Chapter twenty six

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The next morning Quinn woke up hearing the door bell ring and soon followed someone calling her name. "Quinn!"they shouted. She sighed not wanting to climb out of her cozy, soft, comfortable bed, reluctantly got out of it. She stomped gover to her door and picked up her dressing gown off the hook and wrapped it around her self.

"Yes? What is it?" She asked moodily as she reached the bottom of the stairs, just to find Noah standing there with the door open. "You've got a visitor." He told her opening the door more so she could see who it was. When it was clear, she saw Lottie standing there. "Oh hey Lottie." She greeted in a sleepy voice.
"I saw that you were home, so I thought I would pop by." She said happily. Quinn yawned and smiled.
"Ah that's so sweet of you. I'm sorry, I'm so tired. We didn't get back until late last night." Quinn informed her. Noah smirked. "I don't know why your so tired because you slept the whole way back, you were snoring like a pig!" Noah stated. Quinn rolled her eyes and slapped his arm.
"I do not snore! You're the worst for snoring! Do you know how loud you snore! It's so loud it's deafening." She argued and Noah slapped her on the arm this time.
"Anyway Lottie, I'm sorry, but Quinn is not available to talk right now because she's grounded!" Noah told her rather happily.
"Hey! No. Since when do you care what dad says? Technically I haven't left the house so I'm not disobeying him." Noah glared at Quinn.
"Quinn. Don't push it. Say goodbye." Noah told her. Quinn rolled her eyes.
"Fine. Sorry Lottie I will see you soon." She said. Lottie nodded.
"Don't worry, i understand. See you soon." And Lottie left.

Noah shut the door and looked at quinn. "Why do you have to be so serious? Talking to my Friend wouldn't do any harm." Quinn told him, but he just rolled his eyes.
"And why do you have be so annoying?" Noah fired right back at her. Quinn rolled her eyes like he did and walked through to the lounge.

She threw her self on the sofa and picked up the tv remote. "I don't think so." Noah said taking the tv remote off of her.
"Dad said that you being grounded also meant no electronics." He told her.
"That's not for you to tell me. My excuse is that I forgot and now thanks to you I don't have an excuse because you've just reminded me and now your a witness!" She said with a huff and throwing her arms here and there.
"Stop it! You really could be an actress." He said.
"Where is everyone?" Quinn asked him.
"Urrgh stop speaking! David's In bed, dad is at work and Frasers out with Lucas." He replied causally. Quinn looked rather shocked.
"Thee Lucas?" Quinn asked. Noah just realised what he had just said.
"Yeah...." His voice trailed off.
"So he gets mad at me for speaking to a guy who's older than me?! And now he's spending quality time with the guy who tried to.... You know." She said.
"Look I don't agree with it either, but they were best friends." Noah told her.
"Are you defending what lucas tried to do?" She asked.
"No I'm just saying that they've known each other since they were little." Noah defended.
"Well so have me and Fraser and I'm his sister." Quinn said.
"I'd just leave it if I was you. Fraser does what he wants to do. I'm still angry with lucas and I'm still mad at you, but Frasers just Fraser. One minute he's one thing the next is another." He said.
"Honestly I don't know what to think."

Quinn sighed and shook her head. She relaxed into the seat and sat there thinking.

David woke up in his bed and sighed. He looked over at his alarm clock and saw the time. He groaned slightly and that's when the sound of arguing came known to him. He sighed once again and got out of bed and went out of the room. He headed down the stairs and eventually entered the lounge and stood in the doorway watching noah and quinn arguing.

"You cheated!" Noah shouted.
"No I did not! You just can't except the fact that I won! You can't believe your little sister beat you!" She argued right back.
"That's not true you didn't beat me!"
"Yes I did!" Quinn said pushing noah back.
"What the hell?!" He said and pushed her back.

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