Chapter thirteen

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For the rest of Saturday they just chilled, but they were all in a bit of a shock. the boys didn't know how to react with Quinn, especially Fraser. Fraser was In shock that his bestfriend did that to his little sister. Fraser stayed quiet for the day and didn't say anything.

When Sunday came, it was a cold and wet miserable day. right now it was 2:00pm and Quinn sat on the window seat in the lounge looking out the window. She just stared at the rain, but it was too heavy for her to see anything. all she could make out was grey smudges.

"Quinn? What you doing?" Noah said walking in. Quinn didn't turn to look at him, she just focussed on the same spot she was looking at. noah sighed and sat down on the window seat. "please talk to me." he said. turned halfway to look at him, but not straight on. just so she could see him in the corner of her eye more clearly. "when's dad getting back?" She said in a small voice.
"Around five."
"Are you going to tell him." at that point she turned to face him. she looked at him wide eyed. "do you want us to?" Noah questioned unsure, but before she could answer Fraser interrupted, who had just walked in the room. "no." Fraser came closer to her and put her hand on her shoulder intimidatingly. "no, she doesn't ." He answered for her. Quinn looked up at him. he was starring at her in a way telling her to agree. "Quinn do you want us to?" Noah repeated unsure.
"No. no. I don't want anymore people to know. it's too much. can we just change the subject. i don't want to talk about it anymore." she said and slowly stood up with her arms folded and her hands rubbing her shoulders as if she was cold. then Quinn walked out of the room.

Later on the front door opened and George came home. "kids? I'm back." He said putting a suitcase down by the bottom of the stairs.
The boys came out of the lounge and Quinn slowly walked down from the other end of the hallway after the boys.

"Are Quinn!" Their father said as he came apart from greeting noah and Quinn had just joined them. the boys were stood just infront of the stairs and Quinn stepped forward and their father hugged her. they stood their for a few minutes. Quinn didn't want to let go. she had really missed having a parental figure to be their for her. she just needed her father to hold her. "Quinn are you alright?" Her father asked her as she held onto his shirt and was about to come apart from her, but she still kept her arms around her. Quinn quickly realised that her father was suspicious. "yes of course I am." she said and stepped away. George narrowed his eyes. "Are you sure?" He said noticing that she almost had tears in her eyes. "the boys didn't bother you when they have their little party did they?" She looked surprised at the word little. "well not exactly little." he continued and Quinn gathered he wasn't exactly bothered and soon replied "no, It was alright. I stayed for a bit and then stayed at Lottie's." George looked surprised. "I'm trusting someone knew whee you were this time unlike when you went to the river and-" he tried to continue, but noah interrupted. "yes she told me." he said. George nodded and said "how about we go out tonight?" He questioned and they all agreed.

When it came to seven o'clock, Quinn was sat In her room at her dressing table. she looked At her reflection in the mirror. she looked really tired. she had bags under her eyes and she was really pale, but she wasn't Ill anymore. she sighed and continued to do her makeup and her, seeing as though she was already dressed. she was dressed in a plain black knee length dress, black tights and some plain black high heels. The weather was getting car so she wasn't wearing much colour, but black was all she felt. miserable, sad and all alone. alone in the dark.

Suddenly there was a knock on her door. "mmm hmm?" She said and Fraser walked in. he gave her a small smile and he said "dad told me to
Come and get you, we are leaving in five minutes." he said and Quinn nodded. she stood up and walked towards him. "are you alright?" He asked as she came besides him.
"Yes of course I am. now come on. let's go, we don't want to keep everyone else waiting." she quickly made her way down the stairs with fraser following behind her and david, her father and noah were waiting to leave. so when they reached them they went out of the door and headed to the car.

The car ride was another quiet one. quick was sat in the back i between Fraser and noah and David and her father were making small talk in the front. Quinn spent most of her time looking down and starring into thin air. noah and Fraser were making some jokes with each other and talking across Quinn as if she wasn't there. never in her life had she felt so alone. she was surrounded by the people that were supposed to care about her, but how can she feel so alone.

"Quinn, are you getting out?" Noah asked her bringing her back to reality. she had now noticed that the car was empty and only one door was open with noah standing to close it. everyone else was stood outside the car waiting. "uh yes of course I am." she said and moved across the seats and got out if the car and noah shut the car door.

George, David and Fraser headed of as soon as Quinn started getting out of the car, so her and noah walked slowly behind.

"You haven't said anything to dad have you?" Quinn asked a question that had been playing on her mind. "no, but I'm not promising I won't kill lucas when I see him next." Quinn gave a small smile thinking he was just messing with her. noah put his arm around her. "you know I'm beggening to get used to having a little sister and don't kill me if I say I don't mind having you." This time Quinn let out a small laugh and Noah squeezed her arm with the hand that was on her arm because his arm was around her. "Hey quit it with the little, your only a head and a bit taller than me." he smirked.
"I'm still your big brother, so I will always bigger than you and I always. i repeat, always have the right to call you little all because you were born after me, so that gives me the right because your my baby sister." Quinn rolled her eyes.

The two of them headed inside the restaurant and went over to the table the rest of the family were sat at. Quinn sat next to david and noah came the other side. across from her was her father and next to him Was fraser.

"May I take your orders for your drinks?" A waitress asked. all of them and looked at each other as if to say 'are you ready?' "What may I get you then." she asked getting the message and asked David first. "a lemonade please." he replied. she nodded and wrote it down, then she turned to noah. "fanta please." she nodded and wrote it down and turned to George. "Sir?" She said.
"One pint of your best beer." he replied and she nodded writing it down. next she turned to Fraser. "coke thanks." he said. lastly she turned to quick. "what may I get you little girl?" All of Quinn's brothers tried not to burst out laughing. you see Quinn's head was down and she was slouched so she looked a lot smaller and noah was blocking the view of her from the waitress. Quinn sat up and looked at the waitress. the waitress looked surprised at how old she really was. "a diet coke please." The waitress walked away slightly embarrassed. the minute she had gone they all burst out laughing, even George. "hey it's not that funny!" Quinn stated. Fraser gave her a disapproving look. "I'm sorry Quinn, but it kind of is." quinn rolled her eyes and turned to noah. she playfully hit him on the shoulder. "what was that for?" He asked in between laughs. "it's your fault. you started it." Quinn shook her head and the waitress brought over the drinks, then for the rest of the evening they just had a simple but lovely time together, for the first time they went out for dinner together.

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