three are stubborn little idiots that only care about themselves!" She snapped. he gritted his teeth. eye to eye they were locked. "Mum left us for you! Then she left us again with this little brat! Are you better than us huh?"

Quinn stopped and didn't say anything. she could tell he was angry that there mother chose to take her and have nothing to do with the others. she knew that both of her parents wanted her, but only one of them wanted them. she had something that they never had something that they can never have again.

"Fraser please you're hurting me." she let out. he glared at her. "mum was ill I don't know what was wrong. I don't even want to be here! When I found out mum was ill it was a call a week later from the hospital after someone had gone through our stuff to see if there's any contacts. they didn't know I existed. when they did they just called me because I was on holiday with one of my friends after mum ensisted I go and someone had already taken most of the stuff to a charity shop or where ever they take it. they left my room, but because i was meant to be going into care they just got rid of her stuff. they thought there was no one left in the world who would give a shit about what happens to her and her belongings. well there was someone. There was ME! And now your here giving me this crap! Well i don't need it." she shouted. tears and tears were coming down her face. she was so upset. "I just can't do this anymore." she continued. Frasers grip loosened, but he didn't let go. "well at least you had a mother to miss." David muttered.

Quinn pulled away from fraser. she heard what David said but ignored it. her attention was drawn to the broken picture frame on the floor. she bent down and knelt besides it. she touched the glass not caring if she cut herself. a few pieces of the ripped picture were still on there and she touched the side of her mothers cheek in the piece of the photograph. she rubbed her finger against it gently stroking it. she gritted her teeth trying to contain the pain as she got cut sharply from the glass. she removed the glass and stood up.

She turned to see her three so called brothers watching her. "you know that's one of the only things I had left from her. yet you destroyed it. how could you..... you're meant to" her voice trailed off, but they kind of got the message. she was exhausted from crying. irritated and still angry and her finger was slightly bleeding. they didn't do or say anything they all just stood there. Quinn rolled her eyes and looked at the hand print on her arm from how tight Frasers grip was. "you know it only takes one call and in out of here and shoved in the care system, maybe that would be better." she said looking at them and her arm once again and then she stormed off into the kitchen.

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