Chapter Four

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When the sun rose in the morning David woke with the light beaming in through his curtains. he squinted his eyes and stepped out of his bed. he rubbed his eyes as he walked over to his wardrobe and began to get dressed. he looked at the lock on his bedside table and it was 7:00 am. school started at quarter to nine so he had ages. the light woke him up early.

David's door was an inch open and he could hear someone moving about. from where he was stood he could see through it. he had a door silently shut and he saw Quinn trying to quietly walk down the upstairs hallway. he saw her tiptoe down the stairs and the wood of the stairs made the occasional creek. when she had disappeared out of his sight he soon left his room to head to the kitchen.

In the kitchen Quinn was quickly looking through Cupboards trying to find her way round the kitchen. "what are you looking for?" He asked her entering the kitchen. "oh I didn't think anyone else would be up and dressed this time." she told him. "I was just trying to find the mugs." David walked over to the cupboard that contained the mugs and tapped on it. she sighed. "thank you." Quinn reached up for it and opened the cupboard getting a mug. she started looking around again. "where's the coffee?" She asked him. he slid a coffee jar that was besides him over to her. "there's none left." she informed him. he gave her a 'does it matter?' Look. Quinn sighed. "you know don't worry about it. I will go to the coffee shop." she told him. he looked at her confused. "you don't know where it is! We've still got an hour and a half before we need to be at school." she rolled her eyes. "yes perfect. I'll have coffee in the shop. or the rest of you will come down and then we will have another argument that I can't be bothered with." David shaked his head as if he didn't know what se was talking about. "bye!" She snapped and walked out grabbing her bag.

David looked over his shoulder seeing his sister walk out of the room and heard the front door slam. David continued to get on with his day letting her problems just go over his head. He sat down with a drink at the island and started reading a book that was besides him. David was the quite one out of the three of them. He liked english and read a lot. He was a talented writer as well and some day as his father would say he would be a well known published author. If Quinn and him took sometime to get to know each other they would actually find they have a lot in common. Quinn get read if she finds a good book to get into and she is also an amazing writer, but so far no ones ever seen her work. she's always saying it's just as far as personal. I will show it you when I think it's ready. the thing is it never is she just says that. she doesn't want others reading it.

"Hey." Fraser greeted entering the room in his school uniform. David barely looked up from his book. he gave a slightly just visible nod just to say that he had acknowledged him. Fraser just continued to get food and sat down at the kitchen table. he picked up the TV remote and turned on the TV that was on the kitchen. he turned the the volume up on the sports channel. david looked up and over at him. It was oblivious he was irritated by the noise. "turn it down!" He snapped, just as their father entered the room. "what's going on?" He asked and noticed what his sons were doing. "Fraser turn it down or off!" He ordered. Fraser sighed. "he can read a book anywhere." there father raised his eyebrows. "yes exactly, just like you can be watching NO tv anywhere." he exaggerated the No.

Noah came running down the stairs. he went along the hallway and through to the kitchen. "dad! Have you seen my blazer?" He questioned as he walked over to him. George shook his head. "have you checked on the chair in the dining room?" He said, but it sounded like he was sighing at the same time. "I don't think so." meaning he didn't check anywhere. noah walked back out of the kitchen and into the hallway. he entered the dining room and picked up his blazer and went back through to the kitchen.

George looked around noticing something. someone was missing? He thought. Quinn! "Boys where's you're sister." David was too busy reading his book. noah went and sat besides Fraser just as fraser was finishing with his breakfast. Fraser shrugged as he walked over to the sink. "she's probably still getting dressed." noah replied. George looked towards the kitchen door. "Fraser can you go and get her and tell her to come down for breakfast." he nodded and left.

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