Chapter Nine

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The rest of the week went on and they were back at school. Well.....all except from Quinn. She was still sick. It was now Tuesday and Quinn was home alone. Not that her father was happy about leaving her, but he had no choice. Every couple hours he would come back and check on her, but that was all he could do. Monday he worked from home, but today he had to go to work. He had a case that he needed to work on urgently.

Quinn was just really sick. She had thrown up again once of twice again. She hadn't been sleeping as well as she had oven before. She kept having nightmares. That made her even more exhausted. Of the day she was told her mother was dead, that was the only one that she had actually lived in real life. Others were just her running from a dark shadow. Or dreaming she found her whole 'New familY' dead. Or that she was stuck in darkness. Even when she was awake, she felt so empty. It was unbelievable.

At school Fraser was sat in English. In Mr Attwoods class. He was rambling on about Shakespeare. Something about the play midsummers nights dream and how they were going to merge with another english class. The whole school was doing something to do with Shakespeare, well apart from year eleven, unless they had volunteered to help out as part of their english work. They were mixing year groups and classes together and next week was when it was going to happen. Right now they were just briefly talking about a few of Shakespeare's plays, so they would have some ideas on it for next week.

Fraser of course was barely paying attention. He was focusing on a girl in front of him, to the left. She had slight waves in her hair and her hair was almost black. Of course Fraser couldn't tell what eye colour she had because they haven't had a direct conversation. He had just walked by her a few times in the hallway, but they hadn't spoken. He had heard her speak, to answer question. He had seen her dance at a party and from that moment he couldn't get her off his mind. Every so often she heard the girl whispering with one of her friends she was sat next to. He had heard her laugh like it had notes to follow, as in a song. The girl with waves in her hair had gotten Fraser star struck and she was oblivious to the boy, who was checking her out.

"Ah! Now why are you all so gloomy. I get the Suns not shining, but it is England. I also understand it's only Tuesday so you should have lots of energy. Now! Up! Up! Up! Come on. Everyone stand up!" Mr Attwood said enthusiastically. Overwhelmed smiles from pupils filled the room, in response to their strange teacher. "Uh sir, why do we have to stand up?" A young man with chocolate brown hair, who was sat at the back of the room asked. He was sat on the end of the Middle row, at the end. "Ah Alfie. Such youth and Impatience." Mr Attwood said walking over to the boy. Half of Alfie's lip went up, creating a half smile across his left cheek. "I would like everyone to get in groups. Next week is mostly group work and you children need to wake up. You have to be ready and have some understanding on Shakespeare. You will be working with pupils that are older and younger than you. You may have to help, pupils in the years below you. Or you may be helped by pupils in the year above. Either way you have to have some understanding on Shakespeare." Mr Attwood continued to explain.

Mr Attwood put his pupils into groups. Teachers never let them choose. Never. Although that was good news for Fraser. Mr Attwood put the groups together, with the people near by. The girl with slight waves in her hair came and sat next to him after alison already left to be with another group. Alfie came in the other seat and Lucas and another girl named amelia came and sat down, pulling a chair up. "Yes mate." Alfie said happy to be with Lucas and Fraser. "Ugh we've got to be in the same group as you?" He continued as Amelia joined them. Amelia narrowed her eyes.
"Nice to see you to. Alfie! Don't think I want to be with you three ass holes." She paused. "Come on, let's get this done. I have better things to do than waste my breath, talking to you." Alfie raised his eyebrows. The girl with slight waves smiled at amelia. "Well what are we waiting for! Come on. Spit spot." Amelia continued yet again dramatically. She flipped her long blonde hair back and picked up one of the pieces of paper, in the middle of the table.

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