Chapter twenty two

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For the rest of that day quinn Stayed in Noah's room. She spent most of the day watching tv on their tv that was on the wall opposite the beds. She was scared because  She didn't want to leave and face Fraser. She just left it.

She was sat on her bed when there was a knock on the door. "Yes?" She said expecting there to be david or noah behind the door or someone else but not FRASER . "Can we talk?" He questioned. Quinn's eyes widened at the sight of him. She wasn't sure what to say or do. She just nodded. He walked over and sat on the edge of Noah's bed she was laying down on. "I just need to say something." He said. "I was just well I don't know something came over me. I'm not used to this whole big brother thing, I've always been the youngest even though we've always known we've had a little sister but still. I just was worried that some random guy was trying to meet up with you." He said looking at her in the eye.
He paused and continued "but can you please tell me who this guy is? How does he even have your number? How do you know him? Why's he calling you? Why does he need to see you ?" He fired questions at her. She moved back a bit. He was overwhelming her. He was expecting an answer. SHe thought for a moment, but still didn't say anything. "Quinn?" He said. She sighed, but shook her head.
"I can't I'm sorry I've got to use the bathroom." She said quickly getting off the bed and headed for the door before he could stop her, but he followed her to the hallway. "Quinn you have to tell me!" He demanded. She frowned turning around to face him.
"I don't need to tell you anything! I've only known you two minutes. You don't really know me! You have to earn the right to ask these kind of questions and believe me, you really haven't! Just leave me alone!" She practically shouted and headed towards the stairs. "I've got every right! I don't care how long we've actually known each other. If i want to no something you will tell me!" He shouted following her.
"Are you threatening me? Who do you think you are? You have no right! Now leave me alone for fuck sake!" She said as they got to the bottom of the stairs as David came out of a room to see what is going on. "Quinn why are you swearing? Your too young, don't do it. Now what is going on?" He asked trying to take control. Fraser rolled his eyes.
"Oh my god! I'm so sick of you all. I can fucking swear if I fucking want to. Stop trying to be my father and Fraser stop getting involved in my personal life!."she said.
"Quinn! Language!" David scolded. She rolled her eyes once again.
"There you go again." She said walking away from both of them, but they both followed her. "Stop fucking following me!" She screeched as she walked into the lounge.
"Ooooh some ones on her period." Zach joked, which made Quinn even more angry.
"That's such a sexist thing to say because that doesn't mean anything! I can be moody all I want now all of you if you dare follow me you will regret it!"'she shouted.
"Like I'm scared of an eleven year old."  Zach laughed and Quinn rolled her eyes walking out. "Zach she's not eleven." Fraser said.
"Well why is she so tiny?" Zach questioned and the others shrugged and sat down.

Quinn ran into the hallway crying and luckily for her no one followed, but the front door opened and the first person her eyes met was her fathers. "Quinn?"  He said and she came running up to him hugging him. "Daddy...."'she mumbled. The other adults came in and looked at her confused. "What's wrong sweetie?"'he grandmother asked and she came apart from her father. Quinn looked at her but didn't say anything. "Come on Quinn, how about I make you a hot chocolate and cookies and you can tell me all about it." She said taking her hand and walking though to the kitchen. Once they had gone George said "and while she does it the sweet way, I'll get it out of my boys. There's no doubt they have something to do with it." He said and walked towards the lounge.

George walked into the lounge and it seemed Zach had left, but David, Fraser and Noah were still in there. "Dad? Your back!" Noah said, making the others turn to see him. George smile and came and stood in front of them. "Now I would like one of you to tell me what's going on?" He questioned. They all looked at eachother.
"What makes you say that?" Noah asked, pretending to be oblivious.
"I walked in to find Quinn in tears." He said. The Boys now looked nervous.
"Yeah that. She's been a bit emotional." David replied. George sighed and sat down on one of the sofa's. "Boys, she's been through a lot and she needs us. Imagine how much she's lost in just this year. She had to move towns and she lost her mother. I know she was your mother as well, but Quinn is a lot younger than you. It's a lot for her to go through." George told them.
"But dad, I don't know what's wrong she's just upset." Fraser lied. The others looked surprised, but George didn't notice. "Well it could be all sorts of things. Just give her time. Good boys." He said walking out of the room.

Instantly The boys turned to face Fraser. "Why did you lie?" David asked. Fraser shrugged. "If she didn't want us to know, I bet she really wouldn't want dad to." Fraser said and the boys shrugged.

Quinn sat in the kitchen with her grandma. "Now sweetie, why don't you tell me what's going on?" She said and Quinn sighed.
"I don't know. I had an argument with Fraser, so I slept in David and Noah's room last night and then me and Fraser had another argument this morning and I had a go at David because he kept bossing me about." Quinn said, but didn't tell her everything.
"Well that's what brothers and sisters do sweet heart. Everything will work out. I promise and you have to except that I'm sure David was trying to do what's best for you. He's not the type not to. " Quinn nodded.
"I'm exhausted, it's been a long day. Do you mind if I go up to bed?" Quinn questioned.
"Of course sweetie, but don't you want dinner?" Quinn shook her head and replied
"I'm not hungry, but thank you." She said and walked off.

She went out of the kitchen and up the stairs , when she got to the top she stopped and thought. She looked at her bedroom and looked at Noah and David's. She sighed and went into her room. Unlucky for her, Fraser was sat in there. He noticed her presence and she put he hands up in the air to surrender. "Here's how it is.i am not going to tell you who he is. You won't be able to get it out of me, even if you try and force Me. I'm good at keeping secrets. I've decided to sleep in my own bed tonight, is that alright?" She asked. "Nope go ahead. Im not stopping you. And I respect your privacy " Quinn smiled as soon as he said that and went over to him and hugged him. "Im sorry Fraser." She said whilst he wrapped his arms around her. "What for?" He questioned confused.
"For being such a spoilt brat. It's just too personal. I'm not used to people actually taking an interest that much. My mum never had time." She said.
"You know you can tell me anything don't you?" He questioned and she nodded.
"I will tell you eventually just give me time." Quinn said and he nodded, then messed her hair up. "Thanks brother. Now I'm going to sleep I'm exhausted." She said and she walked over to her bed and got into it. "Goodnight." Fraser said.

Any more theories on who harry actually is? He might not be what he seems. Please comment and vote and follow me. Tell me what you think and whatever else xxxxx
Love rose


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