Chapter ten

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It was now Thursday night and Quinn was still sick. She was sat in the lounge watching a film, when the front door opened and David came in. He came through to the lounge, just to find Quinn. "Hey." He said, bringing him to her. Quinn looked up at him and smiled. "Hey. How was school?" He shrugged and went and sat by her on the sofa. He wasn't up for conversation. Quinn gave him a strange look. Is he still giving me the cold shoulder? She questioned herself. She ignored her thought and turned her attention back to the tv.

Around a few minutes later, the other two came back and they entered the lounge. They were soaking. It seemed in those few minutes it had started to pour it down with rain. Their uniforms wee soaked and their hair was dripping wet. When they walked it sounded squeaky. "What happened to you?" David asked. Quinn looked up smiling, but didn't say anything thing because she was too tired. All she did was let out a silent laugh. Fraser noticed. "What you laughing at! Bitch." He snapped. Quinn gave him a funny look and replied "thanks for the compliment. At least I'm not the one who looks like a drenched dog!" Quinn argued. She may sick, but boy she's not about to back down from a fight. "It started tipping it down. Quinn Don't worry about him, he's just a bit grumpy." Noah said slapping Frasers cheek playfully. "He didn't get much sleep." Noah continued, with Fraser pushing Noah's hands away. Noah was smirking and Fraser was mad. "Well who's fault is that!" Fraser snapped back.

Last night, Quinn woke up screaming and woke the whole house up. For some reason her nights are getting more sleepless. She lucky if she doesn't end up with some kind of sleeping disorder because of the strange sleeping patterns that have occurred.

Quinn looked down at Fraser saying that. It reminded her of the many dreams she's been having. Her favourite thing to think about......not! "Let's get a takeaway." David interrupted the silence. They all looked at each other and nodded. "What should we get?" They all looked at each other once again. Noah turned around to a tall chest of draws with one or two picture frames on top. He opened one of the draws and took out a couple of take away menus. "Let's see... Indian? Chinese? Pizza." He said looking through to same menus that were basically those three, just from different places.
"I fancy pizza." Fraser announced. Quinn rolled her eyes. Fraser noticed and gently pushed her shoulder.
"Indian sounds good." David told them. Quinn scrunched her face up, looking disgusted.

David was still sat besides her and Fraser was sat the other side of her. Noah was next to Fraser and they all saw Quinn's face....well Fraser just about because he saw what his brothers were looking at and looked down at her.

"Don't you like Indian?" Noah asked. Quinn shook her head. Noah smirked.
"No....urgh it's disgusting." She told them and now it was Frasers turn to smirk.
"And suddenly, I'm really craving Indian." He said and his smirk got wider. Quinn looked up at him and glared. "Thanks Fraser! I love you too." She said sarcastically. He tapped her head playfully. She gave him her best smile. "Anyway, you two. Let's draw out Indian. Chinese is similar. So what do you say?" Noah asked.
"Just because you don't like Indian either! Me and David like Indian better." Fraser snapped. "Look, two of us want one thing and the other two cant stand it. I'm alright with Chinese." David compromised.
"What? No. You wanted Indian and so did I. We asked first. We're getting Indian." Fraser argued. "Drop it Fraser. We're getting Chinese." Quinn looked back up at Fraser and gave him an evil smile. Fraser then pushed Quinn and she ended up falling onto the sofa and now in a lying down position. "Hey!" Quinn snapped sitting back up and coughing afterwards.

David got up and went and ordered, but Quinn layed back down because she felt nauseous again. She closed her eyes and almost fell asleep, but that's when the door bell rang. Fraser headed to the front door and Noah sat down at the other side of the sofa to Quinn.

Fraser opened the door and it revealed Lottie standing in the doorway. She smiled at him and he half smiled back, but she was glaring underneath her fake smile. She still remembers everything that Quinn had told her. "Hey." She said to him.
"Uh hi? Lottie right?....Quinn's friend? Wait, aren't you Alison's little sister?" Lottie nodded.
"Yep that's me, Lottie Clark." She said. "Is Quinn here? Can I see her?" Fraser hesitated.
"Quinn's sick." He eventually replied simply.
"Yes I know that. I kinda guessed when she didn't come to school. So can I? You know see her?" Lottie questioned awkwardly.
"One second." He turned looking towards the lounge and shouted "Quinn! Come here! Someone's here to see you!" He shouted.

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