Chapter seventeen

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"Quinn wake up." Fraser said nudging her.
"What?" She snapped
"We are here." noah said, as they pulled into a drive way.
"Wow this place is so big and old!" Quinn said stunned.

The car stopped and noah opened the door. Quinn followed him out and Fraser got out the other door. "Go inside guys, me and David will bring in the bags." George said and they nodded and headed towards the house. "I'm nervous. wait that's an understatement. I'm terrified." she said to them.
"Come on it will be fine." noah said putting his end on her back guiding her towards the house. "yeah your only meeting the rest of the family." Fraser said, but that made quinn more nervous. "what if they hate me like you guys did. I wouldn't be able to take much more." quinn let out, but might of let out to much.
"We didn't hate you. we just didn't like you. We still cared in someways, but either way you still have us now whatever happens." Fraser said. quinn looked at him and slightly nodded. "and if their horrible we will make them be nice." noah said with a smirk.
"These are your, I mean our own cousins your talking about. they aren't strangers in the street." Quinn replied.
"Yeah, but sometimes they get on our nerves. especially Amber! God she is the worst." Quinn narrowed her eyes.
"What is she a bitch?" She asked and they both narrowed their eyes. "language!" Noah snapped.
"You two swear so if i want to i can. you don't have anyone scolding you when dads not around." she stated.
"Yes well we don't swear around our elders so nor should you, but in your case
You shouldn't swear at all."
"Well dads not here." she said.
"Yes but we are and little girls shouldn't swear!" Noah said.
"Can you guys seriously stop with the little. im thirteen for God sake. I'm not five."
"Well why are you so tiny then? And as long as you are younger than us which will be forever we can. just thinking about it, you don't look your age. you could pass for a ten year old!" Fraser teased.
"Don't even go there!" She said as they came to the front door.

The door opened and an old lady stood infront of them. "are children! You have arrived." she hugged noah and then went to Fraser. last she turned to Quinn who was stood in between the two of them. "are now you must be quinn. haven't you grown since I last saw you? You were just a little baby. Come here dear. I'm so glad your here!" She said and pulled quinn into a hug. "it's nice to meet you." quinn said. they came apart and the lady stoked Quinn's cheek. "little Quinn..." she whispered in thought. "now come! Come, come. we have all been waiting your arrival as per usual because your father is always late!" Their grandmother said linking her arm with Quinn's and they walked through into the house with the two boys just behind. "I have been baking and cooking all day! You should see the treats."

They turned left and walked into a room with a living area and a dining area behind it. then through a door was the kitchen. There were two girls sat on one of the sofas talking. on the other sofa was two boys. then standing around and talking was a man and a women talking to another women.

"Is this Quinn?" One of the women said walking over to Quinn and grandma. Everyone in the room was quiet and all eyes were on Quinn. their grandma nodded. "ah little Quinn! You've grown to be so beautiful." Quinn smiled a little embarrassed. "I'm your aunt Laura and this is my husband your uncle Henry." she said as Henry came and stood besides Laura. "Can I give you a hug?" Laura questioned. Quinn nodded. Laura wrapped her arms around Quinn and hugged her tight. "I'm glad your home darling." she whispered and then let Quinn go. Henry then hugged Quinn and kissed
Her on the cheek. then they came apart. the other women then walked over and joined them. "I'm your aunt Jessica. my you've grown." she said and hugged quinn. "It's nice to meet you." Quinn said.
"Now Quinn meet your cousins. that's Clara." Her grandmother introduced and Clara stood up giving Quinn a hug. Clara had shoulder length brown hair and green eyes. they came apart and grandma continued "that's Amber" she pointed to the other girl who had blonde hair. Amber came over and hugged Quinn then they came apart from her. "thats chris." she said pointing the dark haired boy. "and that's Zachary." then the two of them came and hugged Quinn. "Ambers your aunt Jessica's daughter and the other three are aunt Laura's and uncle Henry's." Quinn nodded.

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