Chapter Eight

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It was 7:39 now and Quinn was still on the sofa. she was still lying there asleep. Lucas has left and Fraser had headed upstairs to his room. their father was still out, Noah was due back any minute and David was still studying.

Noah came through the front door and went through to the lounge. "hey! Quinn." noah greeted not knowing that Quinn was asleep. David was coming down the stairs and said "shhh. She's asleep." he said entering the lounge because when he was coming down the stairs he heard his loud voice. "oh. I didn't realise." he said looking down on the extremely fast Asleep quinn. "don't worry, she's been like that all day. Apparently she doesn't do well with being disturbed from her sleep at night." He said with a smirk.
"Have you told dad? You know incase something's wrong?" Noah asked in a hushed voice. David nodded.
"Yes, he just said to leave her in peace." Noah nodded and picked up the remote to turn the TV off. then the two of them left the lounge and headed through to the kitchen.

"How was you're game?" David asked, whilst grabbing a snack from the cupboard. "yeah it was alright, even though we did loose." he told him.
"Maybe you will win the next game." David replied sitting down at the island. the two of them had a brief conversation and then the phone rang. "hello?" Noah said into the phone."noah? It's dad. listen, I'm going to be home late tonight. I've been held up and have some things to finish off. are you guys going to be alright?" Their father said to noah. "alright dad and yes we will be fine."
"Okay. There's some curry in the fridge. is Quinn alright?"
"Okay, we will have that. I just got back, but when I came back she was asleep on the sofa." their father hesitated. "can you put me over to David?" Noah did as his told and handed the phone to David. "hey dad?"
"David! I'm not coming home until later, so can you look after the others for me. Dinners in the fridge. I just wanted to check with you about Quinn. how is she doing?"
"Dad, she's just asleep. she's fine she's probably just tired."
"Well she's been asleep all day! Just make sure she gets some sleep tonight and I'll be back later. just keep an eye on her."
"I will dad. stop worrying. I'll see you later." he said and put the phone down after his father said goodbye.

Noah looked over at him. "so?" He asked.
"He just said to keep an eye on Quinn and that dinners in the fridge. probably the same he told you." David said. noah nodded and walked over to the fridge. he took out the curry and walked over to the side, to begin to prepare it. "this will be ready in like ten minutes." David nodded and walked out the room.

David headed up the stairs and up to his room. he turned his tv that was blaring off and went over to his laptop that was open on his bed. he finished off some work, when he heard his name being called. "David! Fraser!" Shouted noah. David saved his work and stood up. he then left the room. he walked down the upstairs hallway, but then noticed that Frasers door was open and he could see him still in there. "Fraser?" He said walking in. fraser looked up from the video game he was playing. "yep?" He said. David walked over to the TV and turned it off. "dinners ready, come on." Fraser got up and followed David out of the room into the hallway. "wait. where's Dad?" He questioned.
"Got held up at work."

When the two of them got to the kitchen, they found noah with two plates with a drink each on two trays. "since dads not here, we don't have to sit at the table." He said.
"Where's the other two plates? Or are we saving food for the dog?" Fraser said, but they didn't have a dog. "Very funny, I already brought them through to the lounge." Fraser nodded. "help me bring these through." noah said picking up one of the trays and Fraser grabbed the other.

Quinn still lay on the sofa, fast asleep. Fraser, noah and David came In and put the trays down on the centre table with the other two. David walked over to Quinn and knelt down besides her. "quinn?" He said gently shaking her. she turned in her sleep. he shook her a bit rougher. "mmmm?...." She said barely opening her eyes.
"Quinn, you need to wake up. you need to eat something." He said gently to her. She slowly sat up and David walked over to the tv, where the controller was. Fraser sat down on the same sofa as Quinn, just the other side. Noah sat on the other sofa and David soon joined him, after he'd picked up the remote. David turned on a film and played it.

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